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eggwars maps

  1. SrOmega9

    Java More big middle to battle (SkyWars, EggWars and LuckyIslands)

    This suggestion is for try to put the next maps of skywars, eggwars and luckywars the center more big. Because I think it's more enjoyable if there are more space to battle. I like this maps for the concentration of players that are on it. In this maps you have continous fights.
  2. giesko


    pleas change for 1.8 only the map back to old because now there is just 0% change for someone with low armor knock someone off with high armor. this just means that its now possible to camp from almost the start at mid this just makes the game unfair and it cant go every way because you almost...
  3. S

    teaparty, mushrooms, treehouse SUCKS

    Please decrease the amount of these maps
  4. S

    Petition to bring back Construction!

    As some of us were concerned for the populartity of the Eggwars map "Construction", (I'm talking to you Cubecraft staff!) I've gotten in touch with a few players and 80% (8/10 players) of them would like me to bring a petition to the attention of the staff, to bring back, personally my favorite...
  5. Jackeradifi

    Builds Minecraft Battleship- Eggwars Map

    This map was made by Jackeradifi-https://www.youtube.com/c/Jacksgaming101 As the title says this is a map all about Battleships, The Player island consists of 1 iron gen, 1 gold gen, 1 diamond gen, with two players on each island. Middle consists of 2 iron gens, 3 diamond gens, 3 gold gens. And...
  6. Lunar

    EggWars Maps

    So I have figured that its pretty hard to find the right map for the right amount of people. So me and my friend have found as many maps as possible and have listed the players per team below. If more maps are added and/or I missed a map, please say so. Number Of Players Per Team (In egg wars)...
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