Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. S

    All Networks Bedrock Skywars smithing table

    From personal experience I believe that the smithing table should be either an unbreakable block or something that spawns at every base. Too many games someone will run to middle break the table and die in the void making it unusable for everyone. The fun of the smithing table is that it makes...
  2. TeoC Perfect Form

    Bedrock Wolf kills not being counted as player kills in skywars

    I know barely anyone uses the wolf kit, but i wouldn't be making this post if players getting knocked off / last hit by a wolf didn't happen so often What makes it weirder is that other game modes like lucky block counts pet kills as player kills with the message "killed by X's pet". It makes...
  3. TBroz15

    Video Lucky Block Skywars Funny Moments 3 | Now with 50% Extra Goofy!

    "Babe a new goofy ahh video just released from TBroz15" Yes and its definitely longer and better right now!
  4. raffedemus

    Java Change skywars redstone kit on java

    Change the redstone kit from: 1 hopper 2 sticky pistons 1 piston 20 redstone 1 lever 3 repeaters 1 comparator To: 1 hopper 3 pistons 2 slime blocks 20 redstone 1 lever 3 repeaters 1 comparator Why?: because you Will still be able to make sticky pistons but the slime would open a new world...
  5. TBroz15

    Video Lucky Blocks in Skywars is CHAOTIC! (First Video)

    Yep, its happening... This is a good way to jump start my channel and make my content and create a new blend of Minecraft content!
  6. J

    All Networks Skywars Waterfights

    Please make the void and the water in Skywars way deeper because it's really sad that you can't actually waterfight because after 2 hits it is basically over and waterfights are so much fun and a good solution when you are getting targetted by to many people and they could be used for good...
  7. CrystalLegend01

    SkyWars 1,000 SkyWars Solo wins!

    I have finally reached 1,000 wins in SkyWars Solo! This is my first time reaching 1,000 wins in any game. It’s funny to think that a while back 1,000 wins in SkyWars seemed very far off; now here I am! Statistics At 500 wins (November 18th of last year), I took a screenshot of my statistics...
  8. B

    Builds SkyWars To2 Map Submission

    I realized that map submissions were closed, but my friend and I still had the inspiration and free time to make an entire SkyWars map from scratch. Here are the results... Name: Logs Here are some of the aspects of the map... (With Screenshots) - 16 players - Compact design - Unique log...
  9. A

    Bedrock SkyWars Improve matchmaking of PC gamers versus Mobile gamers, it's hard to beat PC gamers being on mobile.

    (ENGLISH) Improve the matchmaking of PC players with mobile players, it's a disadvantage to have to deal with PC players being on mobile, thanks. (ESPAÑOL)   Mejorar el emparejamiento de jugadores de PC con jugadores móviles, es una desventaja tener que lidiar con jugadores de PC que están en...
  10. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands we need to ban these maps

    Hello there, i've been playing luckyblock for a while now, and i noticed that these 2 maps (Cakes) and (Islands) have it so that you can't get to middle with the blocks you get from the block luckyblock which is annoying, cakes for now is very chill and managable BUT ISLAND ONE just no, its very...
  11. I0mm1


  12. Daanfkyy

    Java How long in a single game mode?

    Hey everyone! So I was wondering, in what game do I have the most hours/days, and I got kinda shocked by the statistics. (btw pls don't roast my W/L ratio🥺) This got me wondering... How many hours/days do y'all have in the games you have played the most? I'm curious and excited to see...
  13. caraMel

    SkyWars Weekly challenge ~ 12

    Heeeeyyyyyyyyy!! It's time for the next weekly challenge, yay! For those who don't know how this works, every week I'll be posting a new exciting challenge for you to compete at! I'll generally announce the previous week's winners in the next week's post and you'll have exactly a week to join...
  14. CallMeKINO ITA

    Video My first minecraft video in the highest quality

    I finally managed to make the highest quality and very smooth videos in fps ^-------------------------------------------------^ This is my first video on cubecraft in 4k and 60 fps
  15. R

    SkyWars Cubecraft getting invaded by PC aliens.

