Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. T

    Skyblock Nether still disabled...

    Hey, so the nether has been disabled for like a week now, and I still haven't seen any update on when it is coming back. We really want to grind and I can't understand why this is taking so long... Could someone give us skyblock players a solid update on why the nether has been disabled for so...
  2. Spring5972

    All Networks Skyblock: Remain the time of day while joining.

    Skyblock gets darker for a few minutes and it’s night time. When you leave skyblock or go to skyblock hub, you’ll reset back to day time (could happen if no players are in the overworld). We want to not change time of day back to day, it would be remained as of the current time of day such as...
  3. S

    wait. It always has been the nether

    look at the particle
  4. LavaCraftBedrock

    Nether/End Spawn Command

    Hello In This Post I Will Be Discussing Of Possibly Adding Nether/End Spawn Commands. I know that I did a post on adding a spawn command a while ago but this adds some new ideas... What Would It Be The Nether/End spawn command would be a button in the Skyblock menu that when pressed warps you...
  5. Tobender50YT

    Bedrock Suggestion

    I suggest a nether map for eggwars in bedrock. just a map build of all blocks that are used in nether.
  6. J

    Stuck in a death loop durring the building terrain phase of the loading screen

    I was building a nether wart farm in my friends Co op skyblock world. I fell into the void at one point and died (no biggie this is skyblock after all). Unfortunately when I died and hit the resapwn button, I respawned in an empty space with nothing around and was taking tick damage as if I were...
  7. Z_Dan_Z

    Glowstone trees and nether islands' rewards

    There are 5k, 10k, 25k and 75k glowpowder quests in nether. One tree gives about 100-125 of glowpowder and takes (as for me, idk if im just slow) ~2 minutes to chop. So if we calculate, we get 100, 200, 500 and 1500 minutes of pure destroying of glowstone blocks, so it takes 38 HOURS of active...
  8. SamC1

    Builds New Nether Cages!

    I made these cages for the Nether update but forgot to post them. Hope you enjoy!🌕
  9. BesottedPotato

    First Team to Finish Nether? (Bedrock)

    Me and my team (CurryShack), have completed every nether main quest on bedrock. The final challenge being "Nethermancer". We have reason to believe that we are the first team to finish. I just wanted to make sure we are not stealing this title from anyone else and was wondering if anybody has...
  10. D

    Nether wart problem[java]

    So im kinnda stuck. Im trying to do harvest 50.000 nether wart quest, but i cant cuz every 10 secs of walking on soul sand i got stuck and the only way to get un stuck is to reload server. This is very annoing and take away fun of this game. Anyone have idea how to fix it?
  11. SebzyDebzySS


    You could think of adding one of the nether biomes as an island you can unlock. Think about how cool that'll beeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Elfdrummer12

    Egg Wars map suggestion

    Map Suggestion: Nether / End map An End or Nether style map would be quite cool. It would give the gameplay a different feel. The maps could also be at night time to give the maps a little more spooky. These maps could be used in solo, double and triple.
  13. eltito_ricoYT

    Video Can we go to the nether in skywars?! :O

    That's a funny vídeo that I hope will likes you :) Likes and comments are appreciated :D
  14. Tim Barnes

    Crafting table and other enchantments in Eggwars? Crazy mode??

    Hey guys I had an idea of a completely new and innovative mode to Eggwars. This mode is crazy mode, where you can craft with blocks, and make enchantments along with buying potions whilst keeping the core style of Eggwars to collecting tokens to buy stuff. I think it would really open up...
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