Today I saw a hacker. He was literally flying, taking no knockback at all and using some killaura hacks with crazy reach. His name was "SentinelEZ5718" and I reported him using /sr. 10 minutes later I got a message that said he'd logged off. My report was then closed, but a few games later...
i am creating this post on behalf of JqckFqn because he is too LAZY to make it himself.
recently, the past 2 weeks or so, he has been banned by sentinel for cheating (automatic cheat detection). This has happened 4 times within 2 weeks, all four of which occurred on the Skywars Duels map Snowy...
I got banned for a month by Sentine.
I have been playing for 2 years on the server, have stats specially in skywars, so hacking for me its nonesense.
Even so, i got banned for "unnfair advantade" when i was just lagging. reading the threads in this forum and messages from people in the discord...
I was fighting someone who was using an auto clicker, and they lifted me up into the air, and because of the bot's strict anti-cheat, it banned me for flying and "unfair advantages." I appealed and the mod denied it, and wouldn't respond back. I don't know what to do because of no one responding.
So I was running around in EggWars right with my Obvious Blatant SkillAura and Strafe hacks on, i use the vanilla client if you want a download ill link it at the bottom of this page
When I was running around with my Strafe hacks, SkillAura and Auto Clutch hacks i jump and make a 7 block jump...
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