Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. TBroz15

    Lucky Islands The Ultimate Guide to Lucky Islands

    Hello, Cubecrafters! This is my take on guiding you on how to play Lucky Islands! I have been an enthusiast in this game mode since I started playing Cubecraft for around 5 years. Now I have mastered the art of Lucky Islands and am sharing the strategies on how to win for you. Take note, that...
  2. Roxrock

    Lucky Islands Solos Guide(under construction)

    Lucky Islands Solos Guide Guide is best viewed in dark mode [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] Drop Overpowered variant In blessed? Drop rate (to be added) [/SPOILER] Drop Overpowered variant In blessed? Drop rate (to be added) [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER]...
  3. DoomRaider38

    Video Coming soon....

    I have recorded my guide of Bedrock Magic and Mayhem and the first episode of the guide is coming out tomorrow and the following day the next and so on so subscribe to my youtube channel and put on notifications as I don't know what time it will be coming out...
  4. Fighterzx_

    Fighterzx_'s Guide to 1.9+ PvP

    Minecraft PvP is a pain to get good at. I’m sure some of us who have been playing for such a long time can agree with this. Countless hours spent just trial and error-ing, getting destroyed in 1v1s against those that are way better than us… then suddenly, Minecraft just went Imma do what’s...
  5. Banwave

    👑King of Casuals - A Guide to Lucky Blocks | Part 1

    Introduction & Authors note Given that due to... well this year, I have too much time on my hand I have decided to make a guide to Lucky Blocks. Yet, most things this year, it has proved to be more difficult/complex than one would guess. Therefore, this is just part one. I will go through each...
  6. Banwave

    Should I make a guide to Lucky Blocks [Bedrock]

    Having always recorded due to cheaters, I gathered quite some footage of Lucky Blocks. Now I don't want the footage to go to waste. So would you like me make a video on how to properly play LB?
  7. D

    My tips for each game.

    I have a few tips and strats that I have for each game, and I will share them with you! If you have any better tips in the comments i will edit it with yours and credit :D Microgames Wait for it - Hold space near the edge. If it is the fly one, you are already holding space, and if it is the...
  8. ImLuctor

    [Documentation] Skyblock Full Guide

    Skyblock's unofficial guide about everything in Skyblock. Sell price, Buy price, Growth time and much more. I don't know all the Skyblock information so if you see some things I missed don't hesitate to tell me, I will add it as quickly as possible. Buy price Seeds/Saplings: Beetroot: 30...
  9. YahirplaysMC123

    Bedrock The best way ive found to fight against a hacker

    Admins/moderators/staff, please dont do the copy pasta "report hackers on forums" stuff. Respectfully, most of us allready know this, and is not needed for what im talking about, of course you should report hackers. As you probably allready know hackers have been going W A Y out of hand...
  10. ProfessorRaptor

    ProfessorRaptor's Guide to EggWars

    . ~ProfessorRaptor's Guide to EggWars~ Greetings all! With the COVID-19 self-quarantines perhaps single-handedly saving Cubecraft's player count, I thought I would put together this guide for you. My intent is to help both new players learn the basics of EggWars, as well as to update returning...
  11. Elenahh

    SkyWars Guide for SkyWars on CubeCraft Games

    Hello CubeCrafters! As many of you already know, Skywars is a popular Minecraft minigame with a simple premise: fight until one player or team is left alive. CubeCraft Games provides this fun mini-game, along with beautiful maps, a great variety of kits, achievements, and abilities that make the...
  12. Lyriie

    Tower Defence Strategy Guide (4/4)

    Hello everyone, this is my final guide about tower defence and it covers pro strategies you can use to win your Tower Defence games. Let's get started! Offence Early Game If you are wanting to do an early rush I recommend cave spiders or pigmen. Sometimes you can use Silverfish as well if the...
  13. Skyfire_swe

    Video Lucky Islands Guide

    Now I've finally uploaded a Lucky Islands guide on my YT-channel (). The 5 tips that I go through are: 1. Zig-zag strafing 2. Critical hits 3. Circling 4. Frozen shot bow combos 5. Speed bridging + some general thoughts about how to improve. See you on those Lucky Islands!
  14. Skyfire_swe

    Lucky Islands Guide

    I know I've been talking about this for quite some time, but now I've finally uploaded a Lucky Islands guide on my YT-channel (). The 5 tips that I go through are: 1. Zig-zag strafing 2. Critical hits 3. Circling 4. Frozen shot bow combos 5. Speed bridging + some general thoughts about how to...
  15. caspar1500

    Java A better tutorial of tower defence.

