Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. TBroz15

    Video Trolling Players by Fishing in Lucky Block Skywars!

    Second video lets gooooooo! I might be the first person to discover this trolling technique but only in Spider maps... Btw god speed 2025
  2. adrian525pl

    Bedrock Almost a year, Four reports and Three accounts: the story of one annoying giga blockwars "player"

    Today not another post criticising any specific gamemode or anything like that (though I might use it as support to do that in the future). Instead I'd like to tell you a little story of a person who keeps repeatedly trolling people in giga blockwars games for almost a year by now, and of how...
  3. dQbed

    Video Ping spoofing

    watch it it's funny promise. or maybe it isn't but it's fun to make. or maybe i'm living in a simulation. (title is for clickbait.) ping spoofing ftw
  4. adrian525pl

    BlockWars Does anyone know what the punishment is for "trolling"?

    I am asking because there is nothing about this anywhere here, and today I saw a player I reported for trolling sometime ago running around in my lobby. (the report got accepted, so he got "punished") Now I don't expect the punishment for "trolling" to be a perma-ban, its not a such a big...
  5. Nova_Impuls


    so today I've got trolled on egg wars and this thing annoyed me very much and gave me a bad experience in this minigame I have read all the rules and I discovered that the thing that those 2 did was bannable by going back to the rule number 1.5 - Trolling: Trolling is defined as intentionally...
  6. Floerkleed

    Implemented Among Slimes - Leave Message

    Hewwooo!! Today we wanted to report someone for trolling in Among Slimes. They called a meeting for no reason and left the game without saying anything. We wanted to report it since it is not allowed, but we were not able to find the username. He/she wasn't visible in tab and he did not say...
  7. Thunder/Volla

    Banned on Discord for "trolling"

    Context: I reported a group of people that were constantly calling me trash, dumb, stupid, a creep and threatening to get me muted and saying they reported me. This is after I got one of their friends banned for hacking, which got appealed. I created a 2 minute plus video showing 20 plus...
  8. A

    Falsemuted when I tried to report Trollers?

    I was playing team eggwars (but I was the only player on my team) and a whole team came over and blocked all the generators, the villager shop, then boxed in the spawnpoint and proceeded to spamkill me. They also kept demanding my instagram? These three players were: HandsRalphver...
  9. A

    Falsemuted When I Reported Trollers??

    I was playing team eggwars (but I was the only player on my team) and a whole team came over and blocked all the generators, the villager shop, then boxed in the spawnpoint and proceeded to spamkill me. They also kept demanding my instagram? These three players were: HandsRalphver...
  10. R

    Unfair warning? got warned for trolling.

    this got me warned for warning. while i do now understand that i misplaced that tower, but it was quite an intense match. I need to remark the following: - Any moderator would see, if they looked at my stats, that this was my.. like 4th game? - Why would misplacing a SINGLE tower be trolling -...
  11. Link922

    Evidence When Reporting

    Ok, I was playing an eggwars game in which 1 team was dominating, seems legit. This one guy, MiguelKB got about 1 kill per second on another team. It seemed suspicious so I took screenshots of it and thought it would count as trolling, as I couldn't explain why this guy had 20 kills in 18...
  12. DragonLord

    One world Bingo problem

    So, I've noticed that in the newest game, Bingo, the world small world is actually shared by all 8 players in the game. This can lead to players not having a fair chance of getting stuff that they need. Especially since the world is so small. What exactly is the problem? The problem with this is...
  13. InsaGamers

    [Skywars Castle] Funny/Troll strategy (NIGHT TIME REQUIRED/SUNSET)

    1st: Join the game get ur loot, than go break the bed and collect it.. once someone comes go place it down and sleep in it or go build a bridge and sleep on it they wont be in able to attack u until they break the bed or u stand up xD
  14. Fennec

    Hack punishment is injustice some times

    I just ask the cubecraft moderators to stop taking it easy and ban who ever got reported for silly reasons , like what happened to me (https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/hacker-1-8-pvp.127068/#post-536281 : this is the report and please tell me what's wrong with it ) as you see here the reporter...
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