Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

free for all

  1. Darwin7

    Poll What's your favorite ffa kit

    Here is a little poll about which is the best ffa kit to choose :).. Multiple response are allowed.
  2. caraMel

    Free for All Weekly challenge ~ 5

    Hihi!! For those who don't know how this works, every week I'll be posting a new exciting challenge for you to compete at! I'll generally announce the previous week's winners in the next week's post and you'll have exactly a week to join and share evidence. Anyone can join :) Firstly, I'll...
  3. TheOrderOfSapphire

    Video I Played Only The New Blind Luck Kit on Cubecraft Free For All....

    Heya here is a new video if you want to look at it:D All feedback is welcomed so I can improve my content:))
  4. TheOrderOfSapphire

    Video Cubecraft Moderator Plays CubeCraft Free For All Update For The First Time...

    Heya I hope everyone is doing great:D Here is my first reaction to the FFA Update: All feedback is always welcomed so I can improve. Stay cool and I see ya soon:D
  5. wprrior

    Bedrock kit settings in Battle arena

    Hello cubecrafters! I would like to suggest the possibility of changing the kit in duels and in free for all (swapping things in the inventory and it saved for next games). It was added to the blockwars and hopefully it will add to battle arena too
  6. F

    Free for All In FFA Canals is the best map, change my mind.

    Only close contender is Kindom.
  7. Anonymoose3840

    Bedrock Prevent Cross-Teaming in FFA!

    I have frequently had annoying experiences on Free-For-All in which I'm about to kill someone (let's say I'm on 4 hearts and they're on 2), but then their friend with full health comes up behind me and then I'm suddenly up against 12 hearts when I have only 4. Not to mention I'm getting hit by...
  8. kyviu

    Bedrock FFA Multi-Accounting Prevention

    FFA should receive and update in which you can only play it if you have 3 hours combined playtime in any modes. Benefits: - Will make it more painful for hackers to account hop as soon as they get banned, 3 hours is not a long time for a regular player but for a hacker to make 1 alt account...
  9. kyviu

    All Networks FFA Update

    Suggestion to improve how FFA works and reduce severity of hackers. Addition 1: Ally system so that you can easily identify players who you consider an ally, would work through a command system for example: /ally add {username} - Adds a player as an ally, making their username green inside of...
  10. I

    Resolved Drinking potions while running/moving

    Greetings everyone, I had an unusual observation yesterday where I saw three players were running while drinking potions. They were using the wizard kit. I am curious to know whether it is possible to run while drinking potions because it typically slows everyone down when you drink. During a...
  11. GlowGamerKSA

    Bedrock Add Spawn Protection in FFA

    hello everyone, so as the title suggests i think there should be a spawn protection added to Free For All, as right now there isn't. Having no spawn protection leads to instantly being killed, especially when there's people teaming against you camping at the spawn spot. so my suggestion is...
  12. Sponta

    Java Free for All Events: Capture the Fort's Major Flaws

    Hello! I have discussed my overall contention and feedback on the events' technicality. However, I think the most flawed event is Capture The Forts, or, for short, CTF. In this thread, I will be expressing extended flaws and drawbacks CTF has, and how developers may resolve these issues to...
  13. Astro_Ranked

    Bedrock Free for All ffa clan joinable

    does anyone wanna join a new rising clan? do you ever feel the worst in the FFA community, well not anymore you can join my clan called Ghost we will teach u how to combo, strafe, jump reset, and more? wanna know how to join? all u need to do is Add Ghost Crts on the cube craft in-game friend...
  14. V

    Java Health regen after kill on FFA

    On FFA (free for all) you should get your health back when you kill someone. when you finish a fight they either respawn and kill you or someone attacks you after the fight when your low. thats my only complaint.
  15. TheDuda

    All Networks A new Amazing Suggestion for a Mini / Micro Game!

    Out of nowhere, I just got an amazing suggestion for a Mini / Micro game! Hear me out and read thoroughly. Basically, everyone spawns full leather, some food, a wood sword and maybe even a bow with a couple of arrows. Everyone spawns with a person they have to kill and if its a big map, then...
  16. Socratias

    Video The Most Useless Weapon

    Funny how Steve always wins. What a coincidence. Disclaimer: This video contains swear words.
  17. ImLuctor

    Java FFA Custom Kits With Player Kit Points.

    Hey, I have a good idea for a new gamemode or for a update for FFA. I edited this post because it wasn’t clear what I ment. So the gamemode is pretty simpel, you join a ffa map and you see a villager in front of you. You have the ability to make your own kit with a balanced shop system that I...
  18. P

    Java [FFA] Change in shopping system

    I was in FFA with a friend and we were just fighting some players that were camping with bows. These players started hunting us down through the entire map while also using the shop all the time. As soon as we got them down to 15 HP, they did /shop and bought some god apples and seven extra...
  19. Simply

    Java "PvP Tiers"

    Hello! As some of you may have noticed, such "Tiers" have started popping up around FFA. These current "Tiers" are determined in game by the players who started and organized these Tiers. So, my suggestion is the introduction of PvP Tiers The way the Tiers are determined is inconsistent. I...
  20. Simply

    Java Renovating Free For All

    Greetings! Now, I know what you're gonna say. This suggestion is unneccesary right now as the games that will be updated next are SkyWars and Tower Defence and that the Free For All community is toxic, so updating the game would enhance the toxicity. Yes those are some very good points but I...
  21. AllTimeLow_

    Java PVP Free for all suggestion

    1. Winged PvP is awful and nearly always empty. Elytras should be in their own class instead of it's own gamemode. Also Classic (The City) should be a 24/7 map as it's a clear favourite in the free for all community. It's a rare map that works for every single class and is very balanced. Also...
  22. PokeCq

    Java FFA Maps Selection

    The current system of possible maps for FFA is totally random. It makes it very irritating when your favourite map isnt on while there are other three maps avaleable which are the same. Instead, I suggest there's always one map of each on, so we can choose any map we want. After server...
  23. U

    Can i join NCS clan?

    Hey people, i never post something on forum so many forumgoers probably don't know me. I'm a frequent player on the ffa pvp server and survival games. I'm a huge fan of NCS and their music, i got shirts and basicly all their songs downloaded on my phone, i've never wanted to join a clan before...
  24. SpankMeSanta

    Revamp FFA Normal mode

    I think it would be a bit more fun if there were more kits in FFA and if they included more of the combat update features, because at the moment there are currently no lingering potions, potion arrows, shields or axes (in the kits not the /shop). If there were a lot of kits with many different...
  25. BalthierTSK_daForumSeeker

    Troll Suggestion

    Troll Suggestion : (Check if any of them amuses you!) 1. Level 4 Diamond generator at Egg wars o3o 2. Add Enchanting table kit on Egg wars :D 3. Add an Ender kit to Block Wars 4. Keep ender as a permanent game for Cube craft 5. Bring back Money Walls 6. An Ignore list 7. Collectible...
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