Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

quality of life

  1. 7mexpert

    Bedrock Matching System

    Hello, I thought it would be nice to be able to put in what role you are and what role you are looking for in a game and you can find team members (for bedwars duos, ctf duels, ...) Example: Player 1: I am Defender, I want Attacker Player 2: I am Attacker, I want Defender They will then be put...
  2. TheMrSpacee

    All Networks Automatically swords switching in Bedwars

    Hello Cubecrafters, Now when you buy sword in Bedwars, it's just added to your inventory in free slot. But many players prefer to have sword in certain slot and have default (wooden) sword there until they buy better one. And dropping old sword to change it to new one is annoying process because...
  3. Vindicatør

    Implemented Option to leave teams

    This suggestion is simply to add an option to leave a team in team games. For example, @HackersDontWin likes doing random teams in his private game twitch streams, but now apparently his party members are automatically placed into random teams. Also if you are in a party and it selects your...
  4. Vindicatør

    Denied Play Again Suggestion

    I am simply suggesting that if you right-click Play Again, it will bring you to the GUI that the NPC of the game brings you too. For example, if you win a game of SkyWars on a good map and want to play that map again without going to the lobby, and have the ability to select maps, you could...
  5. DragonLord

    Web Prefixes and 'Escalated' + 'Implemented' tags

    Heya. Recently prefixes have been introduced on the site which have actually been pretty useful. (Pretty neat addition) Any post that has a prefix to identify what platform it is for that gets 'Escalated' or 'Implemented' loses it's tag and is replaced. After that, you have to guess what area...
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