Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. RetroCactus1

    An addition to the Eggwars lobby lever mystery?

    Hi Forums! The other day I was running around the Eggwars lobby, at loose ends, temporarily bored with playing Eggwars, and half-doing some real-world stuff as well. While doing this, I stumbled upon a small hole in the outskirts of the lobby; this hole led to a small bunker about 3x2x2 blocks...
  2. legend6526

    How to Improve cactus, cocoa and zombie farm?

    Hi everyone, I AM at Desert level is there any ways to improve zombie farm(which I made from fall damage) , cactus and cocoa farms? Also is it possible to cook rotten flesh?
  3. G

    Are junks always loaded? (cactusfarm)

    I made an cactusfarm that is pretty high but when they are fully grown and getting automatic harvested it doesnt feel like they coming all down. so i was wondering if the cactus at the top are even loaded and growing, does anyone know why there are not all growing or harvested.
  4. L

    Renders and Photoshop dont require as much talent as drawing (OPINION)

    Clear to me that renders are easy to make and require no talent. But is it hard to draw on art programs? Because I can draw pretty good but IM THE WORST PERSON TO PAINT/COLOUR. YUCK. Does making said art using programs cheaty? Is more talent needed for colouring? Do i have no talent?
  5. Cactus Awex

    Initial Reaction (TD)

    Introduction: Things I like: Things I completely despise: Outro
  6. Cactus Awex

    All my advice, tricks and tips for new players :D!

    Basically, because I heard ranting about 5 people I hate (*cough *cough shameless self-advertisements... I mean go check out my profile to see that post :D) I guess I will give advice to you... mage spamming... newcomers :D So when you start out, send 12 zombies immediately, then send another...
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