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What type of playstyle do you use?

  • Pure Defender

  • Touch Defender

  • Dormant Rushers

  • Touch Rusher

  • Double Touch Defender/Rusher

  • Other - please explain

  • Multiple- please explain

  • Pure Rusher

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Jan 28, 2021
United States
💡 Due to a discussion beginning in a recent post here, I thought it would be best to start a thread regarding playstyles in TD.💡

I think more attention should be given to the differences of playstyles in Tower Defense. In order to define them, it is important to understand that they only differ in terms of Offense / Defense, and the main two questions are 'when?' and 'to what extent?' These two questions are more objective, and thus must be discussed by all players when choosing strategies.

The questions of 'how?' and 'why?', I believe are open to interpretation and they allow for creativity and analysis in the game. Examples of these kinds of questions are 'how should we attack (what mobs should we send) in order to win the game before armageddon?' or 'why is it that skeleton IV is a better strategy than pigmen rush? What are the calculations that show that?' Ultimately, these kinds of questions are essential. But I hope this makes clear the notion that there is no such thing as a 'SKEL 4 STRAT' as much as there is a thing like a 'SPIDER 1 STRAT,' as they both depend on the timing of the game, and the extent of the offense and defense involved.

To give further precision to different playstyles, I think it's fair to say that there are four layers to both of these questions, which will allow for at least six different playstyles.

  • When? = 4 time phases of the game --> Early Game | Middle Game | Late Game | Finale
  • To What Extent? = 4 types of offense/defense --> Type 1 | Type 2 | Type 3 | Type 4
  • Playstyles = 6 playstyles ---> Pure Defenders | Touch Defenders | Double Touch Defenders | Dormant Rushers | Touch Rushers | Double Touch Rushers

(Note that since most players play on double income, I will assume double income for most of my descriptions, though I don't expect much to be different on normal, and survival is certainly a different game altogether)

⌛When? - Time Phases of the Game ⏳
As stated above, there are roughly four time phases of the game as follows:
Early Game is the first ~10 minutes of the game. This is usually pre-2.5k Goldmine (100 cps in Double). Typical attacks are Pigmen, Skeleton IV-V, and Blaze I-III.
Middle Game is from ~10 - 20 minutes into the game. This is usually after the 2.5k Goldmine (100 cps in Double) but before the 6k Goldmine (200 cps in Double). Typical attacks are Blaze IV-V.
Late Game is from ~20 - 30 minutes into the game, and includes Armageddon. This is usually after the 6k Goldmine (200 cps in Double). Typical attacks are Magma IV-V or Giants with wither, Giants / Blaze / Magma with Horde.
Finale is the last ~10 minutes of the game. This is well after the 6k Goldmine, and also after most attempted attacks. Coins around this phase should be on the order of ~100k for most players. Typical attacks are coordinated Magma V + Giant IV-V + Blaze V + Witch V combinations.

🛡️ To What Extent? - Types of Offense / Defense ⚔️
There are roughly four levels to which an offensive or defensive strategy can be categorized. Moreover, I believe them to be complementary/paired, that is, using an offensive strategy of one type usually determines the kind of defensive strategy you will be using, since both offense and defense require money, a limited resource. I outline them below.

I hope most terms below are clear, but for clarity I define a few terms:
  • 'Touch' - the act of an attack dealing damage to the enemy castle, but not fatally.
  • 'Win' / 'Loss' - both of these are simple terms, but here I refer to Wins and Losses as occurring BEFORE game end, not as a result of final castle health comparison.
----------------------------------> Increasing Defense ---------------------------------->
Defense:No DEFNo Loss DEFNo Touch / Loss DEFNo Touch DEF<---Paired
Offense:Win ATKTouch / Win ATKTouch ATKNo ATK<---By Colors
<---------------------------------- Increasing Offense <----------------------------------

To make it easier to talk about these, I will call them Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, and Type 4 (color coded). Here are a few descriptors of each type:

  • Type 1
No DEF: ~5% of money is spent on DEF, and thus only basic defense is built. This consists of mages, maybe a few Ices, or a possibly preemptive poison. No attempts are made with this to defend any serious attacking threat (Skeleton IV or higher).

Win ATK: ~ 95% of money is spent on ATK, allowing for a concentration on the attack so as to win the game as a result. Such a high concentration of funds can allow for early game rushes or even middle game rushes that are aggressive enough to win against moderate DEF.
  • Type 2
No Loss DEF: ~5-25% of money is reserved for DEF in the case that the enemy team attacks, which allows for a defense enough to prevent an immediate loss (but not to prevent damage on their castle). Thus, the normal DEF is built, but if the enemy team attacks, usually towers near double hitting spots, or the castle will be built.

