Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. Dualninja

    Java The Official Minecraft Server List

    Voting on Java Mojang recently announced that there will be an Official Minecraft server list, that will be made by Gamersafer. However, you have to apply to be listed on it, Cubecraft has already successfully applied for the list and both Java and Bedrock are listed on it. However the list...
  2. E

    Resolved Does Voting Streak Require Log In

    I am going to be out of town for an entire week and I do not have a laptop. My streak is at 79 and I am more than willing to keep doing my daily voting, but does it require logging on since it's pretty much also a log-in streak. Hope this isn't a stupid question, but I want to ask just in case...

    Coding Automatic voter

    Hi there! About a year ago I had an idea of a browser extension that would fill out the IGN and other repetitive stuff on voting sites. I've created it and it was very naive, but it worked. About a week ago - when someone starred it - I've realized I haven't done much progress on it, and so...
  4. W

    Best rank

    Hey Minecrafters I'm asking what is the best rank I'm doubting to buy diamond or emerald Games I play - Skywars - Minerware - BlockWars Bridges - And PvP what should I buy
  5. D

    [Java] How to vote faster!

    What's up, everybody! Today I wanted to share with you my method to vote faster for the server and get your rewards! This is meant for Java players. Vote faster? What? Why? I recently checked some profiles of other online members and saw this a lot: "Viewing page Vote for Java". In-game, when...
  6. Maaarijn

    Java AFK Mode in Among Slimes

    Hey! I got this idea from a reply to this thread, which I really think is a good idea but it didn't get enough attention. Currently there is a problem in Among Slimes with people that are AFK. This is really annoying, especially during meetings. I also find myself being AFK sometimes during an...
  7. JD_United

    Java Skywars voting

    Hello there! I think the voting of skywars of normal needs to change. When you vote in skywars for normal, there is standing a basic armor as a symbol for normal, but I think it’s more logic if there is standing a iron armor symbol. The reason: because you got iron loot if the game is normal...
  8. Cyanlloyd

    Bedrock Item type voting should be tied to a vip level.

    Dear Cubecrafters, My suggestion is that one you have a certain vip level, you can vote on all games. Most people buy something to vote on items, so there might be more income for the network. Currently you can only vote once you bought a bundle for that game. I hope you like my idea king...
  9. A

    Java Auto Random Vote

    Ok, I completly understand that voting is one of the main reasons for people wanting to donate. However I believe that it is unfair that unless you have a donator in your game, you have no chance of getting a different gamemode, for example hard mode in minerware, or overpowered items in...
  10. MrGrumpyCheese

    How to Rig a Poll - The CubeCraft Way

    Adding a poll to your thread is a great way to gauge the popularity of your suggestion, but there are a number of neat tricks to increase the proportion of positive votes. In this thread I will go through the 7 most popular techniques seen on the CubeCraft forums of coercing members to vote in...
  11. Eli

    Implemented Simple Voting Fix

    So as many of you may know, me and many other people from the blockWars community weren’t very happy with how the last voting was carried out. Disclaimer: This is NOT a complaint, I am suggesting this to avoid future inconveniences. @Camezonda decided to join BlockWars CTF and BlockWars Core...
  12. JoeProKill2000

    Voting for loot/time/etc

    Hey. So, just something I want to bring up. I feel it is a bit unfair that high rank donators can vote. What is the point of voting if only the one or two donators gets to vote? I feel a vote should include everyone. Give me your opinions.
  13. shanewolf38

    Change EggWars Overpowered Gamemode

    Okay, so here me out. When I say change the Overpowered gamemode, I don't mean change the way it plays, but how players access it. Personally, I dislike the gamemode a lot, unless it's in half-health mode. Otherwise, it's really just an armor breaking contest that doesn't reward PvP skills in...
  14. Chitter

    Increase Voting Rewards

    So as we all know Cubecraft is dying. I think that is because nobody votes for cubecraft, causing cube to fall from the top server lists. This reduces the amount of new players cube is getting, which is slowly killing cube. We need to make voting more appealing, and right now getting some loot...
  15. D

    Random vote option

    There are options to vote for each different type but not a random one. A random vote option would add in an element of surprise. to every game. Basically just another option and it has an equal chance of being each different type. Maybe also a option for random on all options as well?
  16. Powerofbeds

