Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. D

    BlockWars Were all european giga blockwars lobbies deleted or does the matchmaking just hate me?

    I am unable to find a game of giga blockwars below 120 ping for weeks by now, most ones I get being around 150-250 ping. In all other minigames and in EU lobbies my ping averages around 50-60. And even if its supposedly "just" extra 50 ms of delay, its still noticeably laggier than what I...
  2. Darwin7

    Bedrock Performance Optimization and Lag Reduction on CubeCraft

    Hello CubeCraft Team :cube_light: :cube_arrow: I’m a regular player on your server, and I really enjoy your mini-games and the creativity you bring. However, I’ve recently noticed significant lag issues that affect my gameplay experience. I’d like to offer some suggestions that might...
  3. CalvinxKlein

    All Networks Bedrock The Ping issue of CubeCraft

    I'll get to the point... So, we all know the Ping issue... I live in India so, Singapore is not that far away and I have pretty stable connection as well. My usual ping is around 75-90 which applies to almost all servers even in Java, even CC shows that I should be getting 80-90 ping in AS...
  4. S

    Bedrock Is there a way to select your server region on bedrock?

    I'm just wondering if there is any way to select the server region you can play in or like black list servers/ regions cause the only reason i play this server is cause it generally has better ping but that's all just thrown out the window when im thrown into a NA server with 400 ping. and if...
  5. Critomania

    Bedrock Separate mini-game modes for those with low ping

    Hello, my similar topic was here - https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/private-games-with-a-tolerance-if-the-player-has-less-than-100-ping.322622 / . I thought about it a little and decided to correct and completely redo its essence in this topic, so that there was no negativity. So, the essence...
  6. X

    Bedrock Middle East server

    we want a middle east server because our ping in EU is bad
  7. Steven20918

    All Networks Why is my ping always bad

    Every time I joined the server, my ping is around 185 - 220 ms. Even tough my actual ping is 5 ms using speed test. Why does this happend? Is it because I'm on the ASIA region and I already try switching regions and doing other connection settings but it still doesn't work. Speedtest: MC:
  8. cyade1

    Resolved ping after update

    After a major upgrade (hub upgrade and more) my ping has grown significantly from 40-60 to 100-150 I live in Kaliningrad. This is not just a problem for me. It also appeared in my friends (who live not far from me) + ping grew only on cubecraft + I've been playing for a long time, but this is...
  9. geitje

    Resolved High ping

    high ping why am i always put in a na server while i'm from the netherlands? my ping is very high around 200? what is the problem and how did it go away?
  10. T

    Ping is really high

    Dear cubecraft I am from india. And I am suffering from high ping problem. And why my default server is note applicable (NA) in that server ping even gets worst plz make a Asian server so we can play peacefully in cubecraft I have almost no problem is other servers i have ping problem in...
  11. A

    Bedrock The Higher PING Wins.

    RULE: ONLY SCREENSHOT(or video). 897ms
  12. A

    Why is the ping so bad in the recent week?

    Ok so I average about 150 ping everyday, and about 250 on weekends. I dont have a problem with that but recently Im starting to even average 300 on weekdays and 450 on weekends idk its kinda ridiculous. I did an internet speed test I have 20 ping and for every other server the ping is exactly...
  13. E

    Bedrock Make the server playable on southeast asian countries

    I cant even play on the server properly because I have 200+ ping (I play in thr Philippines btw) I suggest make different regions like the Hive did so people can have good pings especially on the south east asian countries or in asian countries in general pls
  14. swabl

    Ping worse than it should be

    My ping is supose to be 9:doubt:but for some reason its 80:despair:on the Cubecraft:banter:servers (Java). How do I fix this:kermitworry:? It would help me in my 1v1 against Jukaido:pride:(The man with reach and hitbox). I am actually really good at the game but its only ping that makes me...
  15. iSeverYourHead

    Java Players Ping

    Is there a way cubecraft can fix the wifi of people that dont live in europe maybe do something with the server (i know its because cubecraft is getting hosted in europe) Because this is what i get if i play in the night: everyone has over 100 ping (im the only one with low ping lol) its...
  16. H

    High ping ONLY in Cubecraft?

    I get 300 ping in Cubecraft, and ONLY Cubecraft. I have 20 ping in R6S, CS:GO, For Honor, Terraria.... Basically any other online multiplayer game that I have played. I get 50 ping in The Hive or connecting to friends via LAN in a house party, so it's not the game itself's fault either. I get...
  17. q287950091

    Can I Trust The "Ping" Command?

