Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

skyblock coins

  1. legend6526

    How to Improve cactus, cocoa and zombie farm?

    Hi everyone, I AM at Desert level is there any ways to improve zombie farm(which I made from fall damage) , cactus and cocoa farms? Also is it possible to cook rotten flesh?
  2. legend6526

    Desert level Money question?

    Hi everyone, I am at Desert level in this level which is best way to get money?
  3. M

    All my magma cube spawners despawned and I shouldn't have to pay 80 million skyblock coins to buy a new one.

    I've been playing Cubecraft's Skyblock on Switch and have been really enjoying my solo world which has 118 hours of game play so far. I wanted to move the magma cube spawners so I destroyed them but they despawned super fast. I'm now lost on what to do. I have no spawners and would have to pay...
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