Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. jamesthesignificant

    Give me some EggWars tips

    I love the game but I want to see how YOU play the game! I WILL use all of these tips next round I play
  2. TBroz15

    Lucky Islands The Ultimate Guide to Lucky Islands

    Hello, Cubecrafters! This is my take on guiding you on how to play Lucky Islands! I have been an enthusiast in this game mode since I started playing Cubecraft for around 5 years. Now I have mastered the art of Lucky Islands and am sharing the strategies on how to win for you. Take note, that...
  3. D

    Bedrock A couple lesser-known tips and tricks that might be helpful

    Not too long ago, in a forums thread, I saw a bit of an unusual way to win the mushroom parcour minigame on mineware that many people didn't know about, where, if u do it right, u don't have to actually do the parcour. And that kind of got me thinking "okay, what other useful, small tricks, do I...
  4. Stennos

    FFA pvp tips

    Can someone give me some tips for pvp in 1.18? Thanks!
  5. Powerofbeds

    Other Games Slime Survival: Rare uses for powerups

    Hello, fellow Slime Survival players! I am Powerofbeds, a CubeCraft player who plays nothing but Slime Survival when it is the featured game. As people gain wisdom as they age in real life, Slime Survival players gain wisdom as they play games. Including all the games of Snowman Survival and...
  6. H

    Bedrock New Kit Ideas for Eggwars

    1st Kit idea (Revamped Builder Kit): 8 Blocks and A leather chestplate on Hardcore, 16 Blocks and a leather chestplate on normal, and 24 Blocks and A prot 4 Chestplate in OP (9 Iron) 2nd Kit idea: (Revamped Miner Kit) A wooden pickaxe and 4 Carrots on hardcore, A stone pickaxe and 12 Carrots on...
  7. Monarky

    Bedrock Need tips

    Need some tips on getting better, am starting a YT channel on five craft bedrock, and am mostly doing eggwars content (since I am pretty pro) but want to branch out to skywars and such. Any tips on getting better?
  8. mickeymouseyt3

    Java Tips for Among US

    Hello, I want the tips of Among Us for French, thank you. Yours truly. MickeyMouseYT
  9. W

    All Networks Pre game tip ideas and suggestions

    (this is a repost, Because I was told it's be better to post it here" Ok so you know how before the game start, a few tips will pop up on screen? Well, what are some of your suggestions and ideas for tips? And what game are they for. My "tips" are for bedrock survival games (warning: most of...
  10. YahirplaysMC123

    A quick guide on how to bow spam the fun way.

    Dont Jkjk bow spaming is commonly looked down upon and is a cheap way to knockback farm and win. But its not disallowed, and there are proper ways to do it. But before that what is bow spaming? My definition of bow spaming is to only rely on your bow for damage or knockback for a period of...
  11. G

    Simple Tips and Tricks From a Tryhard

    Okay so me being on the 9th island and 2nd island in the nether I know quite a few things that other players may find useful so I’ve decided to share a few. If you are also a sweat than I would suggest ignoring this thread or maybe leave some tips in the comments 1) Contain your mobs- This may...
  12. YahirplaysMC123

    Bedrock The best way ive found to fight against a hacker

    Admins/moderators/staff, please dont do the copy pasta "report hackers on forums" stuff. Respectfully, most of us allready know this, and is not needed for what im talking about, of course you should report hackers. As you probably allready know hackers have been going W A Y out of hand...
  13. Powerofbeds

    Slime Survival: Rarely Used Tricks

    Hello fellow Slime Survival players, it's me again, Powerofbeds, with another thread! To start off with, here are the links to my other threads: 15 ways to get better at slime survival Tips for using powerups in Snowman Survival Tips for using powerups in Slime Survival (extra details and the...
  14. 3

    My Islands (with random game tips)

    Current Status: Just finished looting the swamp dungeon (clear up all spawners) https://imgur.com/a/ibry3iL This screenshot was taken on the top of the mob farm (below) https://imgur.com/a/KHBfwLa Stats https://imgur.com/a/5VldJ9D Few suggestions to the Game Overall, the game is well...
  15. Powerofbeds

    Slime Survival: How to read minds

    I've played about 3.4k games of Slime Survival (including Snowman Survival) and I have met a lot of new players who I can easily beat. I've been posting several threads on how to play it well. Here are my other threads so you can access them. 15 ways to get better at Snowman Survival How to use...
  16. Powerofbeds

    Slime Survival basics and map-specific tips

    Hello everyone! Slime Survival just ended and now I have thought about how many new players I met. (I've met a lot, I've played over 3.4k games!) This is why I want to share some of the basics of the game so you know. I also usually post a thread anyway every time Slime Survival was the featured...
  17. WypsotorTVN

