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Jan 2, 2021
Hey y'all, it's me again to talk about the one thing I know how to talk about.

The 1.19/1.20 Beta is finally out for Bedrock CubeCraft! And that means that another version of CubeCraft Lucky Islands has had some sweeping changes to make things fresh! But nothing's perfect, not even my babies.
I'll only be talking about potential changes and updates to Bedrock Lucky Islands. A lot of these ideas could carry over to Java LI though.

To start, I want to talk about adjusting some of the items newly introduced to Lucky Islands Bedrock.

Lightning Wand
This one is taken pretty much straight from a suggestion I made a whole while back! (and my ego has never been higher.) Unfortunately though, there is one glaring issue I want to address about this item, and that the effect is really annoying to play against. As soon as a player uses the wand, whatever block is selected (even from a really big range!) immediately gets struck by lightning. And that lightning deals huge damage, as well as likely igniting any nearby players on fire. There is no time to react to this, and I want to fix it.
Now, the Lightning Wand:
  • When the Lightning Wand is used, the blocks selected (or pointed to) by the player have particle effects created over them to indicate that lightning will attempt to strike on them.
    • Lightning then strikes the blocks after 1 second.
I'm not sure if this was a bug from the Java LI or just a balancing feature, but just compensate for the nerfs and make the Lightning Wand a bit more consistent with other wands:
  • Multiple Lightning Wands can be used at a time.
Yeah, this item got sort of butchered in the transition from concept to release. The original Infini-Carrot concept was meant to be an item with much more depth than the average food item, but I can certainly see how much of that depth is pretty unnecessary and time-consuming development-wise.
However, despite the appearance of the Infini-Tato as a glistened Baked Potato, the player only receives the hunger points (as well as the pitiful saturation) of a regular Potato. Considering there are so many other foods that are plentifully available (especially now that the Food Lucky Block exists), there really isn't much point to the Infini-Tato, which is quite sad. As a result, to make this item no longer a giant catfish:
  • Eating the Infini-Tato feeds (in terms of both Hunger Points and Saturation) for a Baked Potato, rather than a regular Potato.
Additionally, to add just a bit of extra spice to Food Lucky Blocks:
  • The Infini-Tato can appear in the Food Lucky Block, but is rarer than most other foods.
This is probably my favourite item added in the new Lucky Islands update for both versions! It's super simple but has a ton of applications. With that being said, there is a non-gameplay thing I want changed about it, that clarifies a mechanic that may or may not be (but ideally is) intended.
  • The description of the Elevator states that it takes the player to the highest available surface when used (rather than just the next higher-up surface).
Also, one small change I'd like to add, so that any enemy players aren't confused, and just to provide a bit of counter-play:
  • A sound effect akin to a teleport warp plays both at where the player uses the Elevator, and at the destination of the player after using the Elevator.
Spyglass and Goat Horn (all variants)
These are items that definitely has uses (well, not so much for the Goat Horn), but in my opinion, these drop far too often, and eventually take up way too much inventory space. As a result, I would like for the following changes to be implemented:
  • Chance of the Spyglass dropping from the regular Lucky Blocks (yellow & blue Lucky Blocks) reduced by 50%.
  • Chance of the Goat Horn from dropping from the regular Lucky Blocks (yellow & blue Lucky Blocks) reduced by 75%.
/fly Effect (received from Rainbow Lucky Blocks)
In Java Lucky Islands, this effect was notoriously overpowered and really annoying to play against. However, this seems to no longer be the case! Well, at least for Bedrock. It might possibly be a bug, but there was one change made to this effect that makes it way more tolerable. If a player who has the flight effect hits another player, then they lose the flight effect! As I've said, I'm not sure if this is intentional, but it absolutely should be implemented. Now, this effect has returned to its intended purpose of just providing insane mobility, rather than to transform into a giant irritation. To make some QOL tweaks and make this mechanic more apparent to the player:
  • After receiving the flight effect, the player will be told in chat that they'll lose their flight effect sooner if they attack a player.
    • If they attacked a player, a message will display above the hotbar telling them that they lost their flight effect because they attacked a player.
Yoink Rod
This item is probably the most underwhelming of the items found in the Rainbow Lucky Block, which is quite unfortunate, since there's a lot of potential for an item like this. And let's unleash that potential! I've mentioned this before elsewhere, but I think that this item doesn't really make sense for one that can only be obtained at mid, either early on or by someone with gear that'll likely win them the game. This item makes sense as one that's for stealing from the rich and giving to the (relatively) poor. So, let's give them a chance to obtain this useful comeback tool!
  • The Yoink Rod appears rarely in the regular Lucky Blocks.
  • The Yoink Rod no longer appears in Rainbow Lucky Blocks.
Also, actually hitting any player with the slow-moving projectile is rather finicky. So, I suggest an increase in the Yoink Rod's durability.
  • The Yoink Rod's durability is doubled.
    • To clarify, the Yoink Rod's durability is still depleted regardless whether or not a target is hit.
Totem of Undying
I've mistakenly assumed in the past that this item wasn't in Lucky Islands, and suggested to see it in the Rainbow Lucky Block.
Despite it being quite powerful (though somewhat balanced by being quite rare), the Totem of Undying is indeed a drop, but only rarely from regular Lucky Blocks. I think that this is a bit odd, and with the changes to the Yoink Rod, I think that the Totem of Undying should take its place as a Rainbow Lucky Block exclusive. As a result:
  • The Totem of Undying no longer appears in the regular Lucky Blocks.
  • The Totem of Undying appears in the Rainbow Lucky Block.

