Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. Deepslate

    Bedrock Please address the huge cheater problem

    The cheater problem on bedrock, (best example being ffa), has grown out of hand and needs to be stopped. it's been 6 years since the server launched, yet the anticheat is incompitent and years behind. not helped by staff ignoring blatent cheaters js because they're too soft. The easiest solution...
  2. M

    Bedrock Replay plugin (and other measures) for combating cheaters

    It would be really helpful if there was a replay plugin on the server so that mods could watch reported players in games to ban them. I noticed that there seem to be very few active mods at certain times, which is why many cheaters often don't get banned because the report expires after some...
  3. La J

    Bedrock match replays

    hi , so i have this idea in mind for a while now and in my opinion is pretty useful for everyone, i think we should have an option to save a match replay cause let’s be real how many times it happened u got an insane combo , u hit a record , u saw an cheater and u couldn’t do anything about it...
  4. Wave Master7S

    Bedrock WHY are hackers so bad

    When I get a hacker it looks like this is their first time playing mc.So many times I see fly hackers dying to fall damage or they just walk off the edge.Like are they missing there brain.Most fly hackers I see could barely fly to the next island without death.Kill aruo hackers just run from me...
  5. ComicCastle6489

    Bedrock Reporting needs to be easier!

    I just tried to report someone for hacking in Eggwars and my report was declined. Let me tell you why the reporting system does not work and needs to be changed: 1. Video evidence is required, which I totally understand but the way they make it out is that everyone just has screen recording...
  6. maflenoo

    How to catch hitbox / reach players ?

    Hello CubeCrafters I hope you are good & safe ;D Today, I made this thread to be a discussion among all members about "How to catch Hitbox or Reach players to ban them ?" No one deny that most of well-known players or leaderboard player are using at least any kind of cheats. When you fight them...
  7. juliusvdl

    [Bedrock] The Cheater Problem.

    Dear cubecraft team, A lot of people have been having problems with cheaters. And that sounds less bad than it actually is. You see, on Cubecraft Java theres a lot less hackers. And the anticheat is actually effective on java. But for bedrock, oh no. It is exceptionally bad. Ive had multiple...
  8. Chs Stardew

    I'm leaving

    Yes, you read it right now you may not know me or even care but im leaving i played this server for mineware and its simplicity but that all changed due to a server full of hackers recently I've been playing minerware alot and there's people flying around ruining the game for everyone I'm not...
  9. D


    I know this is a really controversial topic, but hear me out. Sentinel is not the best anticheat, especially when dealing with 1.8 hackers. Servers such as hypixel and mineplex do much better jobs at their anticheats. Sentinel is not even competent enough to detect flying. If the sentinel can't...
  10. GameSharkN64

    Java Block alt accounts and reduce cheaters on the network

    Would it be possible to create a captcha for first time joiners of the server where they need to change their skin OR name once to verify it's not an alt account but a full access minecraft account. For first joining accounts they will get a popup in chat to choose between /changename or...
  11. ReDeads12

    All Networks /Report not only for plus rank.

    I know that if we give all the people the possibility of using /report it will be filled with false reports. Therefore I suggest that you give this command to people who have reported to many rulebreakers such as over 30 reports. Thanks.
  12. remio

    Java [Repost] Suggestion about reports.

    So, a while ago @Priley created this suggestion and @xRabbitGaming created this suggestion, which were my source of inspiration to create this suggestion thread. My is suggestion is that if a user gets banned for the use of illegal clients, and someone made a report with clear evidence of the...
  13. Avocado Pie

    /report command

    I have seen a lot of servers with this feature, and it has been very successful. If a player sees a rulebreaker, they can just /report X bhop, notifying admins, and triggering sentinel to check for suspicious behaviour and suchlike. Not sure if this would work, and people could abuse it. I...
  14. h4ddy

    Punishments of cheaters

    Hi Cubecraft, I am since a short time reporting people who are breaking the rules. I checked the appeal page of some of the players I have reported and I saw that some of the punishments are very low and undocumented (at least I could not find them). Yesterday two players were banned because...
  15. Proditio

    Teaming cheat QUESTION

    so i just have one question. when reporting a team in solo do you do a separate report for each person or one report for the whole team?
  16. scriblemelego

    Is it just me, or has there been a large increase of cheaters recently?

    Seriously, in the past 5 games of eggwars I've played, 4 of them have had cheaters. I'm pumping out reports as fast as I can and have evidence currently waiting to be uploaded, but the amount I've been seeing recently is insane! I know there is a better anticheat in the works, but I have to...
  17. S

    Administrators, punish the cheaters harder.

    This week I played with many teams in solo mode. In eggwars, skywars, lucky islands ... I have recorded all the games to report them and ALL have been denied. One, because it seems that we have to warn the players before reporting, which seems totally absurd, because it is specified before...
  18. Drigomaster1

    Thread about Cheaters, share ideas.

    The problem of the cheaters is too much big, there are too much of them. They are the biggest problem of this server and the admins doesn't know how resolve this problem. This thread is for share ideas about this problem and how resolve it, probaly there are the perfect ideas to decrease...
  19. P

    Ban Cheaters

    Эта тема для жалоб на читеров
  20. D


    My suggestion is simple. Get some staff onto your server, so they can maintain the games that have gone down and are not restarting, and to take action upon the cheaters. Thanks for reading. I am aware that you probably have many staff members, but I have only seen one and they were afk in a...
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