Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. mrjasonn

    Java Make ranks non auto-renewing subscriptions

    Please make ranks non auto-renewing, so it's easier to gift other players a rank. This does not mean it cannot be a subscription-based model though, as you can just make it so you can buy a specified number of days of the rank on the store, and add more as needed, similar to Hypixel's MVP++ rank.
  2. GeoJosh7

    Bedrock Custom Geometry Hats/Costumes

    Hello, On The Hive, different cosmetics such as costumes and recently hats are on the server, My suggestion is to bring something similar to Cubecraft What are these costumes/hats? These costumes and hats are unique, custom 3D with custom geometry models that add some unique aesthetic to the...
  3. colinverp

    Web Cubecraft store

    Cubecraft store The problem It is not very clear when you want a rank upgrade what you get in addition so I’ve 3 options: Option 1 (my favorite) Add a plus sign of new features you get when buying that rank. This way it is clear and you don’t have to search as much, here is an example: Option...
  4. iClickSlowish

    Bedrock Trails

    I’ve seen people with trails in lobby’s and a look through YT as well as the internet tells me you can only earn them during certain times of the year (Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc.) I think I’d be really cool to add trails to the cubecraft store! So that people could buy them because I’d...
  5. TheGamerASD

    Java Add Featured Games Multiplier

    I think that there should be a multiplier for featured games. When you use it, it doubles the points people earn while playing featured games. If a new game is featured while a multiplier is active, that multiplier should roll over to the next game. Example: I think it should cost 9.99 GBP...
  6. kibelek

    Marketplace purchase

    Hello, A week ago I bought a halloween Minerware map on the Marketplace. When I joined the Cubecraft server, I noticed that I didn't got any VIP experience from that purchase. I have a question, should I get some VIP experience from buying a Minerware halloween map from Cubecraft marketplace?
  7. maflenoo

    All Networks Bedrock Rank

    Hello Cubecrafters, I hope you all are good and safe at quarantine :D Today I have a new suggestion (and it is my first one :P) It is to add a new rank called Bedrock :c Now I will take about everything about the rank : 1. First with Voting : - As the Emerald & Obsidian ranks, the Bedrock rank...
  8. JobvanTuijl

    Can't buy a rank

    I would like to buy a rank from the store, but it says "This account is banned from this webstore". I think its becouse my acc got tempbanned for like a week by the anticheat 3 years ago. But that's ages ago. What should I do now?
  9. J

    Is this image real

    I didn’t post this, but is this image from your server? Image posted
  10. Basketman

    Web Cosmetic shop

    Dear CubeCrafters I am here to convince you why I think it would be nice to add a cosmetic shop in the store. So what I mean with this idea, is that they add a weekly shop where you can buy cages, shields, trails, win effects, ... How this works is simple it changes every week to different...
  11. Jevmen

    Implemented put something

    put a poster behind the store npc
  12. Amin -

    Java Black Friday SALE in Store..?

    Hmmm.... would CubeCraft low all ranks with 50% off on Black Friday?
  13. Shrek Trained Me

    Make premium miniatures purchaseable again.

    So hello fellow lovely men/women. I heard from @ChaosConjurer that you can't buy miniatures anymore but can obtain them in cubelets. I don't know who thought this being a good idea but however i am suggesting making premium miniatures purchase-able again and remove them from the cubelet. Reason...
  14. P

    Remove this from store

    Understandable Cubecraft needs money I completely understand Builders and Developers are doing great and deserve to get payed But Cubelets should NOT be buyable at the store It completely ruins the point of playing games/getting achievements/doing daily challenges Look at dis ___ Me: yayyyyy...
  15. Shrek Trained Me

    Implemented Add something to the store.

