Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. jamesthesignificant

    Bedrock Cosmetic pack- Cryptids! 🐲

    Hey guys! It's me again, giving a really cool suggestion for a Cubecraft bundle! Contents Prefixes [Cryptid] [Bigfoot] [Hoax] [Sea Monster] [Once Upon a Time] Buddies -A sea serpent (loch ness monster) based on the hoax picture from 1934 Trails -Bigfoot-style footprints -Tiny...
  2. Bugrejder

    Java About Cubelets

    Has anyone noticed if there's a significant difference in the rarity rates between normal cubelets, super cubelets, and uber cubelets? I feel like uber cubelets should give more mythical items, but it doesn't seem to be working as expected. Has anyone else experienced this? I've been playing on...
  3. Velocidad

    Java Some small changes for skywars(Mythcal items)

    1.- The first change would be that only one object can appear per chest, since currently more than one mythical item can appear in a single chest and it seems to me that it is too unbalanced. 2.- The second change is make mythical objects irreparable, for example this week's weekly item is a...
  4. SanCookie

    Selling Cubelet items

    Hey there Cubecrafters! You know what I mean: You just got a fresh cubelet from somewhere, and you think: "Let's spend this well!" After that, you go to a Cubelet opener, to find out it's a hat you've already seen a thousand times... So my suggestion is: If you have any item more than twice...
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