Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. cldash

    Bedrock Pass me a SkyWars challange!

    I am looking to make some fancy content on my YT acc, so pass me a challange to complete in SkyWars, and ill do it and recorde it. When the challange will be done ill reply to your comment with a YT link of your given challange. Challanges already done: -No armor -No weapon -Only slow bridging...
  2. bathie ✨

    CubeCraft GeoGuesser Day ~1 🌸

    Hihi! ✨ I have been seeing some fun challenges on the forums lately and I decided to do one of my own. Introducing Daily Geoguesser!! 🌍 For the next 7 days, I’ll be posting a new location for you to scout and find on the server. Can you find most of them by the end of the week? We will see...
  3. Roxrock

    Artwork The Lucky Islands Quiz

    Link to the quiz here Lucky Islands is probably the most complex and detailed cubecraft game, with a huge variety of different game mechanics even I still don’t completely understand. For fun, I created a quiz to see just how much you guys know about this game mode. It’s completely knowledge...
  4. snuppie999

    Java Imposible

    Is the fly 100 block in “fly to the moon” in minerwar possible? I tried it so much!
  5. Emerald Luc

    Bedrock challange list for skywars

    Hello, this may already exist and if it does.... :oof: but people could come up with challanges for skywars, then rate them out of 5 based on difficulty when the list gets big enough, whenever you do the challange in-game, you get some sort of achivement or message in chat confirming that you...
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