Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. SkyWarsMC

    Builds My Custom SkyWars Map: Waterpark

    I was challenged by a few people in the Cubecraft discord to create a SkyWars map themed around "Waterparks" So I built this! Map Download at 150 Subs on my YT channel! https://www.youtube.com/@skywarsmc The map is meant to be a SkyWars Duos map, but could be changed a bit to be a solos map...
  2. K

    All Networks Build batlle Minigame

    I think a build batlle Minigame would be nice. Many other servers has that too and i think it is fun. You could add a solo and duo mode or a mode with 5 minutes build time and 10 minutes build time. A theme vote would be nice too but you don't have to do that. Just a build battle however you...
  3. ShinyArrow

    Builds Feedback On Our BlockWars Map!

    Hi everyone! As you probably know the map submissions are currently closed and we are not able to submit our map. Today @_Signum and I decided to finish our map which we started building on a time ago. We’ll post some photos and a video of our map, if you have feedback on how we can improve...
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