    Bedrock PSA: Don't Make This Mistake in Bedrock SG

    This is a quick PSA post that I wanted to get out to the Bedrock players. I see tons of deaths happen in this game this way, and it's something people need to realize if they want to get better at the game. Once there are 4 players remaining, a border will start to close in towards the center...
  18. Powerofbeds

    Tips for using powerups in Snowman Survival

    Powerups in Snowman Survival can be so useful, but yet hard to use. You could get super frustrated by being converted on your way to stun a snowman with a Snowman Stabber. Here are some good ways to use the powerups. You can trust me on this, I have played about 2.2k total games of this...
  19. Skyfire_swe

    Lucky Islands Guide

    I know I've been talking about this for quite some time, but now I've finally uploaded a Lucky Islands guide on my YT-channel (). The 5 tips that I go through are: 1. Zig-zag strafing 2. Critical hits 3. Circling 4. Frozen shot bow combos 5. Speed bridging + some general thoughts about how to...
  20. SpringWarz

    Speed eggwars team guide

    Hi! Today i'm going be doing a second speed eggwars guide, on the team version and what type of tips and tricks you can do on the maps. There are a total of 10 maps for team speed eggwars, with 5 teams of 2 maps, 2 teams of 3 maps, 1 team of 4 map and 2 teams of 5 map The maps: On the maps...
  21. Andyyy

    Ultimate Blockwars Guide (In depth)

    I thought that the pinned guide seemed outdated and not in line with the current meta, I was really bored so a wrote this. This strategy is only covering CTF because core sucks, if I have made any mistakes in this please tell me and I will fix it! Enjoy and learn! I'll split this into 4...
  22. Powerofbeds

    How to use the powerups in slime survival well

    Sometimes it can be hard to use powerups well in slime survival, but I have some ways to use them well and to avoid them well if you're a slime. For example, not only can a survivor recover grenade recover multiple people by toss of an egg, but you can actually use it to recover yourself...
  23. Powerofbeds

    15 ways to get better at slime survival

    Some players seem not too good at Slime Survival, especially after watching a YouTube video in which someone runs into blocks, places decoys out in the open, runs straight etc. I will tell you ways to get better at Slime Survival, and why NOT doing that is a bad idea. You can trust me on this -...
  24. Skyfire_swe

    15 ways to get better at Lucky Islands

    LUCKY ISLANDS GUIDE I guess one could say: ”just play more” and it would be true. But getting some good advice always helps, - I would have loved to have had this kind of guide when I started off in my noobness. This guide is not about game mechanics or how different wands and bows work. It’s a...
  25. Cactus Awex

    Some things I want in tower defense (TD)

    1. More Mobs: I want to see some GHASTS. I want to see some ENDERMEN. I want to see some of thos holy looking devil villagers from those mansions. And I want them to be INTRESTING. 2. I want you to nerf turrets, but, when I say nerf turrets I dont mean make them completely worthless like you...
  26. NightlockX80

    Tips to get better at 1.8 PvP?

    I've always been really terrible at 1.8 PvP, it was never my thing. I only got into PvP since 1.9 came out because I'm pretty decent at that. But I still wanna master the old school PvP system. Got any tips for me?
  27. Cheez

    Lucky Islands Guide/Tips/Info (01/30/17)

    You've gotta ask yourself one question, "Do I feel lucky?" Lucky Islands, similar to SkyWars but with a sprinkle of luck (and death)! How to play Lucky Islands can be played in a Solo or Team mode. The gameplay is very similar to SkyWars except for the fact that there are Lucky Blocks...
  28. Lucien

    I am bad at PvP, please help me!

    Hello! I posted something like this ages ago, so I'll post it here again, as it is not fixed yet. I am very bad at PvP. Can anyone please help me? And people call me 'noob' very often. I am very mad at that moment, and sometimes I swear, which is of course not good, but I just can't control...
  29. DaveyDa

    Awesome Pro PVP tips!!!

    Well some of you might clicked on this because you think: I suck at PVP could you help me? WELLLLL HERE ARE SOME OF THE BEST TIPS EVERRR xD 1. Straifing, straifing is the key to PVP if you time it exactly your opponent won't be able to hit you. 2. Lava and water, Always have a bucket of lava...
  30. _Adept

    Skywars kits

    As promised the skywars kits analysis :) Hope you enjoy, PS iv'e read it to the end it's a little long just a heads up! Pyro: Pyro is a very interesting kit as it gives access to lava and is the only way to get a flint and steal without having to craft it. Lava is very strong in many situations...
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