    I was playing TD at the time, but suddenly I found myself unable to move, so I used the "Ping" command to check the "packet round-trip delay time". But I found that ping is 1960ms. Then I was removed from the game after being judged as AFK by the server two minutes later. In fact, the...
  18. Nilsen84

    Java Ping Difference In PvP Duels

    To start off I like pvp on CubeCraft. I Especially like duels. I play quite a lot of duels everyday and am enjoying it. I win most of the duels I play against non-laggers but if I am playing against someone with around a 100 ping or more I am pretty much guaranteed to loose unless that person...
  19. Simply

    Java Add /ping to /help

    Hello! This suggestion was made by @Borgnath A lot of people in his thread misinterpreted his suggestion so here goes: The suggestion is to add the /ping command (WHICH ALREADY EXISTS) to the list that appears with the /help command. NOT to add a /ping command as many people thought...
  20. Simply

    Implemented /ping Command

    I'll keep this short. I suggest the addition of a /ping command. It's pretty straight forward, type it and see your ping/ms You can't see other players's ping because that would create toxicity. Yeah that's it. Thanks for reading. Edit for clarification- I suggest this is added to help people...
  21. Eli

    Multiple Ip’s and Locations?

    I noticed CubeCraft has two IP adresses. But I don’t understand why they change location so much? The play.cubecraft.net IP is usually located in Williamsville, US. But now it’s located in Atlanta according to namemc. So you understand what I mean: https://namemc.com/server/play.cubecraft.net
  22. A

    why my ping so bad ?

    Hello, I'm from Russia. I have a problem, my ping on the server above 140. How to fix ? I measured the Internet speed on the "speedtest" website. My indicators are normal and the Internet works fine
  23. D

    Global ping levels

    I thought it would be useful to create a thread for the average amount of ping in each country. I can use any and will use all information provided to create as accurate of an average as possible. I will add each result as soon as I can and hope this thread can grow and I can get as many...
  24. M

    [SOLVED] Very high connection latency - Fix Minecraft multiplayer lag and decrease the ping

    Solved! Go to solution. Hello, Please help! I and my sister are experiencing very annoying connection performance while playing any Minecraft multiplayer server. (on both devices we have the same problem). We live in Egypt so and the connection we have is 16Mbps but with only 100GB bandwidth...
  25. 0ffense

    Please fix this ping

    I dont really have much explaining to do, its just that 70% of the time I go onto cubecraft and open TAB over three quarters of the players have bad connection. And it stays bad when they go into a game. I used to think that it cant be fixed because of the absurd amount of players that Cubecraft...
  26. HeyItsGabss

    South Americans are always dealing with bad ms

    First of all, I apologize my bad grammar but I've been on vacation so I haven't been practicing my English, I'm so sorry. I know there are other threads discussing about this but I'm here to talk about the bad connection South Americans like me are always dealing with. The problem As we all...
  27. S____R

    Can Cubecraft Staff improve your internet connection quality?

    I am a player in HongKong when i'm playing on Cubecraft ,that is so lag even i have a 5Mbps internet connection. When i try to do a ping test and a packet loss test then *! --- play.cubecraft.net ping statistics --- 1000 packets transmitted, 699 packets received, 30.1% packet loss round-trip...
  28. Ping Ether

    Health Tags

    So, the suggestion is simple: Healt Tags! We all (hopefully) know that Health Tags are in the allowed mods list, but what if we had them as a server-sided feature? Basically, it shows the health points of the other players in PvP games (not hearts, health points, aka half hearts) under the...
  29. Ping Ether

    Skywars kit: Brewmaster!

    Hey there, Ping here, and today I want to suggest you a new kit, for skywars. Brewmaster! Contents: x1 Brewing stand x1 Blaze powder x3 Glass bottle x1 Nether wart x1 Golden Carrot x1 Sugar x1 Fermented spider eye -------------------------------------------- What can you do with such...
  30. Ping Ether

    Skywars, new item type / voting option!

    Now let's discuss about item types in Skywars. I love OP, Normal, and Basic. All of them. Even though, I tend to prefer normal or basic because it's more balanced, skill-based, while I can like OP for its insane items that can make for really unique gameplay I.E Levitation arrows, punch bows...
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