Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. cybercyan_yt

    Java Is TD coming back to java?

    Will tower defence come back?
  2. _NoReason


    Hello, this will be my first thread! I have a few editing suggestions for FFA! I'm curious to hear your ideas, so don't forget to give me your opinion. First, command for kit and spawn point selection could be added. Second, sometimes we gain haste effect but it doesn't work because quick...
  3. JqstQuinten

    Video New Video: Funny Moments

    Again, it took me almost a year. But here's a montage of some funny clips, almost all on EggWars.
  4. MamuBees

    All Networks Java Bedrock /stat or /stats feature and UI

    I think it would be really cool to see a /stat or /stats feature on both the Bedrock & Java Networks! as this would add way more diversity and quality of life features to the Server(s) Because I have seen a few people ask for this over the years, and a way to change the UI on the Bedrock...
  5. F

    Java BedWars You Cant even report people if you dont have iron rank!

    I was playing bedwarss (java) on cbc and i saw hackers, they didnt take any damage to my hits. I did /report and it said that i need iron rank, im poor so i cant afford that to just report some hackers. Fix this! If this is because of mass reporting then set a border of a vcertain amounts of...
  6. jay!

    Poll If you had to choose one game rank and be banned from buying all others, which are you choosing?

    It would have to be the eggwars rank for me 👌 i don't think I've missed any 😓
  7. اناناس تايم

    All Networks bring back automode

    bring back the old automode thing that automatically joins a new game for you after you finish your game why was it even removed?
  8. natermish

    Java Skyblock Having trouble with the Combat Concoction side quest (possible bug?)

    Hello, I need help with the Combat Concoction side quest, as I've already completed the killing of magma cubes and wither skeletons, but for some reason, the game won't register my murder of zombified piglins under the effect of swiftness potion. I have killed multiple zombified piglins while...
  9. arwww

    Java MiniGames

    Hello, Since you’ve ruined the fun in the new EggWars update, I’m looking for other games to play. You added Team Lucky Islands for a while, and it was great! Even at night, when EggWars was dead, Team Lucky Islands was full of players. My suggestion is to add a new game every month, such as...
  10. R

    Java Stealth Kit in FFA

    This only applies to java as i don't play ffa on bedrock I suggest that cubecraft do one of two things: Remove the stealth kit OR Make it so when combat tagged they can't go invisible and increase the cooldown for invisibility to 20s instead of 10s reduce the sharpness on their sword to 2...
  11. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands New strat found to win all the time

    I will let the screenshots speak for itself (200 slimes+-)
  12. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands Kamikaze trap in luckyislands

    Hello there, I found this new trap in luckyislands, which is so overpowered its crazy.
  13. h0rrifyd

    Java Free for All So I started a cult on accident...

    Joined free for all, and saw another person, started shifting and slowly walking away, dude started following me and doing the same, another dude spots me, and starts doing the same thing. So now we have 3 people there. I had to go because some dude was chasing me for killing him, and when i...
  14. groove_

    All Networks Java Bedrock Return Colony Control in Christmas Event 2024

    As we knew, for the past 2 years (2022,2023), we didnt have Colony Control in Winter Games section. A lot of CC players (include me) are really hoping that you guys can return it this year. So if possible, PLEASE BRING IT BACK :( (Although i know you guys need to rewrite entire base game code...
  15. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands Can i win lucky islands using every kit?

    Hello there, i'm attempting a challenge, where i try to beat lucky islands using every kit, and made a video about it, i would apreciate if you were to check it out, hope this inspires more people to play lucky islands. The first 30 seconds are laggy for no reasson but afterwards it returns to...
  16. اناناس تايم

    All Networks add a option to disable opening shop with food

    Please add an option that prevents players from opening shops, generators, or chests while eating or placing blocks. It's really annoying because I've died countless times due to this. Why does this functionality exist for swords and pickaxes but not for food or blocks?
  17. اناناس تايم

    Java (FIX PLZ) Why is EggWars balancing so broken?-JAVA

    Can someone explain why the balancing in EggWars is so bad? [image below] Instead of making the bottom four teams into two bigger ones, the game just tosses people into empty teams. I didn’t even choose a team that game, so why not just place me in one of the three teams that had one player...
  18. O

    Java Is java ever going to get anything good added to it?

