Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

surival games

  1. CallMeKINO ITA

    Bedrock Survival Games Personal kills record on SG in 1 game

    GG :) the map is atlantis idk if this is a world record, but tell me if this is a WR
  2. caraMel

    Bedrock SG kit ideas ✧*・゚

    Hiya! :D For message 100, I had to go with something SG related ofc! Today I'd like to share some potential ideas for new kits in Bedrock SG (I know some of these may have previously existed in the Java version in some form). Blaster Basic: 1 TnT Normal: 2 TnT Overpowered: 3 TnT (@Fesa, this...
  3. agatecarrot517

    Survival Games How do you start in Survival Games?

    When the game starts in Survival Games what do you do next just after the game starts? (Cornucopia for the ones who don’t know is the Center where all the powerful stuff is). (Remember you have 20 seconds before PvP is turned on). The last option is only when you play teams of 2.
  4. FoxFil_

    Ice castle MELTED

    Today i played survival games with my friend, and ice castle MELTED xD
  5. BurntCrown8876

    Bedrock Survival Games cage update

    Hello! Here's an idea I've had: How about, when you spawn in to Survival Games, when everyone is gathered around in a circle, instead of having barriers around you preventing you from running forward, you could, with the Survival Games rank, have a special floor cage. So they're exclusive to...
  6. iluvcubecraft

    Bedrock Bug in survival games

    I have found a bug where players spawn under the map in survival games. The ones spawning there will basically get a free win. Please fix this as soon as possible
  7. Cyanlloyd

    Bedrock Kit save for Bedrock?

    I hope a kit save will be added, so I don’t have to choose a kit each time (I always choose the same) and people who join 2 or less seconds before the game starts actually have a change of obtaining one.
  8. R

    Bedrock New Maps For Survival Games.

    It would be great if you could add new maps for Hunger Games on MCPE.
  9. A

    Bring back Survival games

    SG was my favorite game on cube. And it was implemented well on 1.9. There are no servers with good sg on 1.9, so please bring back this wonderful thing.
  10. A

    More leaderboards on the website

    I love the leaderboards for each game and think it should remain as it is with the top 5 players in terms of wins. However, I feel it would be a great idea to have more in-depth leaderboards on the website. This could involve: Top 100/ Top 1000 wins Top kills Best KDR Best wins to time played...
  11. Darkform9

    A New Use For Ender Chests (survival games)

    Hey, I was thinking that adding more uses for the ender chest in survival games could be awesome. Currently, all I know you can use them for is item disposal. What I propose (if at all possible) is for team survival games, the team has a shared ender chest storage, which allows the team to...
  12. KitKatkels17

    A new Begging Rule

    Ok Who reading this is gold rank or up, If you are then you know just as well as I do how annoying it is going into a game and having people in the waiting lobby spam chat with stuff like OP OP OP!!! It's annoying and flat out rude when you chose what you want and everyone wants to target you...
  13. Zoro08RD

    Who is excited about the Hallowen Update?

    I´m waiting this update since september.I really want to play in Scare and the another maps of Hallowen :)
  14. Gaminggallade

    Bloodlust Buff

    Bloodlust (+10% damage per kill but -1 max heart per kill. Max Bloodlust of 3) is quite weak at the moment. Killing players makes it easier to kill and be killed, a similar effect to double edged. The benefit to bloodlust is sneaking up on players and chasing them down. If you have max...
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