Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. Darwin7

    Poll What's your favorite ffa kit

    Here is a little poll about which is the best ffa kit to choose :).. Multiple response are allowed.
  2. Fjackp14_

    Poll Which gamemode has the best maps?

    Out of all 10 gamemodes, 9 have maps. Which gamemode has the most beautiful and creative maps built by the cubecraft Team? Mine are skywars and ffa. 2 votes allowed!
  3. Fjackp14_

    Bedrock Vxp and how it is distributed in gifting

    Introduction: Hello. Welcome to another one of my suggestions. This is definitely the most controversial one by far. A discussion of the Vip experience and gifting. So at this current moment of time, if you were to win a giveaway, or your friend was feeling kind or anything like that, they...
  4. jay!

    Poll If you had to choose one game rank and be banned from buying all others, which are you choosing?

    It would have to be the eggwars rank for me 👌 i don't think I've missed any 😓
  5. Fjackp14_

    BlockWars Best blockwars bridges maps poll

    I wanted to do a poll of best bw maps but @Reesle already did that so I decided to go with my other 2 fav games (ba duels being posted tmrw btw) so pick your favourite and play blockwars inside during the cold winter days Merry Christmas! F.:heart:
  6. jamesthesignificant

    Web Idea - New Forum Features

    The forums aren't boring, but they could use some sprucing up. Here is some of my ideas! New Reactions 😎- all forums - positive - for something that is cool 👻 - limited time halloween reaction - positive - for something spooky ⛄️ - limited time christmas reaction - positive - for something...
  7. jamesthesignificant

    Poll- Best Fanmade Game I've Made

    which is your favourite? Read about them here EDIT: yes I can see the typo ._.
  8. jamesthesignificant

    Poll- Which CubeCraft Game should I Turn into a Comic?

    Pls decide- in the meantime you see Clyde
  9. jamesthesignificant

    Other Games Poll- Best Snowman Survival Map

    Which one is your favourite?
  10. jamesthesignificant

    All Networks More Game Ideas... Again

    It's me again! Here's a few ideas I have. Dino Survival - Unique In Dino Survival, you amongst 7 other players are in a 64 x 64 regular Minecraft arena, where you can break blocks, craft and place blocks. After a minute, 10 small velociraptors are spawned and begin going on a rampage! They can...
  11. jamesthesignificant

    BlockWars Poll- Does Iron Gear make you a Priority in Bridges?

    In the Bridges game mode, you have the option to mine for iron and make iron armour/tools. Will more people try kill you if you have iron gear, or less? Why People Wouldn't Try to Kill You As you have better gear than your opponent, they will try and avoid you. Why People Would Try to Kill You...
  12. jamesthesignificant

    All Networks Yet Another Game Idea- Blockwars Voxels

    Hey! I've made another idea and I think this one is decent BlockWars Voxels Gameplay There are 2 teams: Red and Blue. Each of these teams have a precious block, a Voxel (indicated by a name tag), that they must protect. If somebody breaks their Voxel, they have 20 seconds to kill the person...
  13. jamesthesignificant

    Bedrock New Kill Messages- Which Is the Best? (Poll)

    I made this poll with my own 3 hands
  14. jamesthesignificant

    Other Games Which one of these fanmade Snowman Survival power-ups would be the best?

    Another poll of fanmade stuff! Note: the penguin one is actually 10s duration, sorry
  15. jamesthesignificant

    Poll- pick a number 1 to 10

    No reason. Don't pick your favourite. Just pick a random one.
  16. jamesthesignificant

    Which one would be the best new FFA kit?

    Just a question, all ideas by me (by best it means which one would you pick) Edit: It would be nice if you commented why you would pick that one
  17. jamesthesignificant

    Poll- favourite game

    Which CubeCraft game do you like the most? Not counting deleted and seasonal games.
  18. buddybear232

    BlockWars New Blockwars or Old Blockwars?

