Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

level system

  1. Deepslate

    Java Bedrock Add game levels

    the level system currently is based on how long u play and not how good you actually are at the video game. i propose 2 solutions to this: A: keep the current system but add game levels. example you currently have a network level of 30, you'll keep that but we'll use a formula to calculate your...
  2. Argent

    Bedrock Levels

    I played the server for almost 2 years and i still level 6 . I think leveling up is so hard and that will make people want to levelup, but there is no point of leveling up cause you won't unlock any cosmetics on the server. Vip levels has a battle pass and i think the regular levels must have...
  3. B

    [Suggestion] Tower Defence Levels

    Title : Tower Defence Levels Whenever I play Tower Defence I hate when i play with someone who doesn't know how to play the game, so lets put everyone who is on the same skill lvl against each other Everyone who plays Tower Defence should get a level based on wins, loses etc. And if you are in...
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