Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. legend6526

    How to Improve cactus, cocoa and zombie farm?

    Hi everyone, I AM at Desert level is there any ways to improve zombie farm(which I made from fall damage) , cactus and cocoa farms? Also is it possible to cook rotten flesh?
  2. MojangABSteve

    Video Minecraft Bedrock Livestream (Join)

    To Join, Like The Stream, Subscribe, and type your username in live chat. and I will invite you!
  3. X

    Pigman Plight

    I can’t figure out how to complete this mission. Do I keep upgrading the pigman spawner until it changes to a zombie pigman spawner?
  4. SlimyMelon

    Artwork Minecraft render - Riding in the night

    Hi everyone! Working with the feedback I got on my last render, I created this one! It has a little more action in it than the previous one. I hope you like it!
  5. DragonSan

    - New Game Idea - Zombie Survival

    Ok so I feel like the title is pretty self explanatory, so I'll try to keep this brief... No promises. So this idea was inspired by the old Call of Duty Zombies game mode. 'But Drag, I don't know what Zombie mode is!' I hear you cry, but worry not my dear pleb. It was a game focused on...
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