Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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Power Ranger

Forum Professional
Apr 20, 2016
The ♡
Some of you may remember my old suggestion https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/appeal-system-change.180724/ which addressed the appeal system. This thread will hopefully expand and improve on that suggestion and offer some new suggestions for punishments as well.


Even after the response from tacosbefriends on my original suggestion I'm still very uneasy about how the staff member who banned a player also handles that player's appeal in the case where there is evidence like a ban from a report. I really think that after a player is banned they should have their appeal handled by a separate staff member who is less likely to make the same mistakes as the first staff member in the case of a false punishment. This is how it works on most servers and I don't see why it's not how it works on Cubecraft.
This would:
-Allow the original punisher to receive feedback from a fellow staff member on what they did wrong in a false punishment quickly and easily:
-Reduce the number of falsely denied appeals with two staff opinions.
-Reduce the need for "2nd appeals" on the forums.
-Overall be more fair to the player who was punished.

Appeal Responses
Now with that out of the way I also think that for all denied appeals, including sentinel appeals, a message should be given to the player who's appeal was denied. This could be a default message like "Contact the moderator who banned you or an administrator on the forums if you still believe your appeal was falsely denied." or in the case that it's a sentinel ban, "Contact Crazymanjr via Discord if you still believe your appeal was falsely denied." These could also be custom messages that explains exactly why the player was banned if the staff member was willing to put in the effort. I feel like this would help a lot with reducing spam on the forums as well as point players who have been falsely banned in the right direction when they may not think to go to the forums or discord. Also with blatant rule breaking evidence a message like be given to respond to the appeal to affirm they will not be pardoned. For example, an appeal for a illegal clients ban that is obvious is made stating, "I deleted my hacks please in an me!" can simply be responded with "Your punishment will not be pardoned as you did break our rules and were not falsely punished." This could prevent some players from coming on the forums and spamming and clear up confusion for players who believe an apology would be an acceptable appeal in their situation.

Sentinel Appeals

Currently you have only Crazymanjr and (I think) GingerGeek working on sentinel appeals and I really feel as if some senior moderators should be taught and given the tools to deal with these appeals as well. Response times are long with pretty much one person handling all the appeals from sentinel and I'm not at all comfortable with one man handling the majority of appeals on the server. I'm sure that most senior mods if not many other staff members are capable and trustworthy enough to deal with these appeals. With more people on these appeals you will have faster response times and overall better support than we currently have for players looking to make "2nd Appeals".
Sentinel scares the heck out of me with all the people I know have been false banned from it and have had falsely denied appeals. Shortly after sentinel came out I started using a background recorder in case I saw anyone get false banned in front of me or if I were to get false banned myself. The scariest part of all about sentinel for me though is (not to be rude to the man himself) is that almost all the appeals for it are being handled by someone who is not a well known Community member and isn't even a well known PvPer. To me that seems like giving moderator to one of those random people who come on the forums and ask for mod/admin. I'm sorry if that did come out as a bit rude but that is truly how I feel about sentinel.

Sentinel Appeal Reason

I really think when sentinel bans a player it should give a reason. Currently the "has banned you for cheating" along with the ban waves that ban after the player has left the game leaves a lot of unanswered questions. A player could look at that and think "Did sentinel ban me for teaming or skybasing?" or "Did sentinel pick up on one of my mods that isn't exactly on the approved mods list but still doesn't give an in game advantage and counted that as cheating?" The majority of players don't know the extent of how advanced sentinel is and even could be at detecting "cheaters" and this makes it very difficult to appeal unless you have a video of yourself getting banned. It should clearly state what they were doing with at least "Using a hacked client" or "Autoclicker" as two different options. (Please don't say illegal clients because the majority of children you are banning have no clue what that means.) This would help at least a little more with making an appeal as you know what you've been banned for a don't have to guess. Having the exact "cheat" that sentinel detected the player for would be much more helpful but I can see why you would still want to keep this somewhat secret.

With that out of the way it's time to get to the second part of the title:

Advanced Punishments

Now with hackers beginning to become less and less common in games the new rulebreakers that everyone is all worried about are campers, teamers, and various chat offences. Most people believe that the punishments for these are too short and other believe that it isn't important enough to expand the punishment a lot. There is a way to have the best of both worlds without even banning the player who could possibly donate and attract other players to the server! You can do this with permissions with your plugins. How might his might work you ask? I'll give you a few examples with current offences!

