Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

milk bucket

  1. legend6526

    Need help with Mithridism

    Hi everyone, I am stuck at a task known as Mithridism or something like that. I know how to do but it doesn't work idk why? Step 1- drink milk Step 2-eat poisonous potato I have eaten 10+ potatoes by this method but everytime I get poisoned except 3 times. Can anyone explain me why this is...
  2. Zebooky

    Java New Lucky Block Idea

    I'm sure people who played Lucky Islands agree that there should be a little more variety in the lucky blocks. I have thought hard and came up with one idea. BUCKETS! 1 lucky block gives the player 1 lava bucket, 1 water bucket, and 1 bucket of milk. This idea, in my opinion, would change the...
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