Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

dicsord ban

  1. MamuBees

    Unable to rejion CubeCraft Discord Server after being kicked.

    so I was banned from the 'CubeCraft Discord Server' for a month for "advertising", and my Ban-time has ended, but when I try to join the Discord Server again, Discord just says "Whoops..." I am VIP level-30 in-game, so I do use the Discord Server quite a-lot, I'm jus t curious on why I can't...
  2. C

    Can I be unbanned from discord?

    I recently joined the discord so I could get updates on the server and check when things are down etc. While I was having a conversation with another member, I sent an image with some explicit language which I didn't intend to send. I misclicked while trying to send an image which was relevant...
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