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Forum Expert
Jul 3, 2019
Forum Rank system - More Member roles

First of all I would like to say that this was suggested a while back by @xTypical , you can find this thread Here. And if this were to get implemented, his thread should too
And that it is not the same as
This suggestion. There will be more information later in the thread how these two things work separately

The Idea
Currently, every member rank on the forum is displayed as "Member". Staff Members can change them to anything they want. This suggestion is about adding a forum rank system based on trophy points. After a set amount of trophy points you get the next rank. See the down below for the reward system I came up with. There are a total of 704 trophy points on the forums, so I distributed them what I think is fair. Once obtained you cannot choose any previous tags. The higest role you can have is what you get. This is to prevent making it too complicated, and it prevents people from looking "less active". (An example is that someone with 400 Trophy points selects the New Member role).
New Member​
0 Trophy points​
30 Trophy points​
Active Member​
75 Trophy points​
Well-Known Member​
150 Trophy points​
Dedicated Member​
250 Trophy points​
Forum Expert​
400 Trophy points​
Forum Veteran​
550 Trophy points​
Forum Professional​
704 Trophy points​

How the forum ranks are called is open for debate, and at which Trophy points you get them. I just made made this so you get an general idea.​

How will it look like?

If you hit 75 Trophy points or higher you will get the Active Member role. This role just simply replaces you existing role, in this case Member.

(Credit for Typical for making this image, im just lazy lol)

Won't this interfere with the planned Minecraft ranks?
No, not at all! These are 2 sepperate things. If you look at Gemmmmie, you can see that they have the name "Moderator Slushy", and below staff ranks. It also shows that this is possible. It may look messy. but to me it isn't really a problem if a staff member changes their rank. So why should it be with normal members.


Other information
Why Trophy points? It gives the trophy points more of a value. Right now Trophy points are just a flex. This would make them much more rewarding.
Why not based on messages or likes? Because if it is based on that it provokes message and like farming. trophy points are a balance between likes and messages, since you need to achieve them both to get Trophy points.

you can use the agree :agree: , unsure :unsure: and disagree :disagree: to vote for this suggestion.
Let me know what you think about this suggestion

Ps. I made this at 1 am. if u find any errors, I'm innocent
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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2020
I really do like this suggestion. but I see that people with 0 - 30 trophy points will be marked as 'new member'. I think it's better to just start as a 'Member' instead since some people do have their forums account for a while but don't use it that often to make Threads or anything. But for the rest, I think this is a great idea and I would love to see this in the future! :D


Dedicated Member
Feb 29, 2020
I don't like the idea of introducing a rank system like this because I feel like all it would do is make the tryhards try even harder to get more reaction score and messages and such. I like the idea of giving trophy points more of a value but I don't think this should be the way.

I feel like promoting forum farming like this would be unhealthy for the community.


Dedicated Member
Aug 27, 2017
The Netherlands
I don't really feel like these sort of titles are needed as you can click on someone's trophy points to see their trophies, and I feel that kind of already is something to show off.
Right now Trophy points are just a flex. This would make them much more rewarding.
This would make it more of a competition instead of it being 'rewarding' like you said. I feel like the majority would probably want to get the highest title. Obtaining trophies already feels quite rewarding on its own to be fully honest, at least for me! Just seeing a message in your notifications saying: "Hey! you just got this random trophy" makes me already feel rewarded in a way.
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Forum Expert
Feb 4, 2020
The Netherlands
I love your suggestion. This would make a forum profile much more interesting.

This would make it more of a competition instead of it being 'rewarding' like you said.
I disagree with this. The trophy point will stay the same, and the only thing that will change is your “member” prefix.

It’s kind of the same as VIP levels, but instead of paying for stuff, you need to be active on the forums. I think it’s a great way to motivate people to spend more time here.
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Forum Expert
Jul 14, 2015
The Multiverse
Awesome suggestion. I feel like this would work better than what I suggested before. I still like the idea of forum ranks so I think this will fit perfectly :)
I feel like promoting forum farming like this would be unhealthy for the community.
I'm just confused on how this would promote forum farming? These forum ranks are based on trophy points, which are not easily obtained. For example, take the 'Beloved' trophy. You need a 200% like to post ratio which is not done in a matter of days. To add to that, most trophies require you to have thousands of likes and messages, while still keeping a good like to post ratio for different trophies. Of course, you could say that they could farm messages to get the message trophy's but forum rules would still count if this gets added, so anyone forum farming would still get punished.


