Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. D

    He is back just a few hours before the new year.

    Maybe some of you remember that time I wrote two entire posts about a really annoying blockwars player who wouldn't stop making alts, trolling and teamkilling players. Well, I thought that after that last post, with the player counts in giga blockwars being on a decline since that time, I could...
  2. Deepslate

    Video bestest ever video ever ever ever

  3. Deepslate

    Video Best video I ever did make

    No one was hurt in the making of this video. except for my throat.
  4. privqted

    Video Me & My Friend Trolled Cubecraft!!!

    me and my friend @xclutchingg trolled cubecraft using duplicated minecraft accounts :P
  5. D

    All Networks Sky Wars - Prevent breaking chests that your teammates are currently looking in

    We've all been in this situation where a troll on somebody's team runs through your team's spawn and destroys all the chests after the cool down period, often while teammates are still getting geared up. It's obnoxious and doesn't help your team in the slightest. While I don't want to go so far...
  6. D

    All Networks Turn off friendly fire for teammates' wolves

    Every single match I've played where somebody picks the wolf kit, someone else on the same team goes out of their way to target and kill their own teammate's wolves. Rather than make a rule against doing that (since distinguishing between intent and accidental hits in a fight would be next to...
  7. D

    Bedrock Sky Wars - destroying your own team's chests

    I'd like to suggest the idea that destroying your own team's chests in sky wars should be considered trolling/cross teaming OR should just be made impossible. During the first few moments of a match, many players use an axe to destroy chests in their own team's spawn to pick up items quickly...
  8. asmardasmarald

    Troll in trust

    Hi, I'm Andrew and first of all, I have to say that I don't speak english very good. So, today 5.02.22 8:00 , I got a massage and a photo with my SkyBlock map, as I can see, that person who I trusted, destroyed my SkyBlock world. I just ask for help and I want to know if it's possible to get...
  9. Nova_Impuls


    so today I've got trolled on egg wars and this thing annoyed me very much and gave me a bad experience in this minigame I have read all the rules and I discovered that the thing that those 2 did was bannable by going back to the rule number 1.5 - Trolling: Trolling is defined as intentionally...
  10. CC546

    Archer Towers in Back Row

    I have no words y’all 💀 So I got a warning maybe like 20 days back about me “impersonating” and ive been super confused everytime I log on and see “impersonating is against the rules”. To me, this was a very strange warning. Because I just kept thinking, what is this warning even referring...
  11. A

    Falsemuted When I Reported Trollers??

    I was playing team eggwars (but I was the only player on my team) and a whole team came over and blocked all the generators, the villager shop, then boxed in the spawnpoint and proceeded to spamkill me. They also kept demanding my instagram? These three players were: HandsRalphver...
  12. IGLPI

    Which rule did I break with it?

    I've been warned for Chat Trolling but where is the Troll? I'm reporting Rule Breakers every day and I'm glad if the players write me the names of them! With this message, I want to say that I have examined the player and it does not matter if the message is typed or hotkeyed. I'm just trying to...
  13. Lezappen

    Video Trolling Gainfullterror

    I thought I'd share this video were @Shamel and I decided to transform and make @Gainfullterror 's alter ego.... Have fun, we certainly did XD:
  14. ItzCamJam

    Slime Freeze Tag is broken

    The game ends way too quickly because all of the slimes camp the players when they are hit. How to reduce this disease: A: Change it from 4 slimes to 2 slimes B: The slimes get a blindness effect when they are 5 blocks from a paralyzed player C: Get rid of "Slimes can punch paralyzed slimes."...
  15. M

    Black list

    I usually start a team game and found that on my team is playing a troller. Caching resources for his own, don't share anythink, trying to kill his teammattes, destroying our own defenses... :confused1: Me (and probably the other players) don't want to play again with this person :( Does can you...
  16. Ping Ether

    New Intro

    I thought I needed something like a watermark to represent me, to know if my content is actually mine. So I decided to make this intro, tell me what you think of it. http://goo.gl/BKHPF1 Download for better quality (yeah screw OneDrive)
  17. SSunday_Nick

    Video TROLLED BY A HACKER!!? (Minecraft Cubecraft Eggwars) ✔

    Description: Today While playing some Cubecraft Eggwars a hacker trolls us D: Mature-ish Content
  18. Ellie Williams

    Must-have changes for Minerware!

    1. Ties If two or more people get the same amount of points at the end of the game/in a boss game, they should get the same rankings. For example: "1st place: Player1 and Player2 at 18 points!" Your rankings shouldn't be based on your username, when you got those points, or however it is...
  19. MegnaLTL

    Video THE TROLLIEST PLAY EVER MADE!! | Minecraft Eggwars SERIES!

    WAZZZ UP EVERYBODY ITZ LEMONADE TRIPLELEAGUE HERE (lol) :). I was recently filming on the map Rome and the funniest thing happened :). Be sure to check it out <3 Luv ya all! PS: I'm a new and upcoming youtuber (and also a noob XD) but I would really appreciate it if you could check out the...
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