    Which one do you guys prefer? The 10v10 blockwars that lasted 20 mins, or the og 5v5 that lasts 5 mins. (Ik 10v10 isn't here anymore but I'm still curious lol)
  19. burgerkingbrad1

    Other Games In your opinion, what is the best game mode?

    In your personal opinion what is the best game mode? I’m stuck between a couple personally, but my personal favorite is probably egg wars. What about you? Whatever is the most voted? I’m gonna try to play 10 games in a row. Sky blocks won’t count because obvious reasons but I will still keep it...
  20. caraMel

    Weekly challenge 7 winners poll! 🏆

    Heyyyy! ♪ So for those that don't know, every week I create a new challenge for players to compete at. Last week's was to make the coolest house in Pillars of Fortune! We have 8 amazing entries and, as promised, here is a poll for you to vote for your personal favourite submission! You can judge...
  21. Reesle

    Mojang is Adding NEW Wolf Variants + Poll

    Hey everyone! Hope you’re doing well! It’s been a while since I last made a thread, and I thought this would be a good opportunity to finally make another! Earlier today, Mojang announced they’ll be adding 8 NEW WOLF VARIANTS to Minecraft as part of the upcoming 1.21 update! Here’s the video...
  22. caraMel

    Weekly Challenge 3 winners poll! 🏆

    Haiiii ♪ So for those that don't know, every week I create a new challenge for players to compete at. Last week's was to create the 'best' Eggwars video. We have 4 amazing submissions and as promised, here is a poll for you to vote for your personal favourite submission! You can judge based on...
  23. Roxrock

    Bedrock Teaming in lucky Islands solos

    After encountering a match where a player attempted to team with me, I’ve decided to bring this topic up here. Teaming is currently punishable in lucky islands solos. However, in my opinion, it should not be banned and here’s why: Lucky islands currently has no duos mode, and groups of two...
  24. Reesle

    3 New Cosmetics (Poll)

    Out of the 3 newest cosmetics, which is your favorite? Mine is the “Ender” Lucky Block Skin.
  25. Reesle

    ALL Of My Suggestions + Poll (2023)

    Introduction: Hello everybody! This thread will be an end-of-year thread featuring all of the suggestions I’ve made throughout 2023. Make sure to vote in the poll above to tell me which suggestions of mine were your favourite! Also, feel free to react with :agree:, :unsure:, or :disagree: on any...
  26. Reesle

    Fluent Languages Poll

    Hello! 👋 I thought today I would make a fun poll and discussion thread. In how many languages are you fluent? Which ones? Do you hope to learn more languages in your lifetime? If so, which ones?
  27. Hoshi

    POLL - Would you like to see more non-PvP games on CubeCraft?

    Heya, me again! Before I continue explaining the actual point of the thread, I would like to mention that this thread is nothing official. I am simply asking for your opinions on something as a fellow community member. The title of this thread explains all I really wish to know: Would you like...
  28. CrystalLegend01

    Christmas Poll 1: Do you like Eggnog?

    Welcome to my first Christmas/Winter-related poll! 🎄 🌟 I might continue posting more Christmas polls after this 👀 The (somewhat random) question for this poll is: do you like eggnog? I personally like eggnog; I’m curious what other people think of it. Also, feel free to comment your opinion...
  29. CrystalLegend01

    MinerWare Minerware Poll: Favorite & Least Favorite Boss Games

    Hi there, welcome to my third Minerware poll! 👋 This poll is about your favorite and least favorite boss games in Minerware Thank you to those who voted in my previous poll! Try to choose a minimum of 2 choices (1 favorite & 1 least favorite) You can choose up to 4 options in total 👍
  30. Reesle

    Winter Update Poll 🎄

    If you had to choose just 1 of the 4 updates that are “in progress” to be released before Christmas, which would you choose? Reply to the poll and comment in the replies to voice your opinion! If you don’t know about the updates, you can read about them here...
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