Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

ffa combat

  1. Darwin7


    Hello there! Here some FFA suggestions that might improve the game : 1 |. in my opinion , the FFA events should be removed from the game. Why ? Basically because a pvp game doesn't need to events or tasks or xp . And some of those events are so laggy and cause a lot of bugs in my pov ...
  2. Flix神

    Bedrock Hi cubecrafters! Ffa would much better if you get full health after fight with a person!

    Hello everyone! if you're ffa player then at some point you realised that getting full health after killing a person is a good benefit as many of us had lost loll streak because only of low health after a fight and there are many annoying player's that are waiting behind you untill you finish...
  3. I

    Java Free for All Mapas PvP FFa

    Quisiera hacer dos preguntas de cubecraft java. 1. ¿Existe la posibilidad de que vuelva el PvP 1vs1 en cubecraft? Este modo me gustó mucho ya que me venía bien para practicar para mejorar en otros modos (como es skywars) al parecer esto lo quitaron en septiembre de 2022 y sinceramente me...
  4. bathie ✨

    Bedrock No Interruption Rule in FFA

    I've been playing quite an amount of FFA recently and I've noticed something every time. People tend to interrupt 1v1s and you get ganged up on a lot. So today, I'm here to suggest a new rule. No Interruption Rule. How Does It Work❔ Once players are in combat, they cannot be interrupted by...
  5. Y

    Free for All FFA extra modus without the shop-feature

    The majority of players dislike the shop and the op gear you can buy from it but some players like it and that's why it shouldn't be removed completely, I think because of that the cubecraft-team should create an new gamemode without the shop. Few years ago it was common sense that "shoppers"...
  6. O

    All Networks FFA Update

    Suggestion to improve how FFA works and reduce severity of hackers. Addition 1: Ally system so that you can easily identify players who you consider an ally, would work through a command system for example: /ally add {username} - Adds a player as an ally, making their username green inside of...
  7. T

    FFA Should a Trident Kit be added to FFA?

    Hello! I've been doing some good ol' PvP on the Cubecraft server and thought 'Hey, what if there was a melee AND ranged kit?' so, here I am! So, let's get started ~Balancing~ All of us non-wizard mains agree wizard is too powerful, so this kit would nerf them quite a bit. Tridents are...
  8. ItzNoLIama

    Java FFA Bounty Event

    Here once again with another FFA suggestion :D I like to play Free For All a lot, it is my favorite gamemode, to be honest. But I would like something new... Something that would make FFA a bit the same, but also having a little event here and there. I am thinking of a sort of bounty event...
  9. ItzNoLIama

    Java FFA Health Gain When Killing

    Health Gain When Killing Someone (I don't know if there is already a suggestion post about this) The concept in small: When you kill someone you gain a small amount of health, not a lot. Why? If you are getting focused by a big group of players it would be useful to continue your killstreak...
  10. P

    Java [FFA] Change in shopping system

    I was in FFA with a friend and we were just fighting some players that were camping with bows. These players started hunting us down through the entire map while also using the shop all the time. As soon as we got them down to 15 HP, they did /shop and bought some god apples and seven extra...
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