Teaming in solo: Players who team in solo can have the permission to join any solo gamemode removed for a period of time. This time can be extended and stacked upon more heavily than the current punishment as the player can still play other game modes where they won't ruin any other player's gaming experience! (This could be like a week without being able to join solo gamemodes on first offense and could even progress to as long as a month!) When this player tries to join a solo game they will receive an error telling them that they have broken the rules and should appeal at appeals.ccgn.co if they believe this is incorrect. Cross teaming in team modes would still recieve the same punishment as the current system.

Team Trolling:
Simar to teaming in solo except the player won't be able to join team games for a period of time.

Bug Exploiting (maybe):
If the bug is for a specific game you could remove their permission to play this game for a long time. This could be a month for first offense and increase to even permanently depending on how serious the bug is if they continue to abuse the bug after. Bugs that involve the main lobby or the server in general would still use the current punishment.

Players who camp can have their permission to play games they can effectively camp in like eggwars, skywars, and lucky islands removed for a period of time. They would still be able to play games like sg, blockwars, and tower defence where they wouldn't harm anyone by camping or wouldn't be able to camp at all.

I think this would be the best way to effectively prevent these players from committing their offenses multiple times and also allow them to still play and invite their friends to the server.

Chat Enforcement Changes

The chat offenses are either not worth reporting or too harsh in many cases for me and that's why I typically don't report them. So here are some changes I think should be made to the chat enforcement:

Advertising: I feel like someone accidentally saying in public chat "Hey do you wanna go play CraftCraft?" shouldn't really be punishable as advertising at least it shouldn't even be comparable as someone putting a server ip in chat telling people to join that server. I think this kind of mild advertising should have a warning before you can report or a staff member can mute the player.

Swearing is not worth reporting at all as it has a short punishment time and requires a warning. At the very least the warning stage of the punishment should be removed IMO as we have one giant warning not to swaer in chat that being the chat filter which these players are consciously bypassing. Along with that I think the first punishment should be 2-3 days so the player actually notices they been punished unlike now.

Not everyone may think this but I really feel like the targgeted chat offense punishment is way too harsh in many situations. 1 month fits for a DDOS threat but for someone just getting a little salty at block game or someone just joking with a friend by telling them to kill themselves over the Internet isn't nearly as bad. First off I think the player who is being targeted should be the one to report the person for targeted chat offense to make the other player recieve the full month long mute and beyond. This would stop people who are just joking with their friends from being muted for a month from a report by some guy who's looking to increase their "players punished" number or someone who didn't understand it as a joke at all. Personally I don't want people who get salty and tell me to kill myself or something in chat to be muted for a month by some random person who saw them say it. Also I think there should be an additional 3 month long stage added so a player can't be muted permenantly for saying 3 letters in chat when they are a bit salty.

I know it's not server and I don't really stand in a position to tell people how they should run their server but I think these suggestions will truly benefit the players themselves.

With that my giant text wall is done. I expect most people to have a completely different opinion than me so be sure to to leave yours in a reply below! :) Much ♡
Jul 1, 2017
The Moon
Some of you may remember my old suggestion https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/appeal-system-change.180724/ which addressed the appeal system. This thread will hopefully expand and improve on that suggestion and offer some new suggestions for punishments as well.


Even after the response from tacosbefriends on my original suggestion I'm still very uneasy about how the staff member who banned a player also handles that player's appeal in the case where there is evidence like a ban from a report. I really think that after a player is banned they should have their appeal handled by a separate staff member who is less likely to make the same mistakes as the first staff member in the case of a false punishment. This is how it works on most servers and I don't see why it's not how it works on Cubecraft.
This would:
-Allow the original punisher to receive feedback from a fellow staff member on what they did wrong in a false punishment quickly and easily:
-Reduce the number of falsely denied appeals with two staff opinions.
-Reduce the need for "2nd appeals" on the forums.
-Overall be more fair to the player who was punished.