Okay, that's all the new items, but there's a few extra things I'd like to see adjusted.

Knight (boss) and Pig King (boss)
These two bosses have a similar change I'd like to see incorporated, both in order to increase the reward for killing one. For the Knight:
  • The Lucky Blocks that the Knight drops are changed to be the blue, Blessed Lucky Blocks.
The reward for killing the Pig King is more-so lackluster, so I'd like it to see that changed even more:
  • The Pig King additionally drops multiple blue, Blessed Lucky Blocks, like the Knight.
Blessed (game option)
In a similar fashion to the bosses mentioned previously, I'd like to see Blessed Lucky Blocks incorporated further into the Blessed mode. Though, this change would only make sense under the assumption that Blessed Lucky Blocks are just Lucky Blocks with all the negative drops removed. If that is the case:
  • All yellow Lucky Blocks are transformed into the blue, Blessed Lucky Blocks if the Blessed game option is chosen.
To clarify, this would be a solely aesthetic change.

Okay, with that all out the way, let's talk about the part you're most definitely here for: the part where I talk about Lucky Islands ~kit design~!

Let's talk kits!
As of writing (and for the longest time), Bedrock Lucky Islands consists of only four very basic kits:
  • Builder (16 Stone, Leather Chestplate)
  • Chef (4 Steak)
  • Healer (3 Splash Potions of Healing, Golden Apple)
  • Warrior (Wooden Sword)
This is a very small number of kits to choose from, especially compared to the vast selection found in Java Lucky Islands. But, I think that that's okay, considering the limitations of custom Bedrock UI, and how chunky those horizontal buttons are. Some compromise is to be expected. However, the kits that we got are pretty meh. I see kits as small starting packages that have a decent impact in how they play the game. And in my opinion, only two of the four kits do this at all.

Warrior is probably the worst of the bunch. Literally all maps have wood provided at the spawn islands, so if you really needed a weapon, it's right there! Plus, there are dozens of drops from Lucky Blocks that can give the player a much better weapon.

Chef has its purpose of providing a great food source, but that's about it. Like with Warrior, there's food sources on most maps in the form of Hay Bales and/or Melon Blocks. Though to give some credit to this kit, the steak is better that both of the foods obtained from those blocks. However, big problem, the Food Lucky Block exists. It was a great addition, but it being given to players regardless of the kit significantly devalues the kit solely containing food.

Builder has a similar issue to the Chef kit once again. Logs are plentiful on most maps, so finding building materials isn't an issue. The Blocks Lucky Block exists, so if you just want blocks, this kit in this regard does relatively little to stand out. Despite this, I think this kit is just okay. Because, there are instances where having access to blocks straight away is useful. Additionally, as the only kit with armour, and armour being relatively difficult to find early on, this kit's Leather Chestplate can come in handy, at least for a little bit.

Healer is easily the best kit of the bunch, hands down. Even better than the Java LI equivalent of the kit, funnily enough. Golden Apples are quite hard to come by, and are super useful, even if it's just one given here. The three Healing Splash Potions are also useful in a pinch, and can help to turn the tides of battles.

