Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. mrjasonn

    Implemented Add Sodium Extra, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks and Nvidium to the allowed mods list

    These seem like mods that would be allowed. It would be nice to add them into the allowed mods list.
  2. mrjasonn

    Implemented Add ImmediatelyFast and WI Zoom to the allowed mods list

    ImmediatelyFast is for performance, WI Zoom is for zoom
  3. Dualninja

    Implemented Add Indium to the allowed mods list.

    Indium (The allowed mods list can be found Here) This is very similar to a suggestion I made recently, which can be found Here. Indium is a companion mod to Sodium, Sodium is on the allowed mods list, but Indium isn't. Indium is the most popular companion mod to Sodium and can be found in...
  4. Dualninja

    Implemented Add Noxesium to the allowed mods list.

    Noxesium Noxesium is an fps boosting and utility mod developed by Noxcrew, the main features it adds are better fps, less visual errors (such as blinking blocks) and player heads will appear in tab. Thing is, it's not on the allowed mods list due to it being a somewhat recent mod. You may be...
  5. Anonymoose3840

    Coding To anybody who knows anything about modding on Bedrock Edition... help!

    Ok, so I modded the sounds of terracotta, so when I place it it sounds like wool instead, It completely works in my own worlds, yet when I place terracotta in CubeCraft then it uses the default "stone" sound effect instead, Why is this?
  6. Rocks1

    All Networks Java Bedrock Give Mods & Helpers the ability to visit Skyblock islands

    So I think mods should be able to visit Skyblock islands. They could join Skyblock islands in whom they suspect the owner of cheating, for example maybe someone could have full enchanted diamond armor & wooden tools, something isn't right, the mod could check the player's island and see if they...
  7. Hoshi

    A talk about mod(ification)s

    This thread is aimed at Java players, considering the version. I know it’s very, VERY, unlike myself to create a random thread like this with some simple questions, but I have some questions for the general audience that I just need answers to as I’m planning a little something. 👀 This...
  8. D

    Coding Clan Tag - New Labymod Addon

    Hello Cubecrafters! I along with CCC team would love to present you our newest creation! Clan Tag is a Labymod addon that will help you connect with community! Features: Shows clan tag above player's head. Ability to colorize the clan tag. Detects relation to other clans and automatically...
  9. KBLovesme

    Resolved Are these mod allowed?

    Mod list - All of these mods i use are for 1.17 version Dynamic Fps - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/dynamic-fps Entity Culling - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/entityculling Ferrite Core - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ferritecore-fabric Krypton -...

    can i remove the unicode from my name now pls

    bro do you want people snatching up names with unicode characters
  11. gamergangsta545

    Bedrock Make Ranks Event

    I feel like people with rank have more features than who don't have ranks (obviously) and a lot of people don't want to spend money unless they know what does rank in each game have for them This event might encourage more people to buy Ranks One week event will be amazing DM me if you agree...
  12. gamergangsta545

    Bedrock Please add these things

    Hello Epic Gamers and admins Can we get the same features the java skywars like for example lava bucket water bucket swiftness potion same like java (except for shields they are OP in bedrock) soooooooo please.........................
  13. maflenoo

    Anyone can help? (5zig mod)

    Hello, CubeCrafters! I hope you are well & safe! I was wondering if I have some .txt mods scripts and I wanna put them in the 5zig mod, how should I do that? Feel free to help me with a comment. Thank you!
  14. wxzzrd

    Thank u staff

    I just want to thank the staff for all they’ve done since the spring. Cubecraft went from a server with maybe 15k max and eggwars skywars and minerware and survival games and a tiny lobby to a sprawling ginormous lobby huge game lobbies with skyblock Blockwars lucky islands and all kinds of...
  15. Thunder/Volla

    Mods and admins allow this...