Appeal Responses
Now with that out of the way I also think that for all denied appeals, including sentinel appeals, a message should be given to the player who's appeal was denied. This could be a default message like "Contact the moderator who banned you or an administrator on the forums if you still believe your appeal was falsely denied." or in the case that it's a sentinel ban, "Contact Crazymanjr via Discord if you still believe your appeal was falsely denied." These could also be custom messages that explains exactly why the player was banned if the staff member was willing to put in the effort. I feel like this would help a lot with reducing spam on the forums as well as point players who have been falsely banned in the right direction when they may not think to go to the forums or discord. Also with blatant rule breaking evidence a message like be given to respond to the appeal to affirm they will not be pardoned. For example, an appeal for a illegal clients ban that is obvious is made stating, "I deleted my hacks please in an me!" can simply be responded with "Your punishment will not be pardoned as you did break our rules and were not falsely punished." This could prevent some players from coming on the forums and spamming and clear up confusion for players who believe an apology would be an acceptable appeal in their situation.

Sentinel Appeals

Currently you have only Crazymanjr and (I think) GingerGeek working on sentinel appeals and I really feel as if some senior moderators should be taught and given the tools to deal with these appeals as well. Response times are long with pretty much one person handling all the appeals from sentinel and I'm not at all comfortable with one man handling the majority of appeals on the server. I'm sure that most senior mods if not many other staff members are capable and trustworthy enough to deal with these appeals. With more people on these appeals you will have faster response times and overall better support than we currently have for players looking to make "2nd Appeals".
Sentinel scares the heck out of me with all the people I know have been false banned from it and have had falsely denied appeals. Shortly after sentinel came out I started using a background recorder in case I saw anyone get false banned in front of me or if I were to get false banned myself. The scariest part of all about sentinel for me though is (not to be rude to the man himself) is that almost all the appeals for it are being handled by someone who is not a well known Community member and isn't even a well known PvPer. To me that seems like giving moderator to one of those random people who come on the forums and ask for mod/admin. I'm sorry if that did come out as a bit rude but that is truly how I feel about sentinel.

Sentinel Appeal Reason

I really think when sentinel bans a player it should give a reason. Currently the "has banned you for cheating" along with the ban waves that ban after the player has left the game leaves a lot of unanswered questions. A player could look at that and think "Did sentinel ban me for teaming or skybasing?" or "Did sentinel pick up on one of my mods that isn't exactly on the approved mods list but still doesn't give an in game advantage and counted that as cheating?" The majority of players don't know the extent of how advanced sentinel is and even could be at detecting "cheaters" and this makes it very difficult to appeal unless you have a video of yourself getting banned. It should clearly state what they were doing with at least "Using a hacked client" or "Autoclicker" as two different options. (Please don't say illegal clients because the majority of children you are banning have no clue what that means.) This would help at least a little more with making an appeal as you know what you've been banned for a don't have to guess. Having the exact "cheat" that sentinel detected the player for would be much more helpful but I can see why you would still want to keep this somewhat secret.

With that out of the way it's time to get to the second part of the title:

Advanced Punishments

Now with hackers beginning to become less and less common in games the new rulebreakers that everyone is all worried about are campers, teamers, and various chat offences. Most people believe that the punishments for these are too short and other believe that it isn't important enough to expand the punishment a lot. There is a way to have the best of both worlds without even banning the player who could possibly donate and attract other players to the server! You can do this with permissions with your plugins. How might his might work you ask? I'll give you a few examples with current offences!

Teaming in solo: Players who team in solo can have the permission to join any solo gamemode removed for a period of time. This time can be extended and stacked upon more heavily than the current punishment as the player can still play other game modes where they won't ruin any other player's gaming experience! (This could be like a week without being able to join solo gamemodes on first offense and could even progress to as long as a month!) When this player tries to join a solo game they will receive an error telling them that they have broken the rules and should appeal at appeals.ccgn.co if they believe this is incorrect. Cross teaming in team modes would still recieve the same punishment as the current system.

Team Trolling:
Simar to teaming in solo except the player won't be able to join team games for a period of time.

Bug Exploiting (maybe):
If the bug is for a specific game you could remove their permission to play this game for a long time. This could be a month for first offense and increase to even permanently depending on how serious the bug is if they continue to abuse the bug after. Bugs that involve the main lobby or the server in general would still use the current punishment.