Forum Expert
Jul 3, 2019
Some people seem to get the wrong idea here about what I am suggesting. I will try to clear things up for the people who already voted no/unsure or for future readers.

I really do like this suggestion. but I see that people with 0 - 30 trophy points will be marked as 'new member'. I think it's better to just start as a 'Member' instead since some people do have their forums account for a while but don't use it that often to make Threads or anything. But for the rest, I think this is a great idea and I would love to see this in the future! :D
Maybe 30 trophies is a bit too much. I just made this so you get a general idea of how it will look like. It could just be lowered to 4 trophies points. You can get 4 tropie points easily. just post 1 message, get 1 like and change your avatar and boom you got 4 trophies plus a shiny Member tag instead of New Member.
You also tought it was too high because members who aren't active that much would still have the New Member tag. There are currently 5 different anniversary trophies. Which sums up to a total of 75 trophy points. If you have no messages and no likes and never changed your avatar you will get the Member rank after three years. with no efford. usually people will have some messages and likes so I don't think it would be a big problem.

I don't like the idea of introducing a rank system like this because I feel like all it would do is make the tryhards try even harder to get more reaction score and messages and such. I like the idea of giving trophy points more of a value but I don't think this should be the way.

I feel like promoting forum farming like this would be unhealthy for the community.
You don't like this because you think people will like/message farm, and that is understandable. But simply faming likes and messages to get the highest rank is not possible. as of rirght now. Not one person has got all the trophy points, and these people are on the forums for at least 5 years. Some even longer. You don't do this overnight. Most of the trophie points are hard to get too, like Typical said. There are 30 Trophy points and only 7 of those are obtained relativly easy (by posting less then 101 messages and getting less then 101 likes). Also 5 of the trophy points require some time before you can get them like the 4 year and 5 year anniversary trophy. New forums members simply just can't reach the top in 3 months.

I don't really feel like these sort of titles are needed as you can click on someone's trophy points to see their trophies, and I feel that kind of already is something to show off.

This would make it more of a competition instead of it being 'rewarding' like you said. I feel like the majority would probably want to get the highest title. Obtaining trophies already feels quite rewarding on its own to be fully honest, at least for me! Just seeing a message in your notifications saying: "Hey! you just got this random trophy" makes me already feel rewarded in a way.
It would not be a competetion. As explained above you can't get the trophy points 1 2 3 like that. Also like Quis said. it would be like the Bedrock VIP system, once you buy new stuff (Messages and Likes) you get some VIP xp (Trophy points). and once you get enough VIP xp you get a new VIP level (New forum rank). It is not your typical game where you play more to get to the next tier, you just be active on the forums and slowly make your way to the top. Nothing will change expect your title.
Also if you think this will promote more competitivity to the community. But there is already a section in the forums rewarding the people with the most Likes, Messages and Trophy points (plus some other stuff, but that is irrelevant for this matter).

I hope I cleared some things up for you and maybe enough to change your mind :D

(PS this is jsut in the 3 weeks period, if i did my counting correctly)


Novice Member
May 26, 2020
Hagrid's Hut
I really like this suggestion, because this addition will be very motivating for a lot of members. This way, Trophy Points have some more value and it's nice to immeadiately see how active members are.

I really do like this suggestion. but I see that people with 0 - 30 trophy points will be marked as 'new member'. I think it's better to just start as a 'Member' instead since some people do have their forums account for a while but don't use it that often to make Threads or anything.

I agree with Slovy though, I have my account for almost a year and I don't really have a lot of trophy points. It's better to start as 'Member' and work your way up. :)
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Bagel Maker
Jan 30, 2014
Hello dedicated member, MrTommy. Sorry for the wait.

We have discussed this in detail and at first we were skeptical but have decided to give it a go, this is subject to removal depending on how it changes the forums dynamic.

For now you can consider this implemented!

(I also added 'forum god' for people with every single trophy point)
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