Now, I'd like to have a try tweaking these kits, and adding a few new ones, so that picking a kit actually has a noticeable impact on the game.


“24 Planks, and Boots”
  • 24x (Random Wood Type) Planks
  • Blocks Lucky Block
  • Chainmail Boots (Feather Falling II)
I see the Planks as a much more versatile resource than Stone, which is why I decided to swap it out. Additionally, more building blocks allows the player to, well, build more. And, the bonus Blocks Lucky Block that the player receives in this kit just double downs on this idea further. Finally, the new Feather Falling boots gives the Builder player just a bit of insurance building all over the place. Plus, there's literally no sources of this enchantment, so I feel like this is the perfect place to put it!
Also, why the randomised wood plank type? For that variety, of course! I don't know, I think it'd just be neat.


“4 Steak, 16 Eggs, & Cake”
  • 4x Steak
  • 16x Egg
  • Cake
  • Food Lucky Block
All food-related items that gives a great variety to the Chef player! The eggs are a useful projectile option to control other players' movement, and Cake is a nice little dessert that you can eat whilst sprinting, after you placed it down of course. And just like with the Builder kit, this kit has a bonus Food Lucky Block! Makes you much more likely to get some sweet Golden Apples, eh?


“3 Healing Pots and 1 Gapple”
  • Golden Apple
  • 2x Splash Potion of Healing I
  • Splash Potion of Regeneration I
Even though I think this kit is much more powerful compared to the rest of them, among these new kits, I think is a perfectly well-designed kit. Though, I changed it slightly to exchange one of the Healing potions to a Regeneration potion, in order for a bit more variety in healing types, as well as for creating more team-based plays.


“Stone Tools & Furnace”
  • Stone Axe
  • Stone Pickaxe
  • Stone Shovel
  • Blast Furnace
This kit is replacing the awfully weak Warrior kit (don't worry Warrior fans, the Stone Axe has the same damage!). For a more casual minigame, I'd think that CubeCraft doesn't want a hyperaggressive kit, which is why I didn't just buff the Warrior kit. Instead, this kit provides loads of utility, long term usefulness through that Blast Furnace, and finally gives the Bedrock LI community a kit with a pickaxe! Now you can mine away at resources to your heart's content, and play the long game of mining for resources on the map for making better gear, free from the shackles of randomness... if you want to, anyway.


“Chestplate & Leggings”
  • Chainmail Chestplate
  • Leather Leggings
Did the boots of the Builder kit not fill that void in your heart? Do you need more protection? Fear not, for this kit... certainly provides!
I'm sure many players would like a kit solely based around armour, since compared to weapons, building materials, and food, armour is quite harder to come by. As a result, I think a basic armour kit is a must.


“2 Magical Wands”
  • (TWO wands randomly chosen out of the following:)
    • TNT Wand
    • Dragon Fire Wand
    • Shield Wand
    • Frost Path Wand
    • Lightning Wand
    • Regen Wand
    • Slime Wand
    • Splash Potion Wand
    • Invisibility Wand
(all wands have an initial cooldown of their actual cooldown, and a player cannot receive two of the same type of wand)

This is a kit based on the kit with the same name found on Java Lucky Islands. The reason why I chose this kit in particular to port over is because it in particular shows off the new mechanics and items of Lucky Islands, so it's very special in that regard.


“3 Spawn Eggs & Monster Immunity”
  • 2x Zombie Spawn Egg (guaranteed to spawn with a Leather Helmet, and name tagged to the player that summoned them)
  • Skeleton Spawn Egg (guaranteed to spawn with a Leather Helmet, and name tagged to the player that summoned them)
  • Effect: Become immune to all monster damage, and monsters will never target you. (Monsters spawned by the player using spawn eggs will also never hurt their teammates.)
Now, this is an original kit concept that I'd think would be especially unique, while also serving as a great kit for beginner Lucky Islands players. Not having to deal with monster damage early on would especially be appreciated, and the monsters provide help as shields and supporting damage, kind of like Splatoon 3's Super Chump special. However, I do not believe these abilities are that overpowered, since monster damage becomes less important as games go on, instead PVP becomes emphasised. As a result, I think this kit offers a very unique but still balanced play-style to players.

I've stuck to there only being 7 kits total, since the minigame on Bedrock with the most kits (SkyWars) has 6 kits. I don't believe that the one extra tab is that hard to navigate.