Players who camp can have their permission to play games they can effectively camp in like eggwars, skywars, and lucky islands removed for a period of time. They would still be able to play games like sg, blockwars, and tower defence where they wouldn't harm anyone by camping or wouldn't be able to camp at all.

I think this would be the best way to effectively prevent these players from committing their offenses multiple times and also allow them to still play and invite their friends to the server.

Chat Enforcement Changes

The chat offenses are either not worth reporting or too harsh in many cases for me and that's why I typically don't report them. So here are some changes I think should be made to the chat enforcement:

Advertising: I feel like someone accidentally saying in public chat "Hey do you wanna go play CraftCraft?" shouldn't really be punishable as advertising at least it shouldn't even be comparable as someone putting a server ip in chat telling people to join that server. I think this kind of mild advertising should have a warning before you can report or a staff member can mute the player.

Swearing is not worth reporting at all as it has a short punishment time and requires a warning. At the very least the warning stage of the punishment should be removed IMO as we have one giant warning not to swaer in chat that being the chat filter which these players are consciously bypassing. Along with that I think the first punishment should be 2-3 days so the player actually notices they been punished unlike now.

Not everyone may think this but I really feel like the targgeted chat offense punishment is way too harsh in many situations. 1 month fits for a DDOS threat but for someone just getting a little salty at block game or someone just joking with a friend by telling them to kill themselves over the Internet isn't nearly as bad. First off I think the player who is being targeted should be the one to report the person for targeted chat offense to make the other player recieve the full month long mute and beyond. This would stop people who are just joking with their friends from being muted for a month from a report by some guy who's looking to increase their "players punished" number or someone who didn't understand it as a joke at all. Personally I don't want people who get salty and tell me to kill myself or something in chat to be muted for a month by some random person who saw them say it. Also I think there should be an additional 3 month long stage added so a player can't be muted permenantly for saying 3 letters in chat when they are a bit salty.

I know it's not server and I don't really stand in a position to tell people how they should run their server but I think these suggestions will truly benefit the players themselves.

With that my giant text wall is done. I expect most people to have a completely different opinion than me so be sure to to leave yours in a reply below! :) Much ♡

Wow, I thought you just sympathized with hackers, but now I see you practically lobby on their behalf. Note to server staff: I think this person doesn't like you to ban hackers (justsayin).
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2016
1) You have to realize that players who break the game rules do so with a certain mindset, someone who uses a hacked client or trolls their team or crossteams likely has little to no intention of playing fairly. The reason that the appeals system isn't the most complicated thing is because, well, I'm sure most of the appeals are steaming piles of bovine excrement.

2) I do agree that the staff member who gave the punishment shouldn't be allowed to rule on a players appeal. If the same staff member who punished you is in charge of your appeal, then what's the point of appealing?

3) The point of sentinel not telling you why it banned you is so the people who make hacked clients can't use this information to develop sentinel-avoiding clients.

4) Because of #1 I feel it's fine to ban teamers and team-trollers from the server.
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Forum Expert
Jun 10, 2016
A Pasture
Looks quite interesting.
I agree with this. I am not sure how often it happens, but in the case it does, this would allow for more opinions and decrease the chance of a falsely banned player to remain banned.
Appeal responses:
I think they could be slightly more specific. The responses you suggested seem good to me.
Sentinel Appeals:
I don't know what all happens for this so I am not going to comment to avoid misinformation.
Sentinel Appeal Responses:
I don't know. Too much information would make it easier for client developers to update their clients. Maybe they could change it to 'Setinel has caught you cheating (kill aura, anti kb, scaffold, no fall)' so the player has a general knowledge of what they were banned for without it being specificly tailored to them. Basically, it would just list some common cheats.

Advanced punishments:
This is a neat idea. I just have some quick questions, could a player have multiple different game mode bans a time? Like being banned from solo eggwars for cross teaming and team eggwars for team trolling. And, would the punishments stack up for repeating offenses until it reaches a permanent ban from that game type? And would a ban for, say, cross teaming in solo apply to all solo games or just the specific game they are in? So if they teamed in solo eggwars, they couldn't join solo eggwars, skywars, survival games, or lucky islands until the punishment expires? I really like this idea.

