Please make the void and the water in Skywars way deeper because it's really sad that you can't actually waterfight because after 2 hits it is basically over and waterfights are so much fun and a good solution when you are getting targetted by to many people and they could be used for good...
I've spent the last couple of days creating this video, which is my first video, so I hope you like it! Please let me know what you think of it, and I would appreciate and suggestions! Also, I'm open to suggestions of new videos. Finally, I would hugely love it if you could follow my...
Hey Cubecraft First of all I've been on your server for around 3 years :D
SO here are my SkyWars Ideas!!!
1. More Kits
We need more I have every KIT make more kits like hypixel Thats why Hypixel is number 1 but for me your number 1!
The perks you have are good but get things like...
Hi, I would like to see a new voting option in skywars: No bows, eggs and snowballs!
Good idea?
If you don't agree, say why :)
Edit: For clarity, it is an idea for a vote, when there will come more vote things in the next update.
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