Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. Fjackp14_

    Web Add "Congratulations" reaction to forums

    Hello there! Welcome to another of my suggestions. Today I will be suggesting a new reaction to be added, Congratulations! This would be a little bit like the Hype reaction in news, but slightly different and only in the Lobby sub-forum. As of now, the closest we have to this is the Love 😍...
  2. YeaUhm

    Web Forums - Add a few new reactions

    📝 Forums - Add a few new reactions 📝 Hello, fellow CubeCrafters! Today I have another suggestion. Lately, I've started to notice that there are only 6 reactions, that allow you to respond to someone else's post. Currently, there are only these 6: For example, sometimes I disagree with a...
  3. Wave Master7S

    Web Why is wow a negative reaction

    I have no clue why wow is a negative reaction even tho most people use it in a positive way like if something is mind blowing to them.I suggest wow should be a positive reaction Peace y’all.
  4. JDgamers

    Web Like button -> React button

    Heya! 😎 When you are on the forums you can react to a post from someone. You can do this in 6 ways. -> As you can see, you need to hold your mouse on the like button if you want to react with something else. There are some people who may don't know this. Think of players who...
  5. DragonLord

    Discord Reaction

    Alright so I noticed that if you're in Cube Discord and you've asked something in staff-help and it's been dealt with but nobody has said it's been dealt with and then another staff member asks about it and it starts some confusion. I was thinking that to save this from happening so much staff...
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