Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

pillars of fortune

  1. Hoshi

    All Networks 🏗️ Moving Pillars of Fortune out of Beta

    Heya peoples! This type of suggestion is a bit unusual in between my other ones, but I just had to post this. I’ll keep it as short as I can. In short, I’m suggesting to move Pillars of Fortune out of beta. It’s at a point where barely any changes have been made, yet everyone is enjoying the...
  2. S

    Pillars Of Fortune Pillars of Fortune - Solo Mode?

    After facing countless teams in Pillars of Fortune, I finally decided to see if it's against the rules, and it astounds me that it isn't. I know that the given reason is the "random and chaotic nature of the game", and possibility of multiple winners, but I don't see why they get in the way of...
  3. Zawuri

    When a bug saves you...

    I obviously should've died here, but I surprisingly didn't take fall damage and managed to win the game 😂
  4. Loskol

    Java 🥇Add achievements to Pillars of Fortune🥇

    Hey everyone! It has been a while already since Pillars of Fortune was added to the server, and it quickly became one of the biggest gamemodes in both Bedrock, and Java versions of the server, but it's still missing something... Achievements! Like most other gamemodes, Pillars of Fortune should...
  5. S

    Java 1.21 items

    it would be really cool if 1.21 items would be added to pillars of fortune breeze wind charges masses it would also be interesting if items came in combos or had variants fireworks have random patterns and shapes so we can use them with crossbows and elytra too.
  6. C

    Bedrock Pillars of fortune wins

    I don’t understand how wins work in pillars of fortune, I got the most kills after 5 minutes than the game ended and I came 3rd. Is it random or am I stupid?
  7. stellar6666

    Bedrock Pillars of fortune and bedwars duels

    Hello! This is my second post on the forums, I hope you like it! The idea is to add duels to bedwars and pillars of fortune. Yeah, that's basically it. Short suggestion, but I would love to play 1v1 in bedwars, and with pillars of fortune maybe it could be something like a 2v2 or a 1v1v1v1...
  8. stellar6666

    Bedrock Pillars of fortune and bedwars rank

    Hello everyone! Im new to the forums, so this is my first suggestion! (This is a repost of a suggestion I posted on discord) I think it would be cool to add ranks for bedwars and pillars of fortune, and these would be permanent ranks. Maybe pillars of fortune rank would be cheaper, for like 2...
  9. R

    Bedrock Pillars Of Fortune: Items that should NOT be in the game.

    I have been enjoying pillars of fortune on bedrock for quite some time- for the most part. It's honestly one of the only games I play on cubecraft, and I'm sure it gained substantial popularity in more recent months. A couple of the items entirely take away any remaining skill gap (considering...
  10. caraMel

    Other Games Weekly challenge ~ 11

    Heya!! I hope you're all ready to do some mining and crafting, because after a bit of a break, WE'RE BACK! YIPPEEEE!! ✨ For those who don't know how this works, every week I'll be posting a new exciting challenge for you to compete at! I'll generally announce the previous week's winners in the...
  11. G

    All Networks Java Add achievements to Pillars of Fortune

    If Pillars of Fortune becomes a permanent game, I think it'd be fun if it got achievements you can hunt for! It would also add more replayability.
  12. Blom

    Other Games Pillars of Fortune - Item Ranking

    DISCLAIMER: This ranking is completely based off of my own opinion. There is nothing official about this list, unless you think I am official, which is a much appreciated compliment <3 Pillars of Fortune - Item Rating Pillars of Fortune is a temporary game where you are handed random items of...
  13. D

    Implemented Bedrock Beta Games Discord channel

    Hi everyone! I have a simple suggestion for you today. I was thinking it would be a good idea to add a beta games text channel in the Discord channel. PRO’s - This would make it easier for players to discuss the new games as it creates a separate place for everyone to leave their opinion...
  14. caraMel

    Free for All Other Games Weekly challenge ~ 7

    Hiii!! For those who don't know how this works, every week I'll be posting a new exciting challenge for you to compete at! I'll generally announce the previous week's winners in the next week's post and you'll have exactly a week to join and share evidence. Anyone can join :) Firstly, I'll...
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