Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. Reesle

    Free for All 0.5 hp Bug

    Has anybody played FFA lately? I have, and it’s almost unplayable. Every time a player hugs a block or a corner of a block, they take a half a heart of damage. Because of this, is it impossible to climb mountains with taking loads of damage. It can literally kill you in less than a minute if you...
  2. D

    Bedrock Damage Investigation pt4: Which system does cubecraft use?

    Here is the last thread: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/damage-investigation-pt-3-cubecraft-testing-and-enchanted-armor.352532/ Basically, I noticed that tridents are better than netherite swords as they give an extra point of damage (half a heart). Have reported that the damage may be...
  3. D

    Bedrock Damage investigation pt 3: Cubecraft "testing" and enchanted Armor

    In my last thread, this one I had come to the conclusion that damage mechanics in the whole game are broken. Another thing I discovered is that cubecraft may be using an older damage model, one where weapons, instead of dealing 1 (fist damage) + x (weapons damage, for example 6 for iron swords)...
  4. D

    Bedrock I "investigated" and tested minecrafts and cubecrafts damage system, here is what I found

    This is a continuation of my thread about damage being broken, here is the link Basically, I came to the conclusion that damage calculation is a little messed up, but not just on cubecraft, but in all of minecraft, as armor sometimes appears to protect you from damage less than it should, at...
  5. L

    Inactive Random damage

    For some reason, I get damage whenever I jump on the bed or enter the ruin on the jungle island. Is there a reason for this or is this a bug?
  6. M

    "Go through bridge" bug - instant pass trough blocks when damaged

    How often? It's happening too often for me, like every 2-3 games. It just get triggered, no matter what, and it's frustrating to the point that I'm thinking about a pause from this server. Describing the bug It's very simple. Build a bridge, classic 1xN. Go over this bridge. If someone will...
  7. Cactus Awex

    Reduce cost of leach tower.

    Leach barely does anything now. Sure, it drains health whilst zapping, but that isn't significant enough to warrant a 6k and over price tag onto a level III leach. Also, not ONCE have I seen the "super beam of death" cause any deaths. I suggest It should be around 2250 for level I, and total...
  8. StopWalking

    Better fishing rot in skywars.

    In minecraft 1.8 it was so that you can hurt somebody with an fishing rot. Thats deleted in 1.9 & 1.10, is it possible that it will be added back that you can hit people with an fishing rot. Thanks, Serypax
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