Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. Maximalizer

    Video All of The update news for Cubecraft Leagues! Whatch the vid to see 👀

  2. Lxk5z

    Bedrock Add smth to the EggWars Shop

    Hey Guys this a a little suggestion. I really need smth like a Snowball in EggWars… And it would be really cool if they add something to MLG like a waterbucket. That’s it lol React with :agree: if you like it, :unsure: if you’re unsure and with :disagree: if you don’t want it.

    Bedrock EggWars Reach 21k wins

    I reach 21k wins With exams and everything!

    All Networks Eggwars shop tweaks

    The idea was to post this feedback right after the update was released, but I completely forgot, thanks to @Thunder and his suggestion for reminding me :) Here are a few suggestions that I believe will make the EggWars shop more user friendly and more logically structured: • Ladders: You can...
  5. Maximalizer

    All Networks Bedrock RANKED EGGWARS

    RANKED EGGWARS (NEW SEASON SUGGESTION) I think that it would be great for the server as it would grow the server because it would be the first bedrock server to do this, and most competitive players would move to the server. This also ads a dynamic to the server so that casual games are casual...

    Bedrock EggWars 20k wins in eggwars duels

    I just need 5k wins for 1st But I will get it No problem
  7. NotComboing

    Eggwars Duels Speedrun WR if I had Recorded?

    sadly didnt record
  8. jamesthesignificant

    All Networks Idea: New Eggwars Modes

    I've got a few mode ideas for Eggwars! Keep in mind that I do not wish for all of these to be added at the same time if this did become a real update, but one could be picked. Eggtastrophe If your egg is not broken, you are continuously supplied with eggs to throw and attack with. You can also...

    Reach 19k wins

  10. llvqs

    Builds Eggwars To4 Map

    A small, sleek Eggwars map concept set high above the clouds, "Cloudy Sky". This is an Eggwars teams of 4 map that I quickly made yesterday. Please drop your thoughts or suggestions!

    Bedrock EggWars 17777 wins in EggWars Duels

    I reach 17777 wins on EggWars duels 😊
  12. UBRE

    Bedrock [Eggwars] Corner-rushing countermeasures

    TL;DR: Add obstacles of some kind (like no build zones or more space to travel) where corner bridges would be built to limit the efectiveness of corner-rushing and discourage it in a recently-started-game context. Greetings! Ever get unlucky? 'Cause many of my opponents have. At the start of the...
  13. jamesthesignificant

    We need YOU! 🫵 (EggWars)

    Hi! I am on a mission to create the best EggWars team ever! Roles Defender- defend the egg, stay more back and have good gear! (Took by @jamesthesignificant a.k.a @jamezels) Attacker- break eggs and eliminate teams! Rusher- quickly bridge and destroy other people's eggs! (Took by...
  14. jamesthesignificant

    Give me some EggWars tips

    I love the game but I want to see how YOU play the game! I WILL use all of these tips next round I play
  15. jamesthesignificant

    People of Eggwars, who was your dumbest teammate?

    Mine: I was one a bridge I made, trying to snipe someone with an arrow. Out of nowhere, my teammate broke the block under me. Our egg was broken. Spectating, I saw that he was trying to save me by bridging downwards. That did not work. :kermitwhat:
  16. Dreamy92382

    Bedrock Fix these glitches

    Lately, i've noticed a small issue, the issue is no matter if i use a decent gpu (rtx 20/30series or gtx 900/10 Series) or a trash one (like intel hd or uhd) the game will still seem to crash in eggwars,skywars,blockwars,luckywars and every game thats not ffa or duels,now this is weird because...
  17. اناناس تايم

    Java (FIX PLZ) Why is EggWars balancing so broken?-JAVA

    Can someone explain why the balancing in EggWars is so bad? [image below] Instead of making the bottom four teams into two bigger ones, the game just tosses people into empty teams. I didn’t even choose a team that game, so why not just place me in one of the three teams that had one player...
  18. arwww

    All Networks Eggwars - MiteMaster

    Hello.. Am I the only one who thinks that the Mitemaster you buy from the perk shop is way too overpowered for the price of 5 emeralds?? My suggestion is to increase its price or at least make it last for 5 or 3 minutes, after which it disappears and you have to buy it again. Even Netherite...