Touch / Win ATK: ~75-95% of money is reserved for ATK, provided the enemy team hasn't attacked first. The intent of this attacking strategy is to at least touch through moderate DEF, but win in the case of little or no enemy DEF.
  • Type 3
No Touch / Loss DEF: ~5-50% of money is reserved for DEF in the case that the enemy team attacks, which allows for a defense enough to prevent a loss, and even maybe to prevent damage on their castle. Thus, the normal DEF is built, but if the enemy team attacks, usually towers near double hitting spots and other efficient spots (lastly near castle).

Touch ATK: ~50-95% of money is reserved for ATK, provided the enemy team hasn't attacked first. The goal of this strategy is to only touch (and not win).
  • Type 4
No Touch DEF: ~95% of money is spent on DEF. The intent of this DEF strategy is to prevent any touch on one's castle. This may also be referred to as a NON-LOSING Strategy, as a contrast to Type 1 Win ATK strategy, as it aims to prevent ever taking a loss (though it doesn't guarantee a win, except through a tie).

No ATK: ~5% of money is reserved only for sending mobs for experience to unlock goldmines and DEF AOE potions.

Again, I must emphasize here that this system provides a clear explanation as to how a single mob can be used for different types of attacks. For example, Blaze V in Middle game is close to Type 1 ATK, but Blaze V in Late game / Finale is closer to Type 3 ATK.

🎮 Playstyles in the 'Time - Type 4 System' 🕹️
Using all of the language developed above in regards to the Time phases and Types of Offense / Defense in the game, I can identify at least six consistent major playing styles, all of which fit into the classes @Shotgun mentioned in the mother thread as Rusher and Defender.


  • Pure Defenders
Time - Type: (Type 4 for the entire game)

Pure Defenders defend from game beginning to game end with No Touch DEF, only using mobs for EXP for goldmines and DEF AOE potions. The goal of this style is to tie, and thus both teams win.
  • Touch Defenders
Time - Type: (Type 4 - Type 3 ATK at the right time - Type 4)

Touch Defenders defend so as to prevent any castle damage, and attempt a Touch ATK at a vulnerable / precise time, then proceed to defend against any damage until game end with No Touch DEF. The goal of this style is to win after game end, as their castle health will be maximum at game end (200), and the enemy will have less than that due to the touch damage.
  • Double Touch Defenders
Time - Type: (Type 2 DEF until prepared for ATK - Type 2 ATK - Type 4)

Double Touch Defenders are so-called, because the allow themselves to be damaged (in Type 2 DEF) so as to reserve resources for a stronger Touch / Win ATK designed to do more damage, thence, defending until game end with No Touch DEF. The goal is also here to win at game end just as Touch Defenders.
  • Dormant Rushers
Time - Type: (Type 4 until attacked (or Finale) - Type 1)

Dormant Rushers act as pure defenders, aiming to tie the game with No Touch DEF until attacked (or if DEF is maxed as in Finale stage of the game), upon which they secure their defense and rush with the money they received, using a Win ATK. Their goal is to end the game early with a rushed win, but only if attacked (or in Finale).
  • Touch Rushers
Time - Type: (Type 2 DEF until prepared for ATK - Type 1)

Touch Rushers are willing to accept damage to their castle with No Loss DEF, only to be further prepared to rush a Win ATK at their opponent. As above, they seek to win games earlier than game end, and do so in a risky fashion of accepting castle damage.
  • Double Touch Rushers
Time - Type: (Type 3 ATK, to force an attack - Type 2 DEF until prepared for ATK - Type 1)

Double Touch Rushers seek to do an early Touch ATK so as to force the enemy team to spend money on attacking (otherwise taking a loss at game end), then to defend with No Loss DEF, and when ready, do a Win ATK. Again, a rushed win, but clearly a more complex strategy to get there.

I hope that this analysis not only clears up the confusion around 'Rushers' and 'Defenders,' but also gives tools to describe a greater range of playstyles people may choose from. I also want to be clear that I believe that these playstyles are individual, and though parties may generally coincide on their choices of style of playing, each player must and should decide for themselves. Whether through creativity or analysis, we should all determine which one we believe to be the best / most enjoyable.

:cube_dark:I also would like to give credit to @dartz42 for discussing some of these ideas with me and trying to help me improve the community!:cube_dark:
Last edited:


Forum Expert
Jun 15, 2020
I would say in games with me and my friends we like to rush and defend if needed. but when im alone i do pure defence with no rush for the tie, both for me are enjoyable

also maybe make it multyple choice poll?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2020
CubeCraft Universe

⌛ When? - Time Phases of the Game⏳

Mentioned here are 4 time phases of a game, I'd like to add another one and specify the minutes belonging to them.