Chat Enforcement:
I think if a player says the IP of another server, it shouldn't require a warning. But if it is light advertising like saying 'let's play eggwars', it shou,d require a warning.
I'll be honest, I thought swearing was a month long. If it is only a day, then yes, it should be increased. I think casual swearing should still require a warning, and along with it, have longer mutes.
Maybe have it a week long as the first mute for target chat, then a month, then permanent. And have ddos threats, death threats, and other more things on the month, permanent track.

Overall, some great suggestion! I love it! :)

Wow, I thought you just sympathized with hackers, but now I see you practically lobby on their behalf. Note to server staff: I think this person doesn't like you to ban hackers (justsayin).
Please remain on the topic of the thread. Thank you! :)

Elegant Swirl

Jul 10, 2017
I think the main concept of this is good since sometimes players are banned unfairly, but for the most part, players are punished fairly. Possibly the staff could look over a report a couple of times before giving any seriously bad punishments (ex. lifetime ban), but they probably already do that. Nice idea though! :D


Appeals - I personally think the current appeals system is fine. There may be information that the banning moderator knows about the punishment they issued which may change the course of action with the appeal.

Appeal Responses - An acceptance/denial message would be brilliant to be honest.

Sentinel Appeals - All staff members have the ability to deal with Sentinel appeals. Not going to go into more information.

Punishments - Not going to go into information on that since I'm probably not allowed to. In my opinion, I personally don't really think punishments should be public at all. Only the offender and staff members should have access to the offender's punishment.

A pigeon

kys should not be punished in the first place . Kill yourself is not a death threat , its just a small request for someones betterment imo or playful wording.
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Forum Expert
Dec 26, 2016
kys should not be punished in the first place . Kill yourself is not a death threat , its just a small request for someones betterment imo or playful wording.
This has to be a joke post, then again you have a point, it's not really a death threat.. but I think what they mean is that if the person listens to that advice then their life is being threatened, if that makes any sense whatsoever

Power Ranger

Forum Professional
Apr 20, 2016
The ♡
1. I can agree with you for most hackers but I'm not sure if the same applies to the som clickers who team in solo because they wouldn't win otherwise.

3. I understand his but "cheating" is a little open ended and can mean a ton of things. A simple hacking or using autoclicker would assist the appealer a ton more. I don't think client devs would get much help from this. :3

4. A three day ban might not even be enough as soem people I have reported like https://appeals.cubecraft.net/find_appeals/Sukitarouhave already teamed 3 times and I wouldn't be surprised if they continue to team today. You can't really ban a player for a week to a month for teaming but if all you do is take away their ability to play a solo game that seems pretty reasonable and stops them from almost ever ruining another game.

Sentinel Appeal Responses:
I think that would actually be much better if it gave a list of hacks including the one it detected the player for. :)
Advanced Punishments:
You could have mutiple punishments at the same time like a solo and a team "ban". In this case the player would only be able to play games like PvP and Minerware which neither have a teams or solo mode. I also think that a solo ban should apply to all games and not just a single one as if they were in a mindset to just ruin games, like @HScrozzy said, there would be nothing stopping the from ruining games in other gamemodes. I would also like for the punishments to stack up and they could stack up more heavily since it's a less harsh punishment. I think it would be reasonable to perms fly take away someone's ability to play solo games after multiple attempts to team in solo and multiple punishments.
Chat Enforcement:
I would actually be happy with those changes as well! :)

The problem is that the punishment would never stack and players who consistently team like this player I reported: https://appeals.cubecraft.net/find_appeals/Sukitarouhave already teamed 3+ times and I wouldn't doubt if they were still teaming without being reported. With the punishment system you could easily permanently take away someone's ability to play solo gamemodes if they continued to team over and over again. I think it would overall be a fair punishment as they can never ruin another player's game again but can still play on their (possibly favorite) serverfaith their friends.

1. In that case I think the ban is more closely related to a ban in game without evidence and would use the same staff member to deal with the appeal. I don't see how this would apply to random reports.

Sentinel Appeals: That's awesome but I think it would also be nice if other staff members than CrazyManJr could handle the "2nd Appeals" through the forums.

I don't quite get what you mean by punishments staying private. With the system I suggested it would be as private as the current punishments with only the appeals website being the way to see if a player has a punishment. Could you explain please?


