Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. D

    Bedrock BlockWars I think I just made the record for most pit entries in a single bridges game (giga)

    Normally I don't brag about things I do ingame as I don't like trying hard most of the time and don't achieve anything that, at least to me, is really significant. BUT today I managed to get 17 pit entries in a single giga blockwars game of bridges. I don't think anyone has ever managed to get...
  2. U

    Bridges and capture the flag but mostly bridges

    Maybe someone already answered this question or whatever but I can’t find it but can someone explain to me why there are people on the team that will purposefully sabotage their own team!! It’s happened multiple times while I’ve played both but it’s more bridges. Like a few minutes ago I was...
  3. r1ftz9462

    Bedrock Bridges/Bridge Duals Needs An Update.

    Everything important is highlighted in bold if you don't want to read the full thing, although advise you do! Problem: I discussed this on the discord and know a few people definitely agree with me but Bridge to me feels like its been thrown away and wasted potential. we haven't had a permanent...
  4. caraMel

    Bedrock Mid-game queueing suggestion ♡

    Hellooooo!! ♫ So, it's been a (very long) while since my last suggestion, but I'm back! Today's suggestion is about mid-game queueing in blockwars (specifically CTF and Bridge 5v5s). I think it’s fair to say that being able to join games in progress has been controversial and not all too well...
  5. privqted

    Implemented Bedrock Move the "Your Side Tasks" item to another slot (Bridges)

    Hey! In the new Blocks QOL update Cubecraft added side quests. I think this is a super cool feature but they also added an item in your inventory to see these side quests. This item is placed in a super annoying and crucial inventory spot that would usually be used for blocks after getting a...
  6. Anonymoose3840

    Coding To anybody who knows anything about modding on Bedrock Edition... help!

    Ok, so I modded the sounds of terracotta, so when I place it it sounds like wool instead, It completely works in my own worlds, yet when I place terracotta in CubeCraft then it uses the default "stone" sound effect instead, Why is this?
  7. Anonymoose3840

    Bedrock Wool and shears instead of terracotta and pickaxes in Bridges?

    I personally don't like the stone sound effect that happens when you place terracotta (I've modded it now on my PC), and I think wool is much more satisfying and vibrant. I agree that shears instead of pickaxes makes mining iron impossible, but I don't think iron is at all necessary in Bridges...
  8. S

    Bedrock Add Ranks in Eggwars, Skywars, and Bridge Duels on Cubecraft Bedrock

    Adding ranks can give players the opportunity to verse people at their level which can bring competition, enjoyment, and more. It would also be great to make a casual option for those who don't want to play competitive matches you can add ranks such as Wood, Stone, Iron (or Gold), Diamond...
  9. TheOrderOfSapphire

    Bedrock What is the best game mode on cubecraft between:

    I choose skywars I have mainly played It on my channel so I feel like that's why I choose it XD.
  10. WiggedWigg

    Bedrock How to make BlockWars fun again

    Hi everyone. In my opinion and some other people i spoke to, BlockWars doesnt feels that good as it was. There are some changes made that i and others would like to change. Bridges and CTF duels Add new original maps: The problem: with all the respect to the cubecraft designer team, but it...
  11. Silco

    Java Bedrock Option to turn off enemy score message

    Hi everyone! I’m back with a simple suggestion today, which is an option to turn off the “enemy has scored” message and/or noise in Blockwars bridges. Currently the message comes up whenever an enemy scores and it gets quite distracting and annoying especially with that sound, so an option to...
  12. muby

    Video Bedless Bridges Overlay

    I present to you the Bedless Bridges Overlay for MCPE/Minecraft Bedrock
  13. CaptainY2A

    Video Beating bridges with my FIST

  14. Silco

    All Networks Kills for portals

    Hi everyone, When I was playing Blockwars Bridges earlier I noticed that if you push an enemy team into their own portal, it makes them respawn but you don’t get a kill for it. I think you should get a kill for it. Thoughts on this? Or as @AM71113363 suggested: Maybe the game should give...
  15. Westsi

    Video 50 Subscriber Special! Controls Reveal!

    Enjoy! Remember to like and subscribe if you haven't already, and share to help me get to 100 subscribers! Thanks for helping me achieve this milestone!
  16. Westsi

    Video My new texture packs feat Qzeex! Bridges Gameplay!

    Enjoy :)
  17. Westsi

    Implemented Update to Bridges Maps

    Hey Mods, Was just playing and noticed an update. The iron gens are now right next to spawn, and the main issue is on the temple map. People are making buckets, getting the lava, and dropping it on spawn to farm kills. Could you please remove iron from the temple map, or make it so the lava...
  18. Westsi

    Video Bridges against the WR holder?!

  19. Westsi

    Bedrock Bridges Sword Slot setting

    Hi! I know that the bridges inventory setup is what is best for most people, but I think it would be very good and I would benefit from it if you u added a setting where you could arrange your hotbar. Personally, I like to play bow slot 1, sword slot 2, blocks slot 3 and pick slot 4. Thanks!!
  20. xHappyMood

    Implemented BlockWars Bridges 'Crazy Mode'

    At the moment every blockwars bridges game is quite similar. The only difference can be no modifier/speed/jump boost. So I thought why not add another voting option: Normal Mode (how it is now)/Crazy Mode. What is Crazy Mode? Crazy Mode would make the whole game a little more 'crazy', by...
  21. FiredMercury21

    All Networks Personal inventory setup (blockwars)

    I wonder if it’s possible to setup a way to customise the arrangement of items you get when you start or respawn. Just to be clear, I don’t want to be able to get more items, I want a way to customise their arrangement before the match (maybe in the lobby). I’m pretty sure it won’t work on...
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