Okay, that's all my suggestions and ideas for now, thanks for reading, and feel free to give feedback!
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Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
The Netherlands
I love all of these ideas and I'm glad you took your time to think of these quality suggestions.

While I do agree with most of them, I personally believe the Yoink Rod shouldn't be added to the regular lucky blocks. It is still a very useful item, despite it being difficult to use if not in close combat. I've used this item plenty of times to yoink someone's weapon from them and win the game that way. In my opinion, for multiple players to get this in a game, it would get quite chaotic (in a bad way).

Though, I agree with every other suggestion you provided!
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Mar 6, 2023
That’s a lot of suggestion! I. Going to go through them 1 by 1 with my feedback.
  1. Im completely open to this change. However, in my experience the lightning wand doesn’t do nearly as much damage as described, although it can cause an invisible fire glitch that I haven’t quite worked out yet. Another thing I would like changed is for mobile players to be given a reticle to aim with, as it took me a while to get used to aiming the wand without split controls.
  2. I agree with you completely. Infini-tato is useless in its current state. In addition to these change, I think the chance of getting food from normal lucky blocks should be reduced, or even removed. Even if the food you get from your first food lucky block is bad, the food you get from your first damage kill is likely to be good enough.
  3. The elevator item does take you to the highest surface, unless you are already at or above the highest surface. One thing I want changed is for this item to take you down to the highest surface if you are above it. This could be helpful if you have Levitation or took significant knockback from a fireball.
  4. In my personal opinion, these items are honestly better off removed from the game entirely. Any “uses” these items have are minimal , the spyglass is hard to see out of, and Isn’t very practical in finding other players, and the goat horn allows players to use sound to reveal their location, which isn’t very useful to them.
  5. From my experience, you retain the flight ability. In my opinion, this isn’t an irritation and I haven’t played a game where another player with flight tried to fight me. However, I think players are still learning what the rainbow lucky block does, so this may change.
  6. Agree with everything here. However, removing the yoink rod from rainbow lucky blocks would mean there are only two other drops, so new drop definitely need to be added.
  7. I don’t agree or disagree with this. I don’t think totems are a problem now, but I also think putting them in rainbow lucky blocks, which need more drops, is fine too.
  8. I think this is a good change, because the changes in mob behavior this update brought has made these bosses significantly harder.
  9. I agree with this, would make it clearer to people what blessed mode does
In my opinion, the new food and block lucky blocks have obsoleted the builder and chef kit. I disagree and say the warrior kit is actually useful, you can rush players quickly and open lucky blocks at center or a sub center island. I also think swords might allow you to open lucky blocks faster, although I’m unsure if this is true. If it is, it isn’t significant. I agree, the healer kit is definitely still the best. It was the best before the update, and the new saturation has made it even better. I really like your ideas for new kits, and want to address each of them.
  1. I like the idea of this kit. Even if the player receives excess blocks from his block lucky blocks, wood can still be useful for crafting. However, I still feel that if all players get block and food lucky blocks, this kit will remain obsolete. I’m also worried that players could use this kit to skybase, increasing the number of campers. One small tweak I want to make is to make the boots leather and dyed light blue, to make them stand out from other boots.
  2. I think this is a much better kit than the current chef kit. In my opinion, the kit could be buffed even more by replacing the steak with golden carrots.
  3. I still like this idea for a kit, not much feedback to give here.
  4. Im unsure about this kit. On most maps, there aren’t a lot of resources that require smelting to use. I feel like I would only use this kit on the village map, at least the furnace part. The axe still makes this remain as the most aggressive kit in the game.
  5. I would like to see this kit be more unique and special. Maybe this kit could drop two random armor pieces (different type) made with a random material (not netherite, diamond armor should be rarer) and each armor piece could be given one random enchantment that isn’t protection, unbreaking, or mending.
  6. I really like this kit idea. If it gets added, the developers should bring The invisibility and splash potion wands to bedrock, and they should bring back the shield wand, which I believe was removed in the recent update.
  7. In my opinion , not taking damage from monster would be a little complicate and I’m sure a lot of player wouldn’t realize this kit does this. Depending on what is considered a monster, this kit could be a little OP, especially if crazy mode is voted. I’m very hesitant to have this kit get added to lucky islands, but this is a creative idea nonetheles.
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