Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. D

    Bedrock Powerups on blockwars need a rework.

    Welcome to another post in my (currently not very active) series of critising (giga) blockwars with the hopes someone will take at least one of these seriously if they ever choose to update the gamemode. Todays topic? Powerups. If you never played blockwars, you may not know what a powerup...
  2. Powerofbeds

    Bedrock Make it easier to avoid powerups in Snowman Survival

    Snowman Survival has received a new update for this year featuring two new maps and two new powerups. Cool stuff, but what this update has also done is replace powerups with custom models that are bigger than before and removing the name tags. A change like this means the game is slightly...
  3. Powerofbeds

    Java Slime Survival powerup balancing

    Many people probably know what Slime Survival is. For those who don't, it's basically a game based on infection, but the "infectors" throw slimes at survivors instead of hitting them with a melee attack. It has powerups which spawn to help the survivors survive. These powerups can be very...
  4. Powerofbeds

    Slime Survival: Rarely Used Tricks

    Hello fellow Slime Survival players, it's me again, Powerofbeds, with another thread! To start off with, here are the links to my other threads: 15 ways to get better at slime survival Tips for using powerups in Snowman Survival Tips for using powerups in Slime Survival (extra details and the...
  5. Powerofbeds

    Slime Survival tips for evading slime-hitting powerups

    Hello everyone! Slime Survival was just the featured game and I have now played more than three thousand games of it (this includes Snowman Survival) and I figured I should share some of this experience with you. I have made three other threads on Slime Survival tips and I decided to make a...
  6. Powerofbeds

    Tips for using powerups in Snowman Survival

    Powerups in Snowman Survival can be so useful, but yet hard to use. You could get super frustrated by being converted on your way to stun a snowman with a Snowman Stabber. Here are some good ways to use the powerups. You can trust me on this, I have played about 2.2k total games of this...
  7. Powerofbeds

    How to use the powerups in slime survival well

    Sometimes it can be hard to use powerups well in slime survival, but I have some ways to use them well and to avoid them well if you're a slime. For example, not only can a survivor recover grenade recover multiple people by toss of an egg, but you can actually use it to recover yourself...
  8. Cactus Awex

    TNT Wars (*Different Version*) (Game Suggestion)

    NOTE: THIS IS A DIFFERENT VERSION OF TNT WARS I AM SUGGESTING, NOT JUST NORMAL TNT WARS. The game I am suggesting is called TNT Wars and is a spin on the classic TNT Wars with a few twists. In the game, you can either play SOLO, 2v2, 3v3 and possible 4v4 if big enough. Each team starts off...
  9. Cactus Awex

    Ender Fight! (Game suggestion)

    The game I am suggesting is called Ender Fighters. It has a kind of similar gameplay mechanic as paintball, but slightly different. It is a competitive solo game, each round lasting 5 minutes. In the game, you shoot ender pearls to teleport to places, as all the maps have large gaps in them etc...
  10. SpankMeSanta

    Eggwars power ups

    This is just the idea I've taken from blockwars. I think that every 5 minutes there should be a power up (potion effect) that could last about 20 seconds. Ideas for the potion effects could be haste II (so you can break blocks faster and also having smaller hit delays so you can hit people...
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