    You know you get some information when purchasing a rank, right? Add this: OBSIDIAN prefix on the Forums!. Just a little neat update to the store. @Joe Henry EDIT: More players would join the forums if they get there rank there!
  16. P

    [Repost] Points Multipliers

    Okay, The previous thread I made about this topic got lost in the void Today, I'm resuggesting. Points Multiplier are enjoyable and all, you see your name pass by in chat and in big bold letters in the Travel menu But they're very rare to see. Okay, okay, we've had a few during the Valentines...
  17. P

    Custom message when buying..

    Okay, okay Let's be honest; no one ever buys points multiplier. --- Points Multiplier is an item available at the store, when buying, you'll activate double points for a specific game for an hour long. When bought, it says "OfficiallyBerre has activated Double Points!" Everyone just enjoys...
  18. ItzCamJam

    More of a reason to buy a rank.

    Greetings my fellow Cubecraftians! I have come up with a random yet useful reason to buy a rank. I think it is a good way, but I'm CamBam, half on the stuff I say immediately gets rejected. Many long time supporters of Cubecraft have a rank. Usually, that rank is Emerald or Obsidian. If it...
  19. DragonLord

    Add Store to bug reports

    Hello! I was trying to report a store bug but I noticed that there isn't actually an option to report store bugs. As you can see in the following screenshot, there is no option. Unless you have to report store bugs to someone like Joe, I see no reason for there not to be an option for it. I've...
  20. ItzCamJam

    2 Suggestions in 1!

    I decide to make this a double-suggestion thread, so I'm going to get to both points fast. A: Add Cubelets to the Store - it doesn't matter how many just add them B: Have purchasable ranks at Minecon. - you might be thinking, "what the heck?" Yes, as seen on twitter, Cubecraft will be...
  21. Jackxist

    Cubecraft | Merch Store - Additions and Changes

    So I have been reading through the forums and notice that there are a lot of people giving feedback on the merch store with additions and I am making this suggestion to give my opinion on what I think should be changed in the merch store. I have placed everything in Spoilers for your convenience.
  22. C

    [Store] Payment

    i posted this a day ago: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/store-paypal.197262/#post-900593 and the thing is it seems there will be no paypal Cubecraft Please add someting that is not PaymentWall thing cause i and some people cant pay with The ******** payment system in the world just add...
  23. C

    Buying a rank?

    Hey i'm trying to buy a rank and it is asking me for my address and my city and stuff, why exactly does cubecraft need these things for me to buy a not real thing. TY ~Cloy
  24. A

    Store Needs PayPal

    I believe the store needs PayPal because a lot of our parents don't understand how payment wall works and the whole ID thing. That is the reason i didn't get a rank and it could be the same with many other people. What do you think?
  25. Squabbit


    Does anyone know when the next sale for RANKS is going to be? Thanks!
  26. Sakaisito

    Duda acerca de comprar un rango

    Hola chicos! Bueno pues ami me encantaría comprar un rango pero cuando veo me pide mi nombre real, direccion y cosas personales y yo he comprado en tiendas grandes como Spotify, Steam, Netflix etc. y nunca me han pedido mas de mi tarjeta de tredito y direccion de correo electronico y la duda que...
  27. U

    Need help with buying a rank.

    I am not getting an email with the receipt of the diamond rank I am trying to get. I am trying to do the inquiry but cannot do it as I don't have the receipt.
  28. Efcluke95

    Egg Wars Point Multipliers

    Hi Cubecrafters: A few days ago I went to the store to buy things because I had 50% discount and I had an idea when I saw the points multipliers I thought if there was already a skywars multiplier of survival games and one of arcade games why not There could be a multiplier for EggWars since...
  29. Proditio

    store edit

    Hello, I was browsing the store and I noticed that when saying what perks you receive for the survival games it doesn't mention what rank you are able to vote for health amount. I assume it is lapis because that is what rank you are required to have in order to vote for health on egg wars. Just...
  30. S

    Valentines 2017 Sale?

    Hello, I was just wondering if there was going to be a sale for Valentines, 2017. Thanks, Superman785.
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