    I think the tutorial needs to be bigger. I did a suggestion for a solo tower defence and i also got the in a few comments. For example what TheJeroen sad: " Every single game, no matter if I have 2 or 5 team mates, once of these things is guaranteed to happen: - People not understanding how to...
  16. SpringWarz

    Duels guide

    Hi! Today, i'm gonna be creating a guide on duels and what each type of mode there is and what kits come with them There are a total of 4 modes for duels, with each of them comes with different types of kits: They are overpowered, insane, classic (1.8 pvp) and normal (1.9 pvp) Ok, lets start...
  17. D

    Full Lucky Islands Guide

    This thread will cover: 1. How to play 2. Basic features 3. Lucky block drops 4. Solo map overviews 5. Team map overviews 6. Achievements 7. Other 8. Credits How To Play The main aim of the game is similar to most other PvP games. You have to be the last player or team left. Its very similar...
  18. DjaroGames

    All Shortcut [WIP]

    As the title says this is still a WIP, I haven't finished medium and hard yet. Only 20 images are allowed per post so I will continue in the comments! If you know a shortcut I missed or find out a shortcut on this list has been removed please comment it so I can fix it. What are shortcuts...
  19. Lyriie

    Block Wars - Capture The Flag Guide

    Hello! I'm making this thread to show people who may not be experienced with BlockWars how to capture the flag and some strategies, as I really want to make a positive difference to the BlockWars community as seen from my last two guides! How do I capture a flag? The enemy flag will be on their...
  20. Lyriie

    Block Wars - Ninja Kit Guide

    Hello! I'll be making a thread containing some helpful tips for the Ninja kit on BlockWars! Don't waste your invisibility! Only use it right before going to grab the flag or getting into a fight. Without your invisibility, you are vulnerable due to your weaker armour. Try to avoid getting shot...
  21. Lyriie

    Block Wars - Bomber Kit Guide

    Hello! I'll be making a thread containing some helpful tips for the Bomber kit on BlockWars! Prioritise placing your TNT near the flag. Most walls can be broken through easily with a pickaxe, but the flag will usually be more heavily protected. Don't hold your TNT in your hand, keep the enemy...
  22. Andyyy

    Ultimate Blockwars Guide (In depth)

    I thought that the pinned guide seemed outdated and not in line with the current meta, I was really bored so a wrote this. This strategy is only covering CTF because core sucks, if I have made any mistakes in this please tell me and I will fix it! Enjoy and learn! I'll split this into 4...
  23. Ishallkillyou


    I agree that even though speed eggwars isn't as popular as eggwars.y'all gotta agree that it's pretty enjoyable and players have a lot of fun.(not to mention that it's faster than normal eggwars in most cases). Here are some tips to easily win speed eggwars games without dying a lot. NOTE-guide...
  24. Skyfire_swe

    15 ways to get better at Lucky Islands

    LUCKY ISLANDS GUIDE I guess one could say: ”just play more” and it would be true. But getting some good advice always helps, - I would have loved to have had this kind of guide when I started off in my noobness. This guide is not about game mechanics or how different wands and bows work. It’s a...
  25. remio

    EggWars Guide [Basic tutorials]

    CubeCraft EggWars Guide 06-02-2018 Welcome to this EggWars guide! I have seen quite a lot players who do not know how to play this awesome game, so I decided to make a guide thread about it! Correct me if I stated some wrong facts, or if I have forgotten some things. I hope you know how to play...
  26. P

    Eggwars Guide (December 2017)

    Since I have not seen a guide on how to play Eggwars, I thought it'd be a nice idea to make one! If you have any questions or concerns regarding this thread, feel free to start a conversation with! [/SPOILER] When both of your neighbours are gone, go to the middle. Rush the players...
  27. ItzCamJam

    Wins and Losses: A Cubecraft Story and what needs to happen.

    Intro: Alrighty I'm not going to sugar-code this. I'm going to be as strong as possible for my reasons that Cubecraft is lacking almost everything, and how they could fix it. I'm going to be honest with you. Some updates I like, like the recent Skywars update. Let's start out by...
  28. Jackxist

    Cubecraft Guides | Detailed Staff Application Explanation

    *This guide is for the 2017 August application update. If you are viewing this in the future and some questions are different or missing contact me and I will update this thread :)* In this thread I will be giving opinions and will not represent Cubecraft or guarantee a successful application...
  29. Boyfriend

    Video Ultimate Guide to Egg Wars - Helpful Strategy Video I Made!

    Hi! I am Boyfriend and many of you have probably seen me once or twice when playing Egg Wars. I've been playing for well over a year now and felt like creating a video detailing my strategy to winning games. People can be pretty predictable in this game and I detail what I watch for during a...
  30. M

    (GUIDE) How to win in the new update (Warning: wall of text)

    TL;DR: Spam path 1 turrets since they are godlike, with some slowing towers along with it. Send high level pigmen and defend yourself with the now overpowered inferno potions. Hi everyone! Tower Defence was recently updated and not a single thing was left untouched. The strategies are...
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