Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

featured games

  1. Blom

    Java In-depth Analysis: Featured Game Cycle

    :oldcube:The Featured Game Cycle and whether it was a good or a bad feature Since a lot of people have recently started making suggestions about the Featured Game cycle again, in whatever form that may be, I thought it would be a great idea to look back to when the cycle was implemented, all the...
  2. Powerofbeds

    Other Games Slime Survival: Rare uses for powerups

    Hello, fellow Slime Survival players! I am Powerofbeds, a CubeCraft player who plays nothing but Slime Survival when it is the featured game. As people gain wisdom as they age in real life, Slime Survival players gain wisdom as they play games. Including all the games of Snowman Survival and...
  3. I

    Other Games Is Magic and Mayhem coming back?

    Will magic and mayhem come back? Magic and Mayhem was the best cubecraft experience I ever had, so I want to know if it's coming back. I loved it and even if there isn't an update to it or anything I'd still like to have it back it glitched for me, so I never ended up completing it because I...
  4. Blom

    Java Denied Bring Back | Bingo

    source:https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/next-featured-game.216244/ 🗺️ Bring Back Bingo! (Repost) Please read the entire thread before voting, there is a lot of information in this thread which took me over an hour to gather, so it is appreciated! Hey there everyone! I'm back with another...
  5. Blom

    Remove Trophies from Arcade Games

    🏆 Remove Trophies from Arcade Games Hi y'all! It's me again, back with another suggestion. Today I played Quake Craft and it wasn't the first time I heard someone asking what the 'trophies' were above everyone's name. Although I've heard it so often, I thought it was time for a change, a...
  6. Matriox

    Java ok this is now just a rant thread btw - bugs are bad

    Hello, Today when i was playing layer spleef, without any surprise i saw all the bugs i saw last time i was playing layer spleef, i reported all of them last time. These are game changing bugs that make the game unfair, for example; some people lagging back(happens when jump boost is over), and...
  7. Vindicatør

    Denied Give Survival Games another chance.

    So (correct me if I’m wrong) survival games used to be a full-time game a few years ago, but later became split into 2 featured game (solo SG and team SG) due to a lack of players. Well as of now, solo and team survival games get a bit more players than the other featured games if I am not...
  8. Maaarijn

    Java Featured games update!

    Hey everyone! Today when I was playing Layer Spleef I got an idea. Currently there is a bug which sometimes makes other games like Paintball and Slime Survival pop up when using the 'play again' function in a featured game. Actually this was very fun to me, cause you are not playing the same...
  9. TheGamerASD

    Java Add Featured Games Multiplier

    I think that there should be a multiplier for featured games. When you use it, it doubles the points people earn while playing featured games. If a new game is featured while a multiplier is active, that multiplier should roll over to the next game. Example: I think it should cost 9.99 GBP...
  10. Gemmmmie

    Implemented Lobby Design - Featured Game NPC

    On the Java network there is a design above each game in the Main Lobby, this always includes a small and simple build surrounding the certain gamemode. Yet you may notice above the Featured Game NPC there isn't anything, this is mainly due to the NPC rotating 12 different games every two days...
  11. D

    Implemented BlockWars Bridges: Does it really deserve to be a permanent game?

    Let's be honest, BlockWars Bridges is not a popular game like it used to be, now that Java hits 6 thousand players I see that BlockWars Bridges rarely hits 100 players, comparing it to the less popular permanent game, MinerWare (not counting Duels or Assassinations), MinerWare hits easily...
  12. ____

    Escalated In-game voting for Featured Games

    Hello everyone! If you've clicked on this thread, odds are that you have voted for the next featured game. Up until now, this always had to be done through the forums. In this suggestion, I'll be going into detail on how the current voting system could possibly be improved! :) In-game voting...
  13. Gemmmmie

    Java Featured Game Design [In the Main Lobby]

    Hello! This is going to be a very simple suggestion, but I think there should be some kind of design above the Featured Game rotation. Unlike the rest of the games, it has nothing. Overall, it looks really bare and quite out of place in some aspects. I don't really have any good designs, which I...
  14. Pescadoso

    Java Bug in blockwars (time gets frezze)