    Tower defense? Blockwars? Whatever it is? Java edition has fallen off so hard and I hate to see it because I've spent so much time on this server and it's one of the first servers i've ever played, are any of these games ever going to come back? I remember the old 10v10 eggwars maps, gone, 6v6...
  19. Bugrejder

    Java About Cubelets

    Has anyone noticed if there's a significant difference in the rarity rates between normal cubelets, super cubelets, and uber cubelets? I feel like uber cubelets should give more mythical items, but it doesn't seem to be working as expected. Has anyone else experienced this? I've been playing on...
  20. ImDmitrii

    Java Add a rewards menu to the player's hotbar

    Hi guys! I want to suggest adding a rewards menu to the player's hotbar (like Games, Loot, Profile, ...) - Firstly, it will be easier to collect daily rewards - Secondly, these chests can be replaced with a Cublet Machine, so they will be in the player's line of sight and you can immediately...
  21. Z

    Java Team Lucky islands thoughts

    Hello everyone! I am very pleased to see the (temporary?) return of Team Lucky islands. Some things I have noticed are: 1) Many old players coming back because of this and actually playing the gamemode. It is very nice to see these players, and discuss with them. 2) Good turnout, there are...
  22. Hoshi

    Java 🎩 Store | Hat Packs

    Hey guys! 👋 Hoshi here, back again with another CubeCraft suggestion, in this week's suggestion I'll be discussing new hat packs for the Java store. Remember to comment, like and subscribe and let's get on with the suggestion. But first, a quick message from our sponsor Raid CubeCraft Legends...
  23. R

    Java Space Map FFA Feedback

    Hey, I thought with the addition of the first Elytra map, I'd post this thread so that we can give feedback on whether we think this was a good idea or not. I have my own opinions on the map and I wanted to start with them. I am completely open to having my mind changed. I implore everyone who...
  24. Amazinq

    Java 🌋 Bring Volcanic map back - EggWars

    Hello, on this next map rotation, I suggest to bring back Volcanic 🌋 It's a 6v6 map of 12 players that was already for months ago and was very fun, I and many friends of mine partly returned to Eggwars after time without playing just for this map and the nostalgia of playing 1 team against...
  25. اناناس تايم


    In EggWars, there are three voting options: Overpowered, Normal, and Ultra Hardcore. Some players prefer Normal, and others like Overpowered. However, I've rarely seen anyone vote for Ultra Hardcore. The last time I saw more than one person vote for it was over a year ago. People tend to dislike...
  26. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands we need to ban these maps

    Hello there, i've been playing luckyblock for a while now, and i noticed that these 2 maps (Cakes) and (Islands) have it so that you can't get to middle with the blocks you get from the block luckyblock which is annoying, cakes for now is very chill and managable BUT ISLAND ONE just no, its very...
  27. glad1armen15

    I can't do anything in the lobby and showing error code bungeecord ?

    I decided to play today and I in lobby cant click anything, after that an error appears in the chat bungeecord12-g1508 and Im teleported to another lobby and everything is new, each time the error code is different. If this is due to a region or a poor Internet connection, then everything is clear.
  28. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Who has the highest level on forums!

    Hiya! I think it would be fun to make a thread of forum members level leaderboard. If you'd like to be added please react on this post with your level
  29. RoseRozen

    looking to make new friend age 20+ only please

    Hello everyone. I'm Rose. I'm 21 Female from Asia. I'm looking for a friend at my age who is age 20+ (currently don't have yet) <333 We can play cubecraft bedrock together everyday. Or anything else as you want. I'm average player (not pro but not noob). I can play anything except eggwar because...
  30. Lxk5z

    All Networks Java Bedrock Add „ELITE“ Rank

    Hi CubeCraft:cube_light: and all others, I have an idea! It would be cool if the rank "ELITE" were added, which will then be displayed in the lobby to the left of your name. It would also be cool if you get the rank automatically when you have achieved certain goals. I have some Ideas for the...
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