Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. cldash

    Bedrock SkyWars Pass me a SkyWars Duels Challenge!

    Hello CubeCrafters! :cube_light: So, last time i asked you guys to pass me some SkyWars Solo challenges to complete. Well, this time i am back to complete some of them once again, but this time on SkyWars Duels. :pacman: I will pick a challenge and will film myself doing and will post it in my...
  2. tcnqr

    Bedrock A feature where you are able to customise which item goes in what slot automatically

    I strongly believe that this needs to be a feature for all gamemodes as it'll help out a ton. For games that have instant respawn (such as bridge duels), having to swap items to your preferred slot takes a bit of time after you respawn. So why not add a feature where you would be able to set a...
  3. J

    Bedrock Duels What's your preferred PvP tactics?

    My preferred tactics is to half circle strafe right and then go left so that the opponent misses me when they eventually turn right to attempt to hit me. Then I either forward tap or crit abuse :p. If they present me with too many problems (like constantly looking to strafe me back), then I go...
  4. YeoXuHang

    Bedrock Party of 2 players able to choose Maps for Game Modes Duel

    I know we sometimes like to duel with our friends in Battle Arena and other Game Modes... Unfortunately, we can't choose the maps that we want to play on if we're in Party of 2 players for SkyWars, EggWars, Lucky Blocks duels except BlockWars duel. So I would like to suggest enable Map...
  5. Z

    Bedrock Bridge Duels

    Suggestions. Decrease the build limit, I'd think 6-8 blocks high is good enough. Make us respawns in cages rather than staying on the ground, also make the cages bigger please. Make it so anyone that scores, their name will appear as /title. (yk what I mean, XxGamingJokerxX has scored or...
  6. Herbubulle

    Bedrock Spawn in front of the new Duel NPC

    Hello, New small suggestion! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -For the current DUEL Gamemode (Battle Arena) when the game ends we spawn in front of the duel NPC (Added a while ago) but this is NOT the case for the new duels...
  7. Herbubulle

    Bedrock Some problems about CTF Duel

    Hi, yesterday the new CTF duel gamemode has been released. I played 1 or 2 hours on it when it came out, and it was really fun. But after the 2s respawn change (a few hours after the release), it was just annoying. We don't even have the time to get the flag because the opponent respawn too...
  8. O

    Bedrock Auto Mode for Duels?

    Hey, just suggesting that auto mode can be added for duels, as far as I know this doesnt exist unless there is a command I do not know, if so please let me know :)
  9. O

    Bedrock Battle Arena Rank future update suggestion

    I feel like compared to the other ranks the battle arena one is in need of a dire update, out of all the cosmetics in cubecraft the ones i have the least of are kill effects, i feel like some new kill effects should be added into the rank, some ideas i have are the player turning into a bat and...
  10. mismut

    Bedrock Cooldown on Duel request

    Hi! While writing my last suggestion (you should read it btw :D) I realised that you can spam Duel Request as many times you want, and that can be sometimes annoying. There is feature that you can invite someone to party every 10 seconds (i dont know exact time) while trying inviting my friend...
  11. Cyanlloyd

    All Networks If you successfully hit someone with a bow, a message should be shown in the chat

    Hello Cubecrafters, I have a small but very useful idea for a quality of life feature regarding bows: If you hit a player with a bow, a message should be shown in chat. Maybe something like: player has x hearts remaining. It Is one of those features where you think: why isn’t this already...
  12. Quis

    Java Kill Messages - Duels

    I was playing some duels and I came up with a suggestion. Right now, people with the Plus rank have special kill messages in FFA. What if you're able to get these messages for Duels too. I want to make it a little different. We also have egg break messages and you can select which one you want...
  13. CRISED

    Duels update idea

    I've been thinking about this lately, and I'm sure someone has suggested this before, but my idea is to add a 2v2 duels mode. So, basically normal duels but 2v2 instead of 1v1 which you can play with party members or random people. Its a step in the direction of hosting private games in skywars...
  14. G