Pre Game 👉 30 seconds at Normal (60 seconds at Survival)
Early Game 👉 10 - 12,5 minutes

Middle Game 👉 12,5 - 15 minutes
Late Game 👉 7,5 minutes (starts at armageddon)
Finale 👉 7,5 minutes

🎮 Playstyles in the 'Time - Type 4 System' 🕹️

It seems to me that Dormant Rushers actually would be more home in the defenders list. Or in neither list and more of a "between Rusher and Defender" playstyle.

I think you are leaving one type of Rusher out here, Matriox mentions it in the post above too. I'd like to call it
Pure Rusher for now.

Early Game: Type 1 DEF / ATK
Mid Game: Type 2 DEF / ATK then Type 4 DEF
Late Game: Type 4 DEF
Finale: Type 2 ATK

These kind of Rushers will try to win as early as possible, if the first rush fails then they'll focus on Type 2 DEF to at least not lose and focus on the next rush. After they've gone through multiple (most of the time two, sometimes three) rushes they'll go full defence to prepare for armageddon and final push. In the finale they'll attack with a final attack.

Obviously they focus on an early game win but I added the rest to explain what they'll do if that doesn't happen.

@anyone, correct me when I'm wrong

I also want to thank @heavenly55 for creating this thread, good job, you've explained it pretty well.
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Reactions: Matriox


Jan 28, 2021
United States
I would say in games with me and my friends we like to rush and defend if needed. but when im alone i do pure defence with no rush for the tie, both for me are enjoyable
As @Shotgun suggested, what you are describing falls under the "pure rusher" category. I went ahead and added this to the poll as well. As for your individual gameplay style, I think this falls under "pure defender." Thank you for taking the time to explain your playstyle and preferences.
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Reactions: Matriox and Shotgun


Jan 28, 2021
United States

⌛ When? - Time Phases of the Game⏳

Mentioned here are 4 time phases of a game, I'd like to add another one and specify the minutes belonging to them.

Pre Game 👉 30 seconds at Normal (60 seconds at Survival)
Early Game 👉 10 - 12,5 minutes

Middle Game 👉 12,5 - 15 minutes
Late Game 👉 7,5 minutes (starts at armageddon)
Finale 👉 7,5 minutes

🎮 Playstyles in the 'Time - Type 4 System' 🕹️

It seems to me that Dormant Rushers actually would be more home in the defenders list. Or in neither list and more of a "between Rusher and Defender" playstyle.

I think you are leaving one type of Rusher out here, Matriox mentions it in the post above too. I'd like to call it
Pure Rusher for now.

Early Game: Type 1 DEF / ATK
Mid Game: Type 2 DEF / ATK then Type 4 DEF
Late Game: Type 4 DEF
Finale: Type 2 ATK

These kind of Rushers will try to win as early as possible, if the first rush fails then they'll focus on Type 2 DEF to at least not lose and focus on the next rush. After they've gone through multiple (most of the time two, sometimes three) rushes they'll go full defence to prepare for armageddon and final push. In the finale they'll attack with a final attack.

Obviously they focus on an early game win but I added the rest to explain what they'll do if that doesn't happen.

@anyone, correct me when I'm wrong

I also want to thank @heavenly55 for creating this thread, good job, you've explained it pretty well.
Thank you @Shotgun for making this suggestion. Initially, I would have classified this under "dormant rusher," but after your explanation I think it does deserve its own category. I would also agree with the added time phase of the game, pre game.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2020
CubeCraft Universe
I voted multiple, I learned the game with a Pure Rusher playstyle, however I like to play more close to the Touch Rusher playstyle. And right now, I'm eager to learn more Defensive playstyles because I simply don't know how to play as a Defender and I'd like to do more things for the community and for that I need to understand more different playstyles.

Note: I think all playstyles are enjoyable
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2018
a fairy tale.
Another outstanding thread! I would say the best way to play tower defense is a mix of offense and defense.

Killing mobs with a sword gives a lot of gold, I like to use half of that gold with towers and the rest with sending mobs. But more recently, the games I play end up going to the end end end, after armageddon. Making sure the enemy doesn't deal like 5-10 damage to my tower is exciting in a way that I like. It sucks that if a tower is at like 194 and the other is at 200 the tower with 200 wins- which is fair.
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Reactions: Shotgun and Matriox


Jan 28, 2021
United States
Another outstanding thread! I would say the best way to play tower defense is a mix of offense and defense.
I think a balance of offense and defense would be ideal. Therefore, I don't think one should overpower the other, so I would agree with you.
Killing mobs with a sword gives a lot of gold, I like to use half of that gold with towers and the rest with sending mobs. But more recently, the games I play end up going to the end end end, after armageddon. Making sure the enemy doesn't deal like 5-10 damage to my tower is exciting in a way that I like. It sucks that if a tower is at like 194 and the other is at 200 the tower with 200 wins- which is fair.
Some games are very close, but if any damage was taken, then it is fair. I find it very exciting when games like this do happen.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
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