    My mc name was Tensaih and I had recently changed it to Volla. I report someone because I thought they were hacking, apprently they were not, so they got unbanned and she asked her friends to say all this stuff and target me to this day, this was during end of Feb lol. The mods and admins allow...
  16. Ediinsonn

    Cool Optifine Cape Designs

    Hey guys i want to share these optifine cape designs! I hope you like it. 1- Diamond Sword, You can change the color to your liking. Cape: http://www.needcoolshoes.com/banner?=aaeoaqalmlagmgmfabadehaiai 2- Skeleton Skull White/Dark Cape: Dark...
  17. Jukaido

    Cuberaft mod tier list.

    Do you wonder what the best mod is? Do you wanna know? Or give your own opinion on it? I got you! Here you can make you own personal mod tier list! This is my opinion. Good luck.
  18. Ediinsonn

    New Cape OF designs ??

    Hi! a few weeks ago I saw players with rare optifine capes.. I would really like to see new designs but that is already minecraft things since the design of the layers are based on banners designs. But here are some images of users who still have them, what do you think? Source: NameMc Another...
  19. W

    How is loser not constitute for bullying

    I had made a report today and it got closed even tho the player was continuously calling me a loser and all i kept replying back with was cute and lol so i could be able to report him. Yet i got told it was insufficient evidence of him calling me a loser i don't get it how is that insufficient...
  20. G

    Is LabyMod Allowed?

    I want to know to don't be banned in CubeCraft
  21. Lezappen

    Are your mods allowed? Check/Ask here

    Here is a list of types of mods/mods that are allowed/bannable and specific mods that you can use on certain conditions. If your mod isn't in this list check to see if the type of mod (ex: Minimap mod, Toggle sprint mod) isn't in the list, then if you still cannot find it, ask about it in...
  22. SlackPlaysMinecraft

    Modded War SMP

    Hi gois! I'm making a 1.7.10 Modded War SMP with teams going against each other or making allyships to overpower others! In order to participate you must have discord and know how to install mods. Also your computer will have to be able to withstand the mods themselves! Theres only like 16 mods...
  23. Badboyoo6

    Using Mods To Catch Hackers

    Simple Question: Am I allowed to use a mod like PIP (Picture In Picture) to show a hacker's point of view in order to have more evidence against them?
  24. BabyBoy

    I should become server managger

    Hi! my name is babyboy(look at my name xd) I'm here to suggest that i should help the server manage. i think my help would be nice help and i'm here to help so let me do that pls cubecraft is okay but it can be better with some help i think i can support and would enjoy some. Also i'm quite...
  25. J

    Optifine ban??

    Hello People, I got a ban for use mods. (Optifine) And i have send a appeal but he is not accepted. I have send CrazymanJR a message and he says one thing and he blocked me. There is on thing that i hate and that is that people banned for nothing. (Im banned for nothing.) How can i get a...
  26. remio

    I translated the list of allowed mods into Dutch!

    Heya, it's me, RemiO05, and I really want to help you! I translated the list of allowed mods into Dutch! Is <je modificatie hier> toegestaan? Een algemene regel om te gebruiken wanneer je een modificatie installeerd is dat we de meeste mods toestaan die geen oneerlijke voorsprong mag geven aan...
  27. D

    Are my mods allowed?

    this are all my mods, are these allowed? (the auto-*...* is only working on hypixel) https://gyazo.com/d63b42017f4f6e108d5ef99e42528599
  28. Boyfriend

    Video Ultimate Guide to Egg Wars - Helpful Strategy Video I Made!

    Hi! I am Boyfriend and many of you have probably seen me once or twice when playing Egg Wars. I've been playing for well over a year now and felt like creating a video detailing my strategy to winning games. People can be pretty predictable in this game and I detail what I watch for during a...
  29. (Fabian)

    Wrong Appeal, Yoya aint reacting

    So, i have told my story to basically every mod 2 contact Yoya, but Yoyamin himself is the only 1 not answering. somebody can contact Yoya, or leave some suggestions? <3
  30. Mo0od

    Mods that are allowed in cubecraft !

    For minecraft 1.10 to 1.12 i have been searching for this in the forum and i never found one that is related to 1.12, so i decided writing the list below... first of all you should remember that the mods can be out of this list but they should never get you advantage over other players LETS...
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