Hey! In this thread, I want to show something I think CubeCraft players need right now on the server, and I'm sure more than one of you will share this opinion.
Before going to the main topic I would like to differentiate between "team" modes and modes that you can play with friends, team modes would be modes like Team SkyWars, Lucky Islands, Egwars or BedWars and on the other hand modes that you can play with friends would be FFA, PoF or SkyBlock.
What is the problem?
Since they removed many modes, both solo and team, a few years ago due to the low number of players, they have been implementing new ones such as PoF, BedWars or more recently Team Lucky Islands (temporarily).But for some time now we only have Team EggWars and BedWars available, the problem lies in that although these modes are not the same, they are similar since they share the same structure, which is basically trying to destroy the core of the enemy base while defending yours. It is strange that if you don't like one you will like the other and conversely it is strange that if you like one you will not like the other even if you prefer one more than the other.Before going to the main topic I would like to differentiate between "team" modes and modes that you can play with friends, team modes would be modes like Team SkyWars, Lucky Islands, Egwars or BedWars and on the other hand modes that you can play with friends would be FFA, PoF or SkyBlock.
What is the problem?
In my case, for example, I've never liked EggWars because its structure isn't fun for me, so BedWars is no exception, and I know other players who feel the same way. The problem ultimately lies in the lack of "variety" of team modes we have available right now, and on top of that, the ones we have available are very similar to each other.
How to solve this problem?
If you have read the title you already know what the solution is, where the real problem lies would be which mode would be the ideal one to include permanently without affecting the modes we already have to a large extent and, if possible, increasing the total number of players on the server.
Mainly the team modes that usually come up on the table when the discussion of which modes should return comes up are the following: Team SkyWars, Team Lucky Islands and Tower Defense. In addition to these 3 modes, there is a project currently in progress that would be Secret Project #4, which could be another team mode and it is important to keep it in mind.There have been more team modes in CubeCraft over the years but I will simply analyze the most requested/popular ones by the community so far.
Then I will proceed to give my analysis of each of the modes and which one in my opinion would be the one that best fits the server situation right now.
Team SkyWars: Although it is one of the most requested by the community, I think it is rather that a few players are the ones who make a lot of "noise" but in reality there are not so many players who want it back, apart from that I think it is not the best decision to have this mode back. The reasons are simple, SkyWars has not been as popular as it was years ago and is currently the 3rd least played mode on the entire server, it was also one of the most inactive/unpopular modes when many modes were deleted, and I think if it came back the lobbys would be full of TryHards where casual players would be impossible to have fun.
Team Lucky Islands: This mode was implemented in August 2024 temporarily for a few months, the community loved it, many players returned after years of not entering the server to be able to enjoy this mode, it is a mode that all types of players can enjoy both tryhard and casual due to its randomness and the unpredictable things that can happen. The number of players it had was very good and if I remember correctly it did not greatly affect the numbers of Solo Lucky Islands, so I think it could be a mode that could be kept along with its solo mode.In my opinion, among the 4 modes, this one is by far my favorite and the best candidate to be able to watch it again in the future.
Tower Defense:Although I was a big fan of this mode, and many times you see some players asking for it back, I definitely don't think it's the best idea to have this mode back, it was a mode that had a certain level of complexity and learning that many players, either out of frustration, boredom or because they simply didn't understand it, abandoned the games and that was why it wasn't a very popular mode and ended up being deleted. Maybe if it were adapted, made simpler and the games made more "frenetic" or entertaining it would be a good solution and then I do think it would be interesting to see it back
Secret Project#4: Although it is a project that should be included in the discussion since it could be a team game mode, at the moment we do not have any information and secret projects usually take a long time until they come to light, so I think it is not worth analyzing this possibility for the moment.
Why should it be permanent?
I have seen many threads where they propose that instead of putting the modes permanently, they should be temporary/rotational and rotate every X time, maybe it is a preference of mine but I hate temporary modes, I hate that if I go in on a Sunday to play and want to play a specific mode but it is not available because it has rotated to another that I am not interested in, although if it were rotational with other modes you have the advantage that you satisfy more people in principle, but in the long run I do not think it would be beneficial, since those who come for a specific mode will end up leaving if they do not see their mode every now and then, apart from the work that would be required to adapt a couple of modes to the latest versions so that at least there is some variety in the rotations.
That's all, tell me what you think and what modes you would like to see or which one you think would fit best on the server.