    My 1v1

    Hello! I play egg wars duels. I fight many players, and each player has a certain power. But this player is the first player to film my play in duels, and when I saw myself, I was surprised. I thought my self I use cheat [ ] LoL
  20. Nightmare

    EggWars Best Competitive Eggwars Teams of 4 Maps

    Hi, Question for our Scrim/competitive community, which of our eggwars to4 maps do you think are suited best for competitive games and why?
  21. Amazinq

    Java Remove Autobalance - EggWars

    Please remove Autobalance - Games takes too long to start, specially with this update which all maps are 15/16 players - When on party (normally on squads) it separates your party members and we have to leave all time, being unplayable to play with friends - When your party members get...
  22. YeoXuHang

    All Networks [EggWars] Player takes damage if staying on top on below the Maps for too long

    Ok so, I noticed some players just love camping on top/below of the Maps which is annoying. Anyways, I would like to suggest if player stay too long below or top of the maps, they'll take damages.
  23. YeoXuHang

    All Networks [EggWars - Java/Bedrock] Change the Elimination messages

    Hi again, here is another suggestion by me. So, I noticed that when you ever eliminate an enemy, it'll pop up a message You earned an elimination for death of <Player>, because you broke their egg. I would suggest that instead change the message because you broke their egg. to something else...
  24. Amazinq

    Java 🌋 Bring Volcanic map back - EggWars

    Hello, on this next map rotation, I suggest to bring back Volcanic 🌋 It's a 6v6 map of 12 players that was already for months ago and was very fun, I and many friends of mine partly returned to Eggwars after time without playing just for this map and the nostalgia of playing 1 team against...
  25. juanchi3912k

    Bedrock Bring back old shop menu in eggwars

    So me and my friend play mostly eggwars on this server. We try to play as fast as possible so we can try to get a win record as we did a few years ago. My friend plays on PS4 and I play on PC. for both of us, all the menus (vote and shop) are super slow and sometimes we cant vote overpowered...

    All Networks Java Bedrock Bring back to2 map vacation

    The refreshed lobby, the new maps, the lobby hunt, and the new bundle that got released yesterday with this year’s summer update are really exciting. However, I and many others were hoping and really looking forward to seeing the map “Vacation” return this summer, as it didn’t get added last...
  27. Q

    Bedrock Return of the Eve map to EggWars Mega

    As a regular player of EggWars Mega, I want to say that the Eve map was one of the most successful after Fruit and Time. This map not only attracted attention with its delightful architecture, but also had high practical significance. The assortment of maps in EggWars Mega is represented by...
  28. Lxk5z

    Bedrock EggWars The map is not fully loaded

    As always, I went up to the EggWars 1v1 map today and played a few games, but when I got into a new round, only half of the map was loaded. The rest was also no longer loaded. The problem was this: … I wish all of you a good day :heart: 😝 :cube_light: 😎
  29. Raion

    All EggWars LeaderBoards List (Bedrock)

    Yo Here Again With ‎ The EggWars LeaderBoards‎‎ ‎ ‎ (Accidentally pressed the ''Members'' Thing on the left and had to re do this all over again..) Leave a Like and Comment if you Appreciate this Work ‪‪❤︎‬
  30. arwww

    Java Eggwars - Fireball & Tnt

    Eggwars - Fireball & TNT Hello everyone, today I will talk about Fireball & TNT. I will be honest and say that Fireball is currently useless why ? 1 : Bad Knockback and useless Is this Knockback useful against players? No! 2 : Fireball Jump After the Fireball was...
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