Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

website suggestion

  1. D

    Denied Browser Check in Dark Mode?

    What's up CubeCrafters! I've got a small but nice little suggestion about something I remarked last night. I wanted to get on the forums with my comfy dark mode enabled (as always), but when surfing to the CubeCraft website, I got blinded by the browser validation screen 😣 Hereafter, the...
  2. Chango

    Implemented Discord Widget

    New Discord Widget Hey guys, this suggestion is short but I think it's worth it. As some of you may know, Discord changed the logo and some colors on May 12th. So my suggestion is to change the Discord Widget of the forums, here I will show you an example: Color code: #5865F2 Discord logo...
  3. Jukaido

    Web All cubecraft sites into one

    I think it would be a good idea to try to combine all cubecraft websites into 1 big website. When I click on reports I don’t want to go to another website and need another account. It would be way easier to have all of it in 1 big website with 1 account all in 1 location. Also implement dark...
  4. Komodо

    Web Suggestions upon tags

    Right now, the only use i can think of, is to search on a specific tag and a thread that uses that specific tag will show up. Or you can simply use the all time most used tags as shown here: While i think these two uses are good, they are also lacking. So I’m suggestion more uses for tags...
  5. DragonLord

    Forum Statistics

    Hi. So I was looking at the forums statistics module (right on the Home page) and I saw that it said that the total users registers hasn't been updated for over a year now. Was just thinking it would be nice to have this updated every month? It's very inaccurate now. It's a small change but it...
  6. Sno Universe

    Website Stats

    I will keep this short because I need to eat lunch, but I think you should be able to look at your Game Stats while on the website. For people who go to school, or any other things that prevents you from going into Minecraft and on Cube Craft, but you want to check your stats, then you are un...
  7. Vickebyggare

    Both capital and small letters

    So when clicking an users avatar it shows up with the different options, profile page, conversation.. Above that and under the avatar it shows the username, but all letters are in capital even though example my username only contains one capital letter. (Vickebyggare) So my suggestion is to...

    Forums Suggestion!

    Hello folks! it's me Oz! I was wandering around the forums, then I wanted to post an off-topic thread. I tried to find the page for off-topics threads, I didn't manage to find any! If this page already exist, please send the link to me. and if the page do not exist, create one please...
  9. Respectively

    Suggestion + 2 Bugs

    Hello! I'm here to give a suggestion and a supposed website bug. First of all, my suggestion is: Add a "Bugs" forum to the Website Discussion section, so we can post bugs, as there is currently no obvious place to post them and they are ending up in the server Bugs/ Support section. The bug...
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