Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

update ideas

  1. D

    Bedrock Powerups on blockwars need a rework.

    Welcome to another post in my (currently not very active) series of critising (giga) blockwars with the hopes someone will take at least one of these seriously if they ever choose to update the gamemode. Todays topic? Powerups. If you never played blockwars, you may not know what a powerup...
  2. r7x2

    Java My suggestion for Java edition!

    I suggest adding Mineware in Java, It was a good game and people had alot of fun. Also I suggest adding solo Eggwars and team Skywars it would be good and the server would be so active well that's what I think at least, and if they will add these I think this could be like a update I don't know...
  3. L

    Bedrock Ctf auto vote <3

    This would be like the best thing ever and so convenient for goldfish brains like me who forget to vote for speed every game. It could be like "choose your preference" and theres the list of modes that you can auto vote. You can just turn it on/off anytime you want. These kinds of updates make...
  4. wichtigeer

    Bedrock Update

    I guess we all know when we are playing Sky Wars, its a little boring. I have an idea for a Update/new Mode -New Items like a water/lava bucket, heal potions, cobwebs, an anvil (that works), enchanter for enchanting and Lapis. -new maps because when I play Sky Wars the maps are always the same...
  5. H

    Long time consuming quests

    Hello I came here to ask about these quest and why they are so long im on island 4 Jungle and these quests really should be looked into (Mainly the yellow quests) like 500 jungle wood is way to much for a 1 hour growth time on them and when you double the needed items to progress it just makes...
  6. I_v_o

    Cubelet update suggestions.

    Hey, This thread is about a few updates that Cubecraft should implement to the Cubelet machine. First of all It would be nice if you open a cubelet and you get a duplicate that it would say "Duplicate Item" or something like that. My second tip is if you get a duplicate you get points maybe...
  7. OnePointEight.exe

    UHC revamp

    Holy cow I forgot this, edit: one would open every hour, for example 10:00 then start at 10:05 as long as there are 3 players, so instead of waiting in the lobby you can wait for 10:00 and then join the lobby. So I made a post yesterday in a very small thread (hardly anyone noticed) so what I...
  8. ItzCamJam

    Update on the brand new game!

    NOTE: None of this would have to be done straight away. Let the DEV's and Admins take their time on this one. This would be an update to consider later in the year and not right now. I am also pretty sure the staff already have ideas like mine anyways. Please do not lock until requested. The...
  9. ItzCamJam

    Assassins Update! Controversial?????

    I love Assassins. It is tough to stay alive for like 10 minutes, and has a challenge to it, which I like. However, what I would like to see for a future update are listed below: New Maps Blah blah blah these are some ideas: Tropical: Life Guard Huts as the item shops and people trying to kill...
  10. nsch101

    Tower Defence Balance Issues Fix!

    There is an issue with the new colossal update to Tower Defence, some of the troops and towers are very unbalanced compared to the last update and i here to give suggestions on how to fix it. Big Changes: 1. Nerf Turret - this is the most important one if you will go to a game everyone just...
  11. lars.l

    Kits update

    Hello people @lars.l here this time a suggestion about kits Blockwars Kit 1 potion man -wooden pickaxes -Potion or potion 1 -leather boots -speed for 1 minute Kit 2 defender -stone sword -leather chestplate -jump boost Kit 3 tank -full iron -wodden pickaxes Skywars kits Kit 4 -Iron...
  12. Efcluke95

    Egg Wars Point Multipliers

    Hi Cubecrafters: A few days ago I went to the store to buy things because I had 50% discount and I had an idea when I saw the points multipliers I thought if there was already a skywars multiplier of survival games and one of arcade games why not There could be a multiplier for EggWars since...
  13. D

    Eggwars Update Idea

    I think it would be really cool if you put emerald generators in Eggwars to get diamond armor. IMO it should be way slower than diamond and cost more to upgrade etc.
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