Forum Professional
Mar 13, 2015
Beyond time and space
You can't really ban a player for a week to a month for teaming
Oh hell you can IMO.
If they continue teaming even after getting banned 3 times, they should be banned for a week or month for teaming. It's not just teaming anymore, it's continuing already punished behavior anyway despite the consequences.
They fully deserve it.


Forum Expert
Jul 24, 2015
a place where everything you touch turns to gold.
Sentinel scares the heck out of me with all the people I know have been false banned from it and have had falsely denied appeals. Shortly after sentinel came out I started using a background recorder in case I saw anyone get false banned in front of me or if I were to get false banned myself. The scariest part of all about sentinel for me though is (not to be rude to the man himself) is that almost all the appeals for it are being handled by someone who is not a well known Community member and isn't even a well known PvPer. To me that seems like giving moderator to one of those random people who come on the forums and ask for mod/admin. I'm sorry if that did come out as a bit rude but that is truly how I feel about sentinel.

This. I made a thread about this, but it was locked without reason, because "Sentinel does "rarely" ban innocent people."
It's a scary thing for sure.

Not everyone may think this but I really feel like the targgeted chat offense punishment is way too harsh in many situations. 1 month fits for a DDOS threat but for someone just getting a little salty at block game or someone just joking with a friend by telling them to kill themselves over the Internet isn't nearly as bad. First off I think the player who is being targeted should be the one to report the person for targeted chat offense to make the other player recieve the full month long mute and beyond. This would stop people who are just joking with their friends from being muted for a month from a report by some guy who's looking to increase their "players punished" number or someone who didn't understand it as a joke at all. Personally I don't want people who get salty and tell me to kill myself or something in chat to be muted for a month by some random person who saw them say it. Also I think there should be an additional 3 month long stage added so a player can't be muted permenantly for saying 3 letters in chat when they are a bit salty.
I strongly disagree with this. In my honest opinion, kys and death threats should be punished with a BAN. I don't think we want these idiots in the server, muted or not.
Also, remember that targetted chat offences are not only death threats and DDOS threats, but basically any way of insulting a player. If somebody tells you you're a p**sy, it counts as a targeted chat offence, and doesn't require any warnings.

I agree with the rest of your post though.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2016
This has to be a joke post, then again you have a point, it's not really a death threat.. but I think what they mean is that if the person listens to that advice then their life is being threatened, if that makes any sense whatsoever
But if the threat requires the person being threatened to carry out the action, is it really that threatening?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2016
1. I can agree with you for most hackers but I'm not sure if the same applies to the som clickers who team in solo because they wouldn't win otherwise.

3. I understand his but "cheating" is a little open ended and can mean a ton of things. A simple hacking or using autoclicker would assist the appealer a ton more. I don't think client devs would get much help from this. :3

4. A three day ban might not even be enough as soem people I have reported like https://appeals.cubecraft.net/find_appeals/Sukitarouhave already teamed 3 times and I wouldn't be surprised if they continue to team today. You can't really ban a player for a week to a month for teaming but if all you do is take away their ability to play a solo game that seems pretty reasonable and stops them from almost ever ruining another game.

1) Agree.

2) R.I.P. #2, we will always remember you :`c

3) Yes they can. Any information can and will help them make better clients, these people aren't dumb.

4) Why not? If the server wanted it they could perma-ban people first offense for teaming. And I think that people who get caught teaming and don't stop deserve longer bans, like week, month, etc. because they obviously don't care about the rule and knowing the joke of a punishment they are going to recieve, why should they?


Forum Veteran
Oct 2, 2016
Texas, US
I'm not going to go into extreme detail about everything in this thread.

Overall, some great suggestions.
I would like to see most of these get added, as it would make the current system more clear in a way.


Forum Expert
Oct 18, 2015
deep inside my mind...
I only really have an opinion on the "targeted chat offence" part. I understand that some people will joke around with their friend and "insult/swear at" their friend in a joking manner but as you know, not everyone will know it is a joke. Some people have other ways (discord, skype, whatever) to communicate with friends yet they still, for whatever reason, "jokingly" tell their friend to kys or whatever. So whether it's a joke or not, that kind of toxic chat is not needed anywhere. Plus, rules that are set for everyone don't really take into account the players that find the need to "jokingly" swear at another player because they are "friends". Keep that kind of chat to private chats that aren't on the server.
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