Hey Guys this a a little suggestion.
I really need smth like a Snowball in EggWars… And it would be really cool if they add something to MLG like a waterbucket.
That’s it lol
React with :agree: if you like it, :unsure: if you’re unsure and with :disagree: if you don’t want it.
Ever since Cubecraft's server software was updated to 1.19, the knockback dealt by projectiles has failed to match the melee knockback.
While I made a bug report on this, it was rejected as "not enough people were complaining about it".
In this thread I will discuss what's wrong...
Hello, by the snowball minigame you lose when you get 1 snowball
I always get elliminated in the first 1 to 2 seconds I play that minigame
My question is : can it get nurved that you die when you get hit twice?
The Suggestion
I have recently explored the suggestions and saw a post saying that rushing should not be a thing, like 1 minute protection on your egg so that people cant rush but everyone knows that is outrageous since it is a big strategy to take on an egg by rushing, eliminates players...
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