Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. Hoshi

    Unofficial Giveaway 🎄 [CLOSED] Discord Profile Decoration Giveaway (#1)

    🎄 Holiday Giveaway ‘Tis the time to be jolly! This season is all about giving, so I thought why not host a giveaway. This isn’t your typical bundle giveaway, however. Instead, I’ll be giving away 1x Discord profile decoration of choice from the new Winter Wonderland collection. Decoration...
  2. Hoshi

    Java 🎩 Store | Hat Packs

    Hey guys! 👋 Hoshi here, back again with another CubeCraft suggestion, in this week's suggestion I'll be discussing new hat packs for the Java store. Remember to comment, like and subscribe and let's get on with the suggestion. But first, a quick message from our sponsor Raid CubeCraft Legends...
  3. Lyriie

    🎸 Bedrock Loot List (All Items/Bundles)

    🎸 Bedrock Loot List Last updated: February 27th, 2025 Hello, everyone! I have created this thread with the aim of listing all of the loot items and bundles that have been released on CubeCraft Bedrock. This thread makes it as easy as possible to search for a specific item/bundle that you may...
  4. Reesle

    3 New Cosmetics (Poll)

    Out of the 3 newest cosmetics, which is your favorite? Mine is the “Ender” Lucky Block Skin.
  5. profpie2000

    Bedrock 'Devil - Opening Pack': An in depth analysis.

    After recent controversy, I would like to give a full analysis on Cubecraft cosmetic pack: 'Devil - Opening Pack'. Please note this analysis may include things you don't want to hear as I will argue for both sides here in order to get the best understanding. Also note this comes from a (mostly)...
  6. Reesle

    Bedrock Other Games Let’s Talk (#2): VIP Levels & Private Games Accessibility 🎖️

    Introduction: Hello everyone! Hope you’re all having a good evening. Tonight’s discussion will focus on mainly VIP levels and a bit on Private Games too. Please share ALL thoughts and opinions on this topic in the replies, and vote on the poll too! Now, let’s get into it. Conversation Topics...
  7. Reesle

    ALL Of My Suggestions + Poll (2023)

    Introduction: Hello everybody! This thread will be an end-of-year thread featuring all of the suggestions I’ve made throughout 2023. Make sure to vote in the poll above to tell me which suggestions of mine were your favourite! Also, feel free to react with :agree:, :unsure:, or :disagree: on any...
  8. Reesle

    Bedrock Goblin Egg Skin Suggestion 👹

    Introduction: Hello! Hope you’re all having a fantastic day. Today I will be making a suggestion about an addition to the Goblin Egg Skin. It will be similar to the suggestion I did about the Gamebox Chest Skin 2 days ago. Without further ado, let’s get into it! Suggestion: The Goblin Egg...
  9. Hoshi

    All Networks Java Bedrock Bundles, Packs & Cosmetics Suggestions

    Hai fellow CubeCrafters! After a lot of work, I'm finally here with another suggestion thread, this time covering various things regarding bundles, packs and cosmetics. This thread will cover the following (TL;DR): New unlocked loot feature (Bedrock). Return of bundles & packs (Java). A...
  10. starnheim8330

    Bedrock More content?

    I want to buy new stuff but everything there is I either already have or don’t see an interest in. Just wish there other customisable things. Like maybe buyable skins for blocks on egg wars or having the iron, diamonds, gold and emerald have a different look to them at your base, similar to the...
  11. iVoxle

    Bedrock Prefixes List

    Welcome, in this thread I will list every single prefix that has ever existed in the CubeCraft Games Bedrock Network. The order of this list is based on the release date of the prefixes, and organized in categories of cosmetics. - Give credits if you're going to use this list for a video or...
  12. Moos_

    Parkour idea

    If you beat the parkour in a costum time limit, you get a special rank or cosmetic.
  13. Rocks1

    Bedrock Make more ways to get cosmetics.

    Maybe add more cosmetics, for example if you reach a certain XP level (from playing games), you can get a specific gravestone, trail, etc. As the current main way to get cosmetics (on Bedrock) is to buy them from the store, or complete seasonal events. Doing this would give more incentive for...
  14. xJupaa

    Java Bedrock Outfits

    My idea is to be able to make ur own outfits this is a combination of cosmetics that u can quickly switch to basicly u have a spring outfits with all ur spring cosmetics and when it turns summer u can just switch all cosmetics with one single click every time i play like solo skywars i turn off...
  15. TheDuda

    Bedrock Cubecraft Needs A Duels Update! Here are some Suggestions.

    This thread is why I think Cubecraft desperately needs a duels update and this thread will be providing suggestions on what is needed, and the benefit of them getting added 1. Classic Duel Gamemodes: One of my, and I'm sure several others biggest problems with cubecraft duels is that it...
  16. neviin

    Resolved Well cage problems

    I don't know if this is already a known problem because I don't go on the forums a lot, but after defeating the conjurer I didn't get the Well Cage. My IGN is SeaKingN6342. (bedrock edition)
  17. neviin

    I didn't get the well cage

    Hello, I just beat the conjurer in Magic and Mayhem and I didn't get the Well Cage. I got the wand, but it doesn't really matter as M&M is being deleted soon. I don't know if this is a common issue because I don't usually come on here. My username is SeaKingN6342. Thanks!
  18. iClickSlowish

    Bedrock Trails

    I’ve seen people with trails in lobby’s and a look through YT as well as the internet tells me you can only earn them during certain times of the year (Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc.) I think I’d be really cool to add trails to the cubecraft store! So that people could buy them because I’d...
  19. Unipotatoo

    Java May 4th Egg Broken Message

    Noticed today was may 4th and that's a popular day w/ StarWars fans. Wanted to enable some fun StarWars cosmetics, but dont have any. I could have just not unlocked these yet but heres a egg crack msg that came to mind, idk I like it lol. "[User] used the force to crack [teamcolors]'s Egg!
  20. Hoshi

    Java New Cosmetic Items

    I was kind of bored and wanted to do something practical. Currently, the cosmetics are cool and all, but all of it is only a limited amount. So, in my opinion, now would be a good time to add new cosmetics as there hasn't really been any news nor changes to it lately. I decided to come up with...
  21. Powerofbeds

    Java Slime Survival cosmetics shop

    I've played over 3k games of Slime Survival (including Snowman Survival) and I was starting to think about having a shop in it. It is one of the most popular featured games meaning that is not like giving a game that rarely gets full a shop. Slime Survival is by far my favorite game on Cubecraft...
  22. I

    Java Selling cosmetics...

    Don't you hate getting cosmetics that you alredy have. And getting this from uber cubelets is even worse. How amazing it would be if you could sell your cosmetics for poins, loot points or even trade them for others? This way you won't get loot points right after opening a cubelet but you could...
  23. Oreo♥️

    Escalated FFA Cosmetics

    Hey! So I've been playing FFA recently, and I've noticed that it doesn't really have any cosmetics, eggwars, lucky islands and skywars have cages, but what does FFA have? Well, we could say it has arrow trails, but that's more of a general network thing. So here's where the suggestion (I don't...
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