Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. r7x2

    Does in game Reports count?

    Helper application Does in game Reports count? Or do I need to get 50 successful reports on the java site? Java 100 messages on Discord 15 forums messages 50 successful reports on the Java reports site 2 months of server activity
  2. Tommy Boi

    What will CubeCraft 2024 look like?

    So… just today 4 very important CubeCraft staff were demoted. This is in addition to the 3 mods already sacked / resigned. We are just over 3 weeks into 2024. Slightly concerning. The admin/all staff teams have had no response to the matter. I’m just worried that the loss of three devs and...
  3. privqted

    Video How to Get EVERY Rank on Cubecraft

  4. Dreamer

    👤 - The book of Staff members

    What is this? This is the ambitious quest to find screenshots of every staff since 2020, in every position they were ever in! It has no use other than documenting history, this thread might even get updated in real time when new staff changes happen. All you have to do is find a screenshot of a...
  5. agatecarrot517

    Resolved Is the case closed?

    I was playing CTF and someone was flying some time later it sailed on the chat that the player had disconnected so they couldn’t search him. So, is it closed or will the Admins check him when he logs on again? I really don’t know how it works
  6. Dreamer

    Staff Statistics 2022 🔥💀

    Hey guys! Today I finally finished my graph of staff positions this year, it surely is interesting... - Data taken from this thread: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/cubecraft-team-history-status.209291/ - This thread was made with the purpose of remembering all the team members who said...
  7. La J

    Reverse counting till staff interrupts

    hi guys mostly i see on forums people doing count to (..) so i thought let’s change the game a bit… we’re gonna count from 100 to 0 so reverse counting and everytime a staff types were gonna restart RULES: Don’t type more than one time consecutive that’s the only rule and lets begin staff...
  8. GeoJosh7

    Discord Movie Night!

    Hi, I have a simple suggestion here, all it is is for movie nights hosted by the Cubecraft team either weekly or bi-weekly. The concept is basically there is a specific channel that either is always open or is open a couple of days before the event, where people can vote for a movie to watch...
  9. xNoFalling05

    All Networks Java suggestion minerware make teaming bannable

    this is the link to the video should this be bannable agree or disagree?
  10. GamingforGod

    The Main Hub Could Use More Content

    CubeCraft's main hub looks really cool now, but it's so huge! I think it would be cool if there was a bunch of parkour courses hidden around the map with secret hubtitles that you could unlock. I had this other cool thought, imagine if there was like a quest system set up in the hub, sort of...
  11. B

    Resolved I want to be unbanned because I am innocent

    Hello, I was banned 7 months ago I think, and since I used to play a lot of cubecraft, especially around this time of Halloween and Christmas, I would like to appeal for an unban but the appeals appear blocked, I would like to play again on the server, I need help: (
  12. G

    Discord Server

    Hey, I was part of the discord server and the server mysteriously disappeared from my server list. Can someone help please?
  13. DoomRaider38

    Bedrock Command Ideas for Magic and Mayhem

    Magic and Mayhem are probably one of the best games on cube craft bedrock at the moment but there are just some things that I wish were added/changed. List of what I believe should be added/changed: * Add a /trash command - my inventory keeps filling up with crap from having a high luck level...
  14. JanS.2004

    Bedrock The gamemode we want, sumo

    Ok, so sumo is a very fun mode and I think that it would be an awesome addition to the battle arena kits. I believe that most people will enjoy this (much more than archer kit). E.j.
  15. Mariwiis

    Temporary unfair ban

    I got banned for a month by Sentine. I have been playing for 2 years on the server, have stats specially in skywars, so hacking for me its nonesense. Even so, i got banned for "unnfair advantade" when i was just lagging. reading the threads in this forum and messages from people in the discord...
  16. miguelitoindus

    My 1 year experience with the Translations Team

    Hello everybody! 💙 Welcome to this chonker of a thread, in which I discuss my experience in the Translations Team, and how I went from being an applicant, to becoming a Head of Team. Today, 24th of April 2021, marks the 1-year anniversary of the day in which I applied to the Translations Team...
  17. Salty_Shadows

    Why cubecraft bedrock is always pushed aside

    Hello cubecraft java and bedrock community Im writing this today because its about time someone whos known in the bedrock community to actually start talking about this as its been an issue for way to long and its starting to get extreamly annoying not getting answers on anything and its always...
  18. Higgachu

    Discord Tickety - Staff help

    Dear Staff Team, isn't it much easier to add the bot 'tickety' to discord? that way it is much easier and more organized for staff members to help players. you can create a separate channel where the players can click on an icon, and your own private ticket is automatically created. make...
  19. Tinoootje Cubecraft

    I have a question

    hi im Tinoootje/TlN0 and i have been banned from cubecraft 3 times for camping and my next ban will be permanent if i will do it again. my question is that if i get banned for say, teaming (im not btw). will i get the Punishment track: 1 day ban → 7 day ban → 30 day ban → Permanent ban. or...
  20. R

    How do I contact staff for skyblock

    How do I contact a staff member for skyblock. I lost 2 spider mob spawners and I need someone to give me them back.
  21. Cristalic

    All ranks

    I was bored so I did this. hehe Here you can see all the ranks you can get or apply for. (: Ranks you can buy: Obsidian Emerald Diamond : https://store.cubecraft.net/category/60093 Gold Lapiz Iron Plus: https://store.cubecraft.net/category/1173606 Positions you can apply for: Helper...
  22. Aronworld

    Java Among Slimes Questions

    When is a leaderboard coming? Like with Egg, Wars, Sky Wars, Mineware etc. And are achievments coming to Among Slimes?
  23. DashingPrune

    Bedrock 1 v 1 me CubeCraft staff

    I am a good eggwars player, anyone from the CubeCraft staff team wanna 1 v 1. If I win you guys add ranked eggwars matches with only players with 100+ eliminations. Respond if you guys are up for the challenge. All for fun! :)

    More staff

    Good afternoon, ok sorry for the inconvenience. I do not know if it would bother them that I tell them this, but the most famous youtubers are leaving their server, due to lag and hackers, they go to servers where there are more staff there is no lag as in hipixel others even go to non-premium...
  25. xHappyMood

    New staff rank: Interrupter

    Okay, so my idea is to make a new staff rank, it would be called interrupter as said in the title. Basically the job of the interrupters would be to interrupt the counting in this thread, and that’s all.
  26. Lello

    I Love CCG!

    Hello Cubers! I created this post to tell my experience on CubeCraft (With some special thanks), from the distant 2017 until today. My adventure has begun in 2017, when I entered CubeCraft for the first time, under the advice of one of mine best friend. We both had a lot of fun playing Lucky...
  27. Bu6b3ltj3sKrqqn_

    200+ reports handled YEA

    Yeah! 216 handled reports! This might’ve been done before, but i wanna thank all the staff who helped us to make cubecraft a better place for everyone! Staff keep the good work goin!
  28. SEBAS OMG8513

    ¿Como puedo ser staff en Minecraft Pocket Edition?

    Hola me llamo Sebastian y estoy interesado en ser staff del server de Cubecraft en Minecraft Pocket Edition
  29. Xqzo

    CubeCraft Record for most people stacked on top of each other at once, 21 people!

    Click here to see the recorded attempt of the record, @StaffTeam let me know if this is a legitimate record and if we broke it :]
  30. EliteGamerYT146

    Need Help? Ask Your Questions

    Hey hope you are enjoying Cubecraft for the server it is so I want to help the staff as an unofficial staff member with any questions you have so if the staff cant help right away maybe I can help you so reply with your questions about Cubecraft
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