    1.8.9 PvP Tournament For OptiFine Cape

    Yes, you heard me right, you could win a Free OptiFine Cape. Well... "Free". You still have to defeat other people in a 1.8.9 PvP Tournament! The tournament will consist of many different 1v1s, each with increasingly difficult players. Last player left wins an OptiFine Cape. No revival rounds...
  15. Quis

    Java New duel gamemode’s

    Hi everyone! I was thinking about duels and I think it is fun to add some different gamemode’s. I was thinking about: 1v1 skywars Sumo 1v1 eggwars 2v2 duels (I think this is already suggested) Fist fight (no weapons, no armor) 1v1 spleef/ splegg/ bow spleef I don’t know if this is possible...
  16. Socratias

    Video Battle Royale but cubecraft version (& clanfights)

    Haha steve win Disclaimer: There are some swear words in the video.
  17. S

    Java Holes in the stairs

    Hello! I was playing duels and I saw these little holes in the stairs. Maybe it is a bug, but I dont think so. It looks a bit weird. Would be appreciated if this could be fixxed. :)
  18. Dreym

    All Networks Auto Duel

    Probably posted before, Auto-mode is used in plenty of modes on the server. I propose an auto mode for duel. You can select the kit if you want, so you can auto re-queue for Iron Warrior 1.9 etc. Off the back of this, a feature to auto-deny or auto-accept rematches. Let me know what you...
  19. Dreym

    Toxic Duel Players

    So since my return I've noticed duel players have become a lot more toxic. I know there was a fair few toxic players a few years back but it was never as bad as it is now. # I always try to be a nice player, if someone is afk I won't attack until they move, but most of the time it's because...
  20. TP_Mees

    Duel Ability to “play again”

    Dear CubeCrafters, I think we can all agree that duel is a great gamemode on this server. There is just one problem I notice to have. Every time I finish my duel, I have to go back to the hub, walk to the duel game and click on it. This takes quite a while especially when you play it a lot. In...
  21. summurai

    Java a duel tread

    a duel tread: After winning/losing a pvp 1v1 you can do '/accept or /hub' that's my tread: That we can type '/next' instead of '/leave' then go to the lobby and then join a game. If we can type '/next' it should go a lot faster, to join a game! suggestions: -/next -/next duel -/duel -/...
  22. Sara//Nour

    Ranked/Unranked Class

    Hello CubeCrafters, How ya' doin'. Hopefully better than me. Haha. Anyways, My idea is Ranked and Unranked , I mean Add a Class for Unranked People, So they have to win at least 10 Games of duel to join the Ranked Class, so people can fight more Good players, Also Add ~~Elos~~ So when you...
  23. Gatsbe

    PVP Statistics: KDR/Damage Dealt

    When you join a pvp lobby, your statistics in FFA, Assassination, and Duels are, in my opinion, missing one thing: a kill/death ratio. I think it would be beneficial for players to see their total KDR without having to do the math themselves. There's already a KDR in-game in FFA, so why not put...
  24. GroenKonijn


    Hi Do u like cookies? ok cool. Get some cookies. :D My suggestion: People can set how long a duel lasts. Why? If u like to blow up the map with friends you can set the timer on 60 minutes. You can set the timer by the custom kit editor by map settings. I hope u like this idea and thank...
  25. ICanCannon

    Assasinations Update!

    Assasinations update idea! I just had the idea a few days ago and i really thought it would be a nice update. Assasinations has not been updated for a few months and i thought a new map would be lovely. I had a snow related map in mind because it's almost winter and christmas and other...
  26. Gatsbe

    PVP - remade

    PVP needs some attention. Duels Duels are fun to play. Here's how to make them better. Kits -some kits are just annoying to play with. For example, the kit with a bow and diamond armor. You will never be able to win this before the time runs out. The bow does too little damage and if you...
  27. Silphaer

    Game Suggestion - Duel Tournament

    I've had the idea for a new game on CubeCraft games called "Duel Tournament", "Tournament" or something similar. Goal: The goal of the game would be to be the last player standing when the tournament is over. Basic Gameplay: Everyone would recieved the same kit, probably chain armour, stone...
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