    I don't know what happened to Cubecraft Skywars lately, but ever since this new 1.19 update, the PC players just have been pouring into the server. I would often join a Skywars solo game on maps that have small islands that are close to each other and get absolutely rekt early in the game (when...
  16. fatcatrq

    Wind Charge Game

    The new Wind Charge item from the latest snapshot is cool and unique and would be really cool in a game. It could be added as special chest items in Skywars. Or a item to buy from the Eggwars shop. Even making a Microgame for Minerware using wind charges would be really fun. Not often do they...
  17. fatcatrq

    Bedrock Gap glitch

    Through all the glitches on the server there is one that stands out as by far the worst. There is a glitch that when you eat a gap you don't get the effect although the animation still happens. The way you can tell if it's happening it that when it is glitching there is no sound. While fighting...
  18. DjaroGames

    Java Bring back strategy and verticality in maps to Skywars

    One of the main draws of CubeCraft Skywars, in my opinion, was the more strategic gameplay. While you can get your kit, rush other islands, and die in 10 seconds on any Skywars server, CubeCraft generally had islands further apart. Your starting island generally had ores, wood, and hay bales...
  19. Flxen

    Builds Eggwars Solo / Skywars Solo - Voidness

    Theme: Void corruption I know the map submissions are closed but, a couple monts ago I had the idea of creating a map with this theme Screenshots I hope you like this map!
  20. J

    Bedrock Cubecraft need better autoclicker detector

    i noticed a lot of people use autoclick, i play eggwars a lot and there some many people who can put more than 12 blocks in less than a second, but suspicioslly they are not that good at pvp, i think its bit easy identify someone with autoclick, but why cubecraft dont do something. personally...
  21. TBroz15

    Bedrock Skywars Solo Map "Neon" causes lag

    Skywars Solo Map "Neon" causes more lag than other maps, due to tons of end rods used in the map emitting particles that decrease frames per second. The solution is to substitute something for end rods and entity blocks.
  22. TBroz15

    Lucky Islands The Ultimate Guide to Lucky Islands

    Hello, Cubecrafters! This is my take on guiding you on how to play Lucky Islands! I have been an enthusiast in this game mode since I started playing Cubecraft for around 5 years. Now I have mastered the art of Lucky Islands and am sharing the strategies on how to win for you. Take note, that...
  23. Adavidapa

    Java Switf Sneak enchantment

    Remove swift sneak from skywars. I think I'm not the only one who experienced this: It's a bit painful when you want to rush (on maps where the middle is a bit far like: elements, explosive) in normal or overpowered mode and you start speed bridging (shift bridging/ shift jump bridging) to...
  24. Reesle

    Bedrock Gamebox Chest Skin Suggestion 👾

    Introduction: Good afternoon! Today I will be making a suggestion regarding the Gamebox Chest Skin. It will be short and to the point. Suggestion: As some of you may know, about two weeks ago, Cubecraft released their newest cosmetic: the Gamebox Chest Skin. This cosmetic is really nice...
  25. Reesle

    Bedrock Update Skywars Profile Background ☁️

    Introduction Hello everyone! Hope you’re all having an amazing day/night. Today I will be making a simple suggestion regarding the Skywars Profile Background. Problem As some of you may know, once you reach VIP level 29 on Bedrock Edition you’ll receive a Skywars Hub Profile Background. The...
  26. yudo

    Java Team Skywars Revival!

    Dear CubeCraft Players and Staff I'd like to suggest the next thing, see I really enjoyed playing Team Skywars on CubeCraft, I have great memories and made great friends on there, friends I still talk to 'till this day, I really miss Team Skywars ever since it got removed last year. Beside I do...
  27. PieCreeper

    All Networks Each player should have their own chests in Team SkyWars.

    In Solo SkyWars, the player has 3 chests on their island containing everything they need. In Team SkyWars, there are many chests containing items that anyone on the team can take. The problem with that is a random teammate may hog all of the items and take everything from the chests instead of...
  28. PieCreeper

    All Networks SkyWars teams should be colors instead of numbers.

    In team SkyWars, each team is differentiated by a number. The problem with that is from a distance, it is hard to tell who is on a team and who isn't. Approaching multiple people all on different teams is much safer than a whole team, but you may find out which one it is too late. I think each...
  29. PieCreeper

    Bedrock SkyWars Anvil not giving me my combined item.

    In SkyWars, I tried to combine the enchantments of two swords into a stronger one. However, the anvil kept refusing to give me the sword. Whenever I tried to get it, it appeared in my inventory for a second then went back to the anvil. Is there a reason to that?
  30. Deepslate

    Video two orphans 1v1 in blockgame to settle their differences

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