Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

speed eggwars

  1. H

    Java What happened to Speed Eggwars? ¿Qué ha pasado con Speed Eggwars?

    Hi! I want to know what happened to speed eggwars, I bought all kits and I spend a lot of time playing speed eggwars, it was very funny! So I wanted to know why they removed it. Thanks for read! :D Hola! Me gustaría saber que pasó con Speed Eggwars ya que yo tenía todos los kits y he pasado...
  2. decobra

    Java Speed Eggwars maps

    I think the old maps of speed would being added I think they looked great and It where the perfect rush maps But speed Eggwars died and this is why I think it was why: speed-eggwars is played way faster than regular eggwars. Which creates a big gap between people who know exactly how to...
  3. SrSeed

    Java A formal thank you to the Cubecraft Team. -SrSeed

    Good evening. For the past 9 months, I have been wondering if there are any future plans to bring some of the currently "disabled" minigames like Speed Eggwars back on the server at some point. To be as brief as possible, I feel sad that the game I spent over 2 years playing is...
  4. Zathelas

    Speed EggWars

    Hello everybody. A couple of days I asked on the forums Speed EggWars can came back. But then you can play it 24/7. Now I got this suggestion. So now I got this question. Will Speed EggWars come back in the featured games. If you vote on that minigame you can play it for 2 days include for 24/7...
  5. Zathelas

    Speed EggWars

    Hello all! I got a question. Will Speed EggWars come back? In the past I played it so much on my first account that got hacked. Some friends want it back and they don't know how they will do it or that they will succeed. Are there plans for it to come back because some people talk about it and...
  6. iiJqlian_

    Java Add Speed Eggwars to the Eggwars NPC

    Dear Staff members. Speed Eggwars is my favorite game. and I think your update is very user-friendly, but like many others I find it very unfortunate that you have removed my favorite game. Why was Speed Eggwars my favorite game? - I liked the game very much because you had to be fast with Speed...
  7. Elenahh

    Speed Eggwars: Beyond the Basics

    Hello Cubecrafters, Since I joined the server, Speed EggWars has always been my favorite game. My favorite game indeed, because I have always loved the fact there are smaller maps, and the games are more intensive. I have always had a great time while playing this amazing game with my friends...
  8. SnowyWarz

    Speed eggwars team guide

    Hi! Today i'm going be doing a second speed eggwars guide, on the team version and what type of tips and tricks you can do on the maps. There are a total of 10 maps for team speed eggwars, with 5 teams of 2 maps, 2 teams of 3 maps, 1 team of 4 map and 2 teams of 5 map The maps: On the maps...
  9. N

    Speed Eggwars

    So , a long time ago , one guy posted a thread , where he asks to give back the speed effect in speed eggwars . A moderator/admin told him , that they removed it because it was harder to pvp with the speed...Well...im here , to ask too to bring back the speed effect. You have created the speed...
  10. SnowyWarz

    Speed Eggwars Guide

    Speed eggwars is a game based of Normal eggwars expect, only different. Today I'm going to create a speed eggwars guide for people who either don't have a clue or to know more tricks and tips from me. (Not going to do Harcore prices for all of them, since people never vote for it.) Btw if you...
  11. P

    Implemented Empty bottles in Inventory

    Just a small, little, quick, crispazing suggestion.. Remove the empty bottles from the Inventory :)
  12. Sweetenerera

    Massive Suggestion Thread

    Hello Cubecraft players, Today I’m going to put a lot of great suggestions in one thread. Some ideas are my own, and some ideas are from others. I’ll give you credit if it’s yours and I’ll explain it real quick. (If I forgot to give you credit. Please tell me ^-^) Chat Filter (Credit: To many...
  13. Sweetenerera

    Bring back speed in speed Eggwars

    I see everyone yelling old things they want back.. But c'mon.. No one is talking about bringing speed back in speed eggwars? #BringBackSpeedInSpeedEggwars
  14. Avocado Pie

    Speed Eggwars

    Don't play speed eggwars if youj do any of the following: Get stone, iron or diamond swords before you even leave your island. Get op armour 2v1 everyone you see Basically camp If you do any of these, stop, or play on non speed mode. You are ruining the game for everyone who came to speed mode...
  15. Sweetenerera

    Speed Eggwars

    Hello Cubecraft Players, So a while ago the speed two effect has been removed from speed eggwars. Unfortunately. I don't know if more people want the effect back or are happy that it has been removed. I'm the one that wants it back. I had a great idea.. Why don't they add it back? But not like...
  16. Awsomeface159


    I think the the speed eggwars is a little op and I think we should get more maps!
  17. Sweetenerera

    'Speed' Eggwars

    I was just derping a little bit around on the CubeCraft server when i saw that there was a new update for Eggwars. I joined the lobby and i searched for a nice new map to play (unfortunately i didnt saw any new map so i joined my favorite map civilization ;p), we started the game and i didn't...
  18. WolfShine

    Speed Eggwars guide!

    ENGLISH I am going to share with everyone how I win all my games of speed eggwars! I hope everyone likes my guide! 1. Never build a bridge off your island, you can just jump the gap. When you are coming back to your island you build up then either jump on your island, or build from your tower...
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