Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. fionnjackp14

    Bedrock Add personal storage unit to Skyblock

    Ok so I recently started playing skyblock and I am really impressed! The only thing that's troubling me, @coolzombiee, @BicolourSine41, and @Reesle's world, is griefers. Someone has stole some stuff so I suggest adding another tab to the skyblock menu titled "personal storage" this is basically...
  2. I

    Skyblock Storage Area ideas?

    I need some ideas on how to make my storage look better. Please post what your storage areas look like so i can get some inspo.
  3. Chr7st

    All Networks Addition of Ender chests

    I feel like this has had to be a suggestion at some point. having e-chests added into the game would be for me at least game-changing. Finally you don't have to spend 1 minutes gearing up and gathering resources, rather you an just get your items such as extra swords or Armour out of your...
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