    Make it illegal for players to beg

    Everyone who has a rank and plays a game in which they can vote for things stone-ranked players can't have likely had many, many players begging for gamemode, tower defence gold type etc. Well, I have emerald rank and I want my moneysworth, but players just keep begging, I don't think I've been...
  17. TheDarkSavage

    Egg Wars Voting Options

    Hey everyone, The Dark Savage here, and I would like to share with you my idea for Egg Wars. First of all, I would like to give you a brief background on myself with CubeCraft Games. I started playing Minecraft around the 1.6 Minecraft update, and started playing CubeCraft right before the 1.9...
  18. P

    [Voting] Time

    In some games, you are able to vote for the time in which you want to play the game Just for consistency I'd like this to be a thing in every game exluding PvP, Freebuild, Bingo and UHC. In these gamemodes, voting for time is already a thing In these gamemodes, voting for time is not a thing...
  19. ItzCamJam

    Parkour Rank Balancing

    So I understand Cubecraft is coming out with parkour very soon!! That gets me hyped. Switching topic: I've noticed that Diamond Rank pretty much gets to vote on every popular game, and not Gold Rank. (Believe me, I love voting on only the Time of Day) So before everyone thinks that I'm saying...
  20. ThaDoggo

    Voting for the server

    hello there i have a suggestion So i know 4 months ago cube did not gave rewards for voting. I remember the rank of only 28 but now we are at rank 2!!! Why should not we give 2 cubelets and 500 vanity points as a reward for voting! To somehow get rank 1!! That was my suggestion! Regards jessey...
  21. KnightOfPro

    Random voting system

    Introduction We all know it: you are just a player without any rank, and are waiting until your Eggwars/Skywars etc. game will start. But, if there are no ranked people in the server, the "Chest Sorts", "Health mode's", "Game modes" etc will automatically go to Normal. Why not having a system...
  22. Cactus Awex

    Infected Suggestion. (Four Modes + Voting)

    Ok, I have come up with a game mode for Infection called World Border. In this mode, the game plays as normal but once every 10 seconds the World Border moves in 7-10 Blocks. If you leave the border (via it going over you) you immediately die. In order to vote for this mode, I think you should...
  23. Power Ranger

    Bring back Voting Rewards

    (Skip 1st two paragraphs to avoid EULA talk) We've all seen in a rewards chest "Vote for the server and be awesome!" and many of us remember the time when we recieved a cubelet and some experience from voting. Reward voting was removed as it was apparently against EULA in this thread back in...
  24. DragonessNehamee

    Triple health harassment...

    My friend and I both have ranks and we tend to vote triple health in Eggwars, since it makes games longer. However we keep getting harassment throughout the lobby and gameplay almost every game and told to kill ourselves. Then, they say they're going to target us, and most everyone (without...
  25. Ping Ether


    Today, World's Color Choices elections have opened. You'll have to vote and get part into one movement or another. ----------------------------------------------------------- We have two opposing parties: Colors and B&W...
  26. Jackxist


  27. NorbertH

    Chest items/ Time settings on maps & voting

    If there are no votes in a map for things such as chest items/ time of day/ modifiers, there should be a random chance that it is something other than normal mode daytime. For example, if no votes then 1/3 chance basic chests, 1/3 chance normal chests, 1/3 chance op chests. The same could apply...
  28. Judojugs

    Eggwars voting system accessible to non donors?

    Okay so a HUGE problem I've seen is that for whatever reason someone on the cubecraft team had the "bright" idea to make one of the perks to donators that they are the only ones allowed to vote in eggwars. See my problem here is that donators don't get perks like that on any other server I've...
  29. Lezappen

    Direct rewards from voting.

    As it is I can only log into cubecraft once every 7-14 days. I think there should be a way to get rewards from voting without having to go in-game to claim the reward ? The rewards would be automatically added to your profile when you join the game or when you're in-game. I know this has been...
  30. Ping Ether

    Voting Problems

    I have a brother, who plays Minecraft in my house. I am pretty sure we don't have the same IP. When I do vote, he can't and vice-versa, and the voting website says "You already voted today" Also, in another server's description, next to its image it said "Welcome [My username] instead of his...
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