    First of all im not an english speaker so im gonna have a lot of grammar errors, now going to the topic, today I was playing blockwars with my friends, once time I was attacking enemy's core, then someone killed me, I should respawn in the spawnpoint of my team, but instead of that I respawned...
  15. Lime

    Java The Kit-Menus of Featured Games should get an update

    Hello everyone! Lately, I have been playing the featured games quite a lot but unfortunately, there is something that is bothering me a little: The kit system. What I mean by that is the menu where you select a kit in-game. In my point of view, some featured games are not thought of, resulting...
  16. JDgamers

    Java Player of the day/week/month

    Hi! :p The titel says it already: Player of the day, week and month! So I'd like to see a different type of leaderboard in how many wins someone got on skywars/eggwars/etc. in one day/week/month. So i think that there will be more different players who are not in the leaderboards at the moment...
  17. Powerofbeds

    Slime Survival: Rarely Used Tricks

    Hello fellow Slime Survival players, it's me again, Powerofbeds, with another thread! To start off with, here are the links to my other threads: 15 ways to get better at slime survival Tips for using powerups in Snowman Survival Tips for using powerups in Slime Survival (extra details and the...
  18. Powerofbeds

    Slime Survival basics and map-specific tips

    Hello everyone! Slime Survival just ended and now I have thought about how many new players I met. (I've met a lot, I've played over 3.4k games!) This is why I want to share some of the basics of the game so you know. I also usually post a thread anyway every time Slime Survival was the featured...
  19. Powerofbeds

    Java Say the current featured game in server MOTD

    Ever since the featured games came out, I have been playing some a lot. The featured games are the only games on Cubecraft that I play (except sometimes Tower Defense) and I only play some of them. I don't like PVP, but I love slime survival and wing rush. I play slime survival non-stop when it...
  20. Eli

    Java Featured Games not Seasonal Games

    This suggestion is pretty straightforward and although many other people have suggested this in the past. I feel like I am able to give a little bit more of an insight as to why this should happen. Firstly, as many of us have noticed, the server's playerbase has been noticeably increasing...
  21. Powerofbeds

    Java Two featured games active at a time

    I'm sure many of you know that a lot of people like some featured games and don't like others. You may be one of those people yourself. I'm one of those people and I'd consider myself abnormal. I like the unpopular games like slime survival (I've played about 3k games of it), wing rush, line...
  22. Powerofbeds

    Slime Survival tips for evading slime-hitting powerups

    Hello everyone! Slime Survival was just the featured game and I have now played more than three thousand games of it (this includes Snowman Survival) and I figured I should share some of this experience with you. I have made three other threads on Slime Survival tips and I decided to make a...
  23. God.

    Java Little suggestions for voting featured games

    Not much time ago @Camezonda made a thread where we could vote for what game we want to be the next featured game in the middle/end of the month. I really like the idea but I see 1 problem and it's one of the main problems of votation polls in the forum: people on the forums don't exactly...
  24. Eli

    Java Secondary Featuring System

    It is a reality that many players don't like the featured game that could have been chosen at the moment. That's why it came to my mind that letting players choose their featured games would definitely be a nice addition to ranks. Now, I'm not suggesting what you think I'm suggesting. I'm not...
  25. Jevmen

    Java Bring TNT Ttrouble back (Featured game) (poll)

    TNT trouble was a cool game! What is TNT trouble? The TNT trouble was a beta lobby game, the rules were simple, it's like a classic CTW, but you must do the opposite, you do not need to take the enemy wool and put it in your base, you must take a TNT that spawn in the middle and place them in...
  26. Foxy011

    Java The Featured Games: What Next?

    Hey all, it's been a while since I've done a suggestion thread on here. But I have recently thought of an idea that I would like to share with you all, but first I'd like to point out: We all know before, the featured games were on a 2 week rotation time, which was far too long and I'm glad...
  27. JT8D

    Java Achievements for featured games

    The title explains it all. I think it would be good to add an achievements icon in the menu when clicking on the featured games NPC. This would motivate players (and let me look at my Blockwars achievements which I worked hard for and had not yet completed 4). See what I mean? An easy way to get...
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