Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. GHSpaghetti

    All Networks Let all staff and helpers accept reports on discord if they want to

    DISCLAIMER: I am not saying staff should take the word of anyone who messages them on discord, nor do I say staff must do this as a requirement. I want to suggest that any staff or helpers can accept reports over discord, hackers on both java and bedrock are very rampant and because of the...
  2. K

    Dear staff...

    I would really thank that you read the full text and say me what do you think about it. I got a friend at the server who got muted almost 3 month ago, Could I ask for shortening her mute from permanent or finally removing it? She didn't leave your server and she is a really nice person, but...
  3. P


    Hey everyone! I'm a very active player with a dream: WINSTREAKS ON CUBECRAFT * Why I can give you a lot of reasons why this should be added! Here are the most common ones. - Players would play (even) more because they have something to play for (winstreak) I think, right now, players are...
  4. DreamFudge

    MinerWare Voting System

    I love the voting options in MinerWare. Normal or Hard. It's very simple and the majority of players seem to like it. However, the fact that only emerald ranks can vote is quite upsetting. I think gold or diamond ranks should also be able to vote. I have realized that there are around 2-3 ranks...
  5. Svenyboy17

    Rejoin new game after death/win automatically.

    Introduction Cubecraft for me gives me the most fun experience when it comes to mini-games. Other servers have different pvp systems plugins and addons. And I would like to get Cubecraft to get the best of everything. The problem (It's not really a problem but rather a quality of life change)...
  6. AwesomePvPKiller

    Cubelets/points give system

    you can't now give someone points or cubelets so this is my suggestion you will give your friend some points or cubelets then you can type this command: for points /points give (playername) (ammount) for cubelets /cubelet give (playername) (ammount) you can't pay vanity points to users only...
  7. VideoklipBG

    Party System for Streamers / Content Creators / Groups

    I'd would suggest to be added some sort of Party System to CubeCraft (Especially for EggWars and SkyWars) This will be awesome for Streamers and Content Creators (Or just with friends) to make "Group" (Party) and play together! Because I'm Streaming sometimes on EggWars and other minigames...
  8. T

    Fix the reporting system

    Whenever I try to report teamers or hackers, it never lets me use screenshots, only videos. I have screenshots of people obviously teaming, admitting to teaming, admitting to hacking, or blatantly hacking. It's frustrating not being able to report people because I can't get recording software...
  9. Jackxist


  10. fernando duran

    System report time

    i want know how long take that my report got answer, i report one player yesterdar (more of 24 hours) and still no have answer Ty :3
  11. fernando duran

    New Report system dude

    I have a dude about symter report, is that how i can know if my report was accepted or denyed dude numer 2, i can know if other players report me? i will be hostelly every days minimun 10 player call me hacker XD thanks :3
  12. S

    Ranking System!!!

    Note - This may be difficult to do, as it the ranks could be affected by hacking or how good your teammates are. So, I am really annoyed at getting teammates that really don't know how to play the game, and I'm sure people better than me hate having me on their team, so I thought there could be...
  13. T

    Better anti-cheat system

    Best Cubecraft Can you upgrade your anti-cheat system? i was playing eggwars with a friend arround 22-.00-23.00(from belgium) EVER GAME have i see a hacker. first game: 1 fly hacker second game: 1 anti-kb hacker+aimbot third and last game: 2 hackers: 1 with fly that i heard. and the last that...
  14. EffeDylan

    Party System en Friends across server chat

    CubeCraft should make a party system that makes it able to join a party and if the party leader joins a games that the party members join to and it would be handy if you could chat with your friends across all servers. Hope this will come into the server!
  15. D

    Economy System!

    Hi!;) I have a lot of vanity points... I don't know how to expend my points... Please, can you make a economy system where you can change vanity points to cubelets, points to vanity points...etc I think It would be very amazing if cubecraft do that!
  16. E

    Payment error! HELP

    I buy 19-11-2015 my iron rank and the next day i wanna join cubecraft its says you are banned resean: Paymen error my money is gone what do i need to do? Print screens: 1: http://prntscr.com/953yj5 2: http://prntscr.com/953z1d Help me guys, That